Because of course, what the Nationalist Party really needs now is to declare war against lesbians

Published: October 6, 2017 at 2:59pm

In the Great Gay Political War of the last few years, Joseph Muscat and the Labour Party had the support of homosexual men, known collectively as “il-gejss” – though by no means of the sensible ones who don’t turn general elections into single-issue decisions.

But he did not have the general support of homosexual women, otherwise known as “dawk il-leżbjani” – because Muscat triggers women’s alarm bells whatever their sexuality might be. Women are women are women.

Also, no homosexual woman could have failed to notice that the Labour Party’s entire ‘gay’ campaign was centred on men and targeted at them, that Muscat gladly and happily surrounded himself with young gay men and seemed keen to be photographed with them, but he was not so happy to chase after lesbians and use them for decorative or marketing purposes.

In fact, the only lesbian Muscat has ever been knowingly photographed with is Gabi Calleja, about which Muscat had no choice because she led the gay rights lobby. And he never put her on any marketing material.

But now the Nationalist Party is aiming to lose the lesbian vote that doesn’t like Muscat for roughly the same reasons that so many other women don’t, as a consequence of which Muscat has finally woken up to the fact that not all homosexuals are men, and has jumped immediately on the lesbian bandwagon.

Meanwhile, the Nationalist Party, led by a man who thinks that the only purpose of a lesbian is in porn films billed through CC Bill with money flowing into Aequitas Management and Aequitas Legal (Delia’s companies/firms with Georg Sapiano) and who believes that a woman’s place is either in a whore-house (ditto with the money) or pregnant in the kitchen, is now agitating against ‘medical leave’ for women in lesbian relationships who take trips abroad for donor sperm and IVF.

Because that is so much skin off Adrian Delia’s nose, isn’t it?

Gabi Calleja is the only lesbian with whom Joseph Muscat has been knowingly photographed. And I don’t like to say it, but this particular picture is disturbing because they actually look like a couple.