And now for the headline of the week

Published: November 6, 2008 at 1:23am – Headlines – Mon, 03 November 2008


The irresponsible budget must have been terribly pleased.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Sybil says:

    Thanks to the message of courage conveyed to the irresponsible budget, the aforesaid budget is now feeling on top of the world. God bless his little mittens. :)

  2. Moggy says:

    These people have no insight into their problem. Someone, somehow, must tell them that they all need to learn proper English before they can even think of reproducing it on an English language e-paper. As it is, is fast becoming excellent “spot the boo boo” material for those who want a little bit of a laugh.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Even translated word by word into Maltese, it still doesn’t make sense. In fact it makes no sense at all in any language spoken on this planet.

  4. eve says:

    How considerate of dear Joseph! To spare a thought to the irresponsible budget. Imn’Alla it was Joseph ta coz now the budget can rest in peace after receiving such a message of courage!

  5. Amanda Mallia says:

    Kemm jifilhu jkunu injoranti?

  6. Darren Azzopardi says:

    Sub-editors’ mistake people, lets not read too much into this please

  7. Chris B says:

    Vera Qxur tal Gambli, lanqas jitkellmu ma jafu !!

  8. Amanda Mallia says:

    Darren Azzopardi – I think you mean “misprint”. (Forsi is-sub-editor ghandu d-DNA hazina.)

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