Why divorce is bad – it inflicts two rival 'manifestations' on the country

Published: November 6, 2008 at 5:16pm

The Times, Thursday, 6th November 2008 – 15:58CET
GWU to call ‘national manifestation’ over the budget, tariffs

The GWU will hold a national manifestation to protest over the budget and the utility bills today week, GWU general secretary Tony Zarb said today……..
The MLP will also hold a manifestation, over the utility tariffs, this Sunday.

11 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I’m sorry, I can’t attend both. I’ve run out of “courage”.

  2. Drew says:

    Is this some kind of sick joke? Why don’t they just join Joseph on Sunday?

  3. Corinne Vella says:

    That’s on Thursday but first there’s a rally for members on Tuesday.

    Something tells me there’ll be a lot of sick leave taken in the coming week.

  4. Corinne Vella says:

    Drew: Because they’re divorced now.

  5. Darren Azzopardi says:

    what a bunch of t****rs! Can’t they even coordinate?

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    My manifestation is bigger thEn yours.

  7. Kev says:

    How I miss those Tony Zarb manifestations, beating on my red drums, waving my tettered CiGiElleCisleUil flag and shouting at the top of my voice, “Adesso basta!”

    Dose wear the daze.

  8. david farrugia says:

    It’s a plan guys. In public they will try to act separately However in private they share the same bed. They are using the adverse circumstances to try to double their share in the media. Joseph will also be on Bondi plus next week.

  9. Hehehe says:

    @Edward Farrugia “However in private they share the same bed.”

    I wonder what combination that would be. Maybe Tony would just be the mattress.

  10. Paul says:

    Hey guys,the reds are going to be busy this weekend.

    [Daphne – The Maltova festival is actually on Thursday.]

  11. Kieli says:

    It’s all so tedious. The thing is that the union guys feel compelled to complain so as to justify the salary being paid to them by their members. Also, they all get their five minutes of fame when they’re chased to participate in media debates – and agreeing with any of the budget decisions is certainly not on in that scenario.

    It is the same old thing that happens year in year out. The opposition fans it for all its worth in the hope of drawing in another vote or two. Come il-festa tal’kuncizzjoini ta’Bormla, all this starts to be forgotten. Then the demos get their December bonus and resume much the same spending patterns.

    The problem with all this fanfare is that we have no real problem to really worry about.

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