European Commission warns of "massive refugee crisis" but then doesn't act to avoid it

Published: March 17, 2011 at 3:32pm

Kristalina Georgieva

The European Commission said it is bracing itself for a “massive refugee crisis”. Strange, then, that it shows little willingness to cooperate in backing up Britain’s sensible suggestion of acting to ensure that the problem doesn’t happen.

This afternoon, the EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid, Kristalina Georgieva, said: “We pray for the best but we must be prepared for the worst, a massive flight of refugees and victims.”

With Gaddafi’s forces at the gates of Benghazi and the situation ‘on the ground’ deteriorating rapidly, Libyan families are fleeing, she said.

“We are facing the first symptons of a potential bigger refugee problem of people with no home to go to.”

The problem is exacerbated by that of migrant workers left stranded in Libya, with no way of getting back home.

“It has become clear that Benghazi is under threat,” Ms Georgieva said, leading to the suspicion that she has been half asleep for the last few days. “We’re prepared to bring assistance up to the next level.”

She urged Egypt “to be helpful to those crossing the Egyptian border and improve conditions there.”

6 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio2011 says:

    We have to promote Liam Fox to EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid.

    Kristalina Georgieva can replace John Dalli when he resigns to resume his business in Libya. He is going to be a privileged trading partner of Gaddafi after his remarks that were “misinterpreted” by the European press as favouring the dictator.

  2. Antoine Vella says:

    They are doing something to avoid it; praying for the best. Perhaps we should tell them about the magic shoelace too.

  3. Alan says:

    The main reason countries do not want to get involved in this matter (and are thus pussy-footing to an unbelievable degree), is simply that nobody has any money to afford another Iraq or Afghanistan, with all the years-on-end lingering effects those conflicts entail to this day.

    I’m not saying this is right, the correct attitude, or anything of the sort. Heaven forbid.

    I just think it’s the crude reality.

  4. Cannot_Resist_Anymore says:

    L-Akbar Zib Frans Sammut speaketh again on – ‘we can keep the refugees for a while and then send them back no matter which side wins’.

  5. Reporter says:

    The European Union is a toothless lion.

  6. TROY says:

    The ‘Sunset Limited’ all talk, no action.

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