So much for "we will die in Libya"
May 18, 2011 at 9:53pm
The news wires are reporting that Muammar Gaddafi’s wife Safia and their daughter Aisha have been in Tunisia for some days. They quote an unnamed security source who said they arrived there with a ‘Libyan delegation’.
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Even the eldest of his sons, Muhamed, is reported to be there.
Ribelli: “Vogliamo rappresentare la Libia all’Opec”
Lo ha detto il portavoce del Consiglio nazionale di transizione (nella foto il capo dei ribelli Jalil): “Non sappiamo se l’Opec ci inviterà ma studieremo le procedure legali”. Allarme Onu sugli aiuti: ne hanno bisogno almeno 2,1 milioni di persone.
Il figlio di Gheddafi in Tunisia
Mohammad Muammar Gheddafi, 41 anni, si troverebbe sull’isola di Djerba. Secondo il quotidiano panarabo Al-Quds Al-Arabi, l’uomo sarebbe in un hotel di lusso, dove verrebbe sottoposto a cure mediche non specificate.
When Gaddafi heard that Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici is encouraging everyone to return to Tripoli for business as usual, he dispatched his wife, son and daughter to Tunisia.
Absolute raving lunatics have a way of understanding each other, or so it seems.
Not exactly, Anthony. It is Gaddafi’s wife and daughter who ignored KMB completely and left like rats from a sinking ship. Thank God and our own intelligence that we too as a country ignored iz-Zero when we were given the chance.
I think the least said about KMB, the better – otherwise we shall be seriously lacking in charity.