June 4, 2011 at 9:43pm
I thought it opportune to remind the Nationalist Party that, when in Opposition in the 1980s, it published a newspaper by that very name, mocking the way the autocratic Labour government justified every anti-democratic move or policy with the words:
And now, now, now – what have we here?
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I really cannot understand this pathological fixation that every MP has to vote yes! This has now become an obsession following the euphoria of the referendum.
There are MPs who had declared they were going to vote against the legislation irrespective of the referendum result. Everyone knew that so I cannot see why there is all this fuss! As long as the legislation passes it does not matter one iota how many MP’s vote in favour, against or abstain.
The extent and content of the legislation is not related to the number of Ayes!
Yes, Joe Galea. Having experienced decades under a semi-dictatorship, for some of us democracy is an obsession.
“The community is a fictitious body, composed of the individual persons who are considered as constituting as it were its members.The interest of the community then, Bentley is what? The sum of the interests of the several members who compose it.”
Bentham, Jeremy
An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, Ch.1.
Agreed with the title and fed up of the hypocrisy of politicians – what are they trying to do, destroy Malta?
Can’t they even THINK FOR THEMSELVES and vote according to their consciences instead of according to what the “Maltese” have voted or what their head of party is saying?
[Daphne – I see you have taken the title of this post literally.]
kulhadd li jaqbillu jghid u allura iva, “i have taken this post literally” – jekk il-gurnalisti juzaw, jdawru u jinterpretaw kollox kif iridu mhux anki l-qarrejja jistghu jaghmlu hekk? ;-) Il-Mulej ibierkek :-)