You've got to be smart to be Labour

Published: June 30, 2011 at 11:21am

Over on the Labour fan pages and Facebook walls of lanzit-ridden hodor, the word is that Joseph and Michelle have to shop at Primark, jahasra, ghax ma hadux iz-zieda ta’ hames mitt ewro.

Smart thinking, eh? So Joseph and Michelle (jahasra, msieken, etc etc) can afford a holiday in London but they can’t afford to shop anywhere other than Primark.

How the Labour fan pages squared that particular circle is anyone’s guess, but then I’ve always said you’ve got to be really smart to vote Labour.

Of course, they might know something I don’t: that he set up that meeting with Ed Miliband to be able to pass off their holiday as official business, getting the Labour Party to pay for it. And their Air Malta tickets were free.

Now here’s something they don’t know because they’re cut off from contemporary culture and read only each other’s Facebook pages in between watching Super One: it’s chic (and fun) to shop at Primark because it’s super-fashionable to be thrifty in these straitened times.

But if you are the soon-to-be prime minister, even of a microstate, you look bloody ridiculous doing it.

13 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio2011 says:

    In one of those Partit tal-Lanzit websites, they took the articles about Primark and the Mara ta’ Success from the Rabat government housing estate so seriously to the point that I thought to myself: Is it Joseph Muscat himself writing this?

  2. maryanne says:

    “Opposition leader Joseph Muscat is in Brussels for a meeting of socialist party leaders, the Labour Party said.

    He will later go to London for meetings with the Maltese community and with UK politicians”…/joseph-muscat-in-brussels-london-meeting

    He is cunning enough to get the Labour Party to pay for his trip. He sort of came back from Brussels via London. I wouldn’t know about her ticket, though. Did she also go to Brussels?

    [Daphne – Yes.]

  3. Issa Daqshekk! says:

    Hekk sew, Joseph taghna jiehu ‘l-mara mieghu dawra u mbghad ghax-xiri bl-irhis. Qisni qed naghmlu naqa’ qammiel, u dejjem irrekken u jrid.

    Karozza tas-second hand ta’ l-Ingilterra b’irhis; wahda ghalih u l-ohra ghal-mara, u jrid id-dazju taghhom lura.

    Halliena nistennewh sajf shih biex isir Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni sa kemm ikun intitulat ghal-pensjoni ta’ Membru Parlamentari Ewropew.

    It-tieni honeymoon mal-mara sa l-Awstralja bit-tewmin u n-‘nanny’ kollox imhallas, biex ha ritratt ma Gillard. Fakkarni meta Alex mar mal-mara u ma’ Agata Barbara.

    Issa inqabad Londra mal-mara jixtru il-qliezet ta’ taht mal-mara . Xiz-zikkula marret taghmel mieghu?

    U Jason il-fiera jara jdahhalx xi Laburist bhali mar-Red Touch Fone!

    Ahna nigbru u hu jigri mal-mara minn fuq dahar il-partit!

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Issa Daqshekk:

      Insejt il-vjagg b’xejn bil-private jet ta’ Muammar f’Awissu 2010, dak li issa ghandu international arrest warrant mahrug mill-ICC.

      U immedjatament wara, lejn l-ahhar t’Awwissu, il-holiday b’xejn fuq l-MSC wara dik iz-zelqa fin-niexef fl-August Moon Ball.

      Mhux “Issa daqshekk” imma “Issa zzejjed.”

  4. liberal says:

    If he is broke, how did he get a hair transplant?

  5. A Grech says:

    Daphne, could it be that Joseph is not a waster like some of the NPers and it’s a good sign that he’ll be careful with our money when he’s our PM?

    [Daphne – No. He doesn’t appear to be careful with money at all. He hasn’t even had to work for what he has, which is always a bad start.]

    • Not Tonight says:

      If he’s a ‘qammiel’ with himself and his wife, it does not augur well for us at all. Mintoff was another ‘qammiel u xahhieh tal-prima klassi’ and that’s how he ran the country, sporadically handing out a bit of ‘cejca’ for us to grovel for but mostly leaving us to do without. However poor the quality, it was ‘good enough for us’.

      Honestly, some people need to travel back in time for a while and relive a month of deprivation before they condemn us all to a repeat.

      • John Schembri says:

        He’s like the old man, he bought two second hand cars. Don’t expect him to do otherwise when it comes to Malta’s infrastructure.

  6. Dee says:

    The lanzit, hdura, bigotry , inferiority complex, ghira tal-klassi, and plain ignorance manifested online by the Labour elves pale in significance to what gets insinuated on ONE radio station by certain presenters and phone-in callers on a daily basis 24/7 even during the live night radio programmes.

    Ever tuned in to the programme hosted by the anti-Semitic anti-American Mario Tabone Vassallo, the rabid Mintoffjana Maria Camilleri, the pulita Pauline Miceli, the sly Varist, the repulsive Cuschieri, the occasional Laiviera and such like?

    Provare per credere.

  7. Ellie says:

    You do have to smart to be Labour it seems, as Julia Farrugia (who is back from her honeymoon in Madagascar) aptly points out in this “news” item in MaltaToday. Mark Farrugia (Joseph Muscat’s PA and soon-to-be Head of One News) boasts an excellent CV, university qualifications and all, including “an excellent memory for political quotes and soundbites etc..”

    And he has been a “journalist” with the Labour party media since the 1980s. My, my now that’s something to be proud of.

    And so Muscat will be looking for a new PA soon and we’re told they’ll have to be “Labour since birth”. That’s the partit tal-progressivi, moderni, LGBT etc… for you. I’m only interested in you as long as you give me your vote in 2013. The pjeciri and best jobs are reserved for the lejburisti minn ta zmien is-suldati ta l-azzar.

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