A pertinent comment

Published: July 28, 2011 at 3:55pm

Posted by Maryanne on this site

Note that the journalists asked Joseph Muscat if Cyrus Engerer had told him about the ongoing investigation. I wish somebody would ask Muscat: Were you aware of the pending charges against Cyrus? That is a completely different question.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Paul V Xuereb says:

    I really want to know how much access and security clearance an opposition leader has in Malta. That answer I think will illuminate a lot of things for both parties and all the Maltese voters.

    [Daphne – What do you mean by access and security clearance?]

    • Paul V Xuereb says:

      I mean how much access to state information and state agency information does he have. I am pretty sure the Gonzi as the prime minister has clearance to access any information in any government agency if he so wanted to. Does an opposition leader have the same access to state information and state agency information like police documents?

      [Daphne – The prime minister has no access to police documents. Nor does anyone else in his cabinet, including the minister responsible for the police. There is clear separation of powers which nowadays everyone is very fussy and strict about, thank heavens. When there is abuse, you will generally find that it is a police officer acting in an unofficial capacity to serve interests other than those of the police force or justice. I would say that the main (unspoken) purpose of the formal inquiry into how the police acted in these two cases (Cyrus and his father) is to discover more about this aspect. I think we should all be clear about the fact – when we speak – that neither man has been framed and that we are not saying that they shouldn’t be subject to due process for what they are alleged to have done. It is only the timing that is interesting, and I eagerly await the results, most specifically, of the inquiry board’s findings about the terribly well-timed tip-off which Labour-voting inspector Neil Harrison, who had a prolonged relationship with Miriam Dalli of Super One before they both married other people, says he received about Chris Engerer. There is going to have to be proof of this tip-off or too many valid questions will be raised.]

      • Paul V Xuereb says:

        HEMMM, so the next question would be what are the party affiliations of the people in the police force that held the case back and the ones that jump started this case now? what was their motivation? and do they have capacity to act in this matter?

        [Daphne – There was no delay in the father’s case. He was searched, arrested and charged AFTER his son resigned and went to Labour. That’s why the political affiliation of the inspector who claims he received a tip-off is salient information. While there might have been nothing untoward, and the tip-off claim genuine, it is still one line of investigation that the inquiry board cannot avoid if there is to be clarity.

        As for the son’s case, when asking why it was kick-started now, you’d be better off looking at the political affiliation of the complainant’s lawyers, rather than the political affiliation of the prosecuting officer. That line of investigation is likely to be explored by the inquiry board too, which would be one of the main reasons Joseph Muscat is trying to sabotage it or Plan B, have a ‘trusted’ man on the board. Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the ‘kwerela’ system. This is when a member of the public makes a formal request to the police to take action on his behalf against somebody who he says has harmed him. Lawyers are a crucial part of the follow-up process. When Super One man Charlon Gouder filed a ‘kwerela’ against me – at the Valletta Police Station (like Marvic Camilleri did), through lawyers Vince Micallef and Andy Ellul (who are acting for Marvic Camilleri), they were instrumental in kicking it through.]

      • Zachary Stewart says:

        I think that the “police officer acting in an unofficial capacity to serve interests other than those of the police force” is the likeliest scenario.

      • Paul V Xuereb says:

        This whole story in unearthing the true workings of our system, perhaps for a good reason because they need to be reformed.

  2. ciccio2011 says:

    Am I right in saying that, in other words, someone other than Cyrus Engerer could have told Joseph Muscat about the charges against Cyrus Engerer?

    [Daphne – That is the point. Cyrus couldn’t have told him because he didn’t know. He could have told him, though, about the investigation and what he is supposed to have done with those photographs. But he didn’t.]

    Of course, every answer depends on the question, so well spotted Maryanne.

  3. Pepe` says:

    Joseph Muscat’s answer to the question was :”Is-suggett ma giex ittrattat waqt dik il-laqgha”.

    Ifhimha kif trid.

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