
Published: August 8, 2011 at 8:33am

I guess they got bored waiting for the bus to turn up

45 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio2011 says:

    Madaffaker. Service on a 121 basis.

  2. Interested Bystander says:

    Fosher Mocker.

  3. cat says:

    It seems that the bus stops are given a name as if they were baptised. In Qormi we have the silly indications of “Zwiemel” and “Qaddisin”.

  4. Kenneth Cassar says:

    What does madaffa mean?

  5. dery says:

    Daphne, I can see the ‘hehe’ factor but are you going to turn your blog into another ONLY IN MALTA website?

    These sort of pictures are what bored people send to each other. When you have nothing to share give us links to something interesting that you are reading on the internet. I often send my friends links to stories from all over the world and they have got (or gotten) used to my eclectic reading habits.

    [Daphne – Dery, trust me to run this site the way I think it should be run. I’m not doing too badly. If you want an intellectual poseur, there are plenty to cater for your needs. ]

    • Dery, you are boring. Get a life!

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Dery, we are in the middle of August. It’s time to relax a bit.

    • I agree says:

      I agree 100% with Dery. Daphne…really…You cannot judge whether you yourself are doing a good job running this site. Would you ask students to grade their own papers? No. At least I should hope not.

      [Daphne – ]

      • dery says:

        Ahh alexa that wonderful thing that tells us that one of the most visited sites by Maltese people is something called jasmine or other and you come several places behind that. If you want to judge how well you are doing in life with alexa it is up to you.

        [Daphne – Dery, the only definition of a website’s success is its traffic. The only one. With newspapers it’s readership and with television it’s audience figures. As for books, there’s a pretty good passage in Somerset Maugham’s Cakes and Ale, about how, when history chooses which ‘books of their time’ to remember, it chooses from among the best-sellers of the time, however indifferent the work, and not from among the great works that dropped stillborn from the press. Jasmine is right there at the top because it’s good and successful: a good and successful porn site. You and I might not be keen on porn (maybe you are, I don’t know) but that doesn’t mean there are no good or bad porn sites. There clearly are, and porn fans know how to choose them even if we don’t.]

        Obviously you will not publish this comment as you have not done with many others of mine.

        Trust me, you are not the best judge of what you are doing.

        [Daphne – Maybe not the best, but – reluctance to boast and a tendency to hide one’s light under a bushel aside – certainly one of the best. I’m not just a writer, remember. I’m a communications consultant. The reason why this blog is so successful is not because I can write, but because I’m a professional communicator – and that doesn’t mean the writing, either.]

        Neither are a dozen or so arse lickers and a thousand people who click into your site in the same way that flies flock to carrion.

        [Daphne – It’s actually tens of thousands a day and you’re one of them. So I wouldn’t get too uptight and Miss Nancy about it.]

        Believe me just because they want to see what you have written does not mean that they like what you have written or that they even like you.

        [Daphne – Dery, please. There’s a rising note of hysteria in your tone. This is not a fan-site or a Facebook wall. I do not write this blog for people to like me or to round up votes. I am not selling anything and I am a 46-year-old woman with a great big adult life and responsibilities, not a 17-year-old at Sliema Pitch. Yes, people do read what I write because they like it. They might not agree with it – that’s different entirely – but they like it and that’s why they read it. If they didn’t like it, then they wouldn’t read it. I don’t read anything I don’t like, and that includes things that bore me, irritate me, fail to entertain me or disgust me.]

        If this blog is your way of attracting attention to yourself (since you say that it is a pastime and there is no profit ) then you should see a psychologist, just as you suggested that I do when I told you that most men are attracted to luscious and shapely girls/ women who may be younger than 18 years of age.

        [Daphne – Yes, that does seem to preoccupy you rather a lot. In reality, most men – and at my age I assume I know and have known rather more men than you do – are attracted to very, very few women, and when they finally fall head over heels it’s with the most unexpected person and others will react with astonishment. The young men who feel obliged to make Phwoar remarks about obviously sexy young women will, and trust me on this one, still be making those same remarks at 40, 50 and 60 when they have long ceased to be bachelors and haven’t noticed that they’ve become sad losers on the sex-and-love front. And they do it to make up for what are often serious shortcomings in their personality or Manu Maltes bits. I think it should be obvious to any straight-thinking person that the last thing I need is more attention. I have been in the limelight since the age of 25, am recognised everywhere I go and even the vegetable man calls me Daphne. It’s the main reason I never accept any invitation to appear on television and rarely go out in public.]

        When your articles are good they are very good. But when they are bad…

        [Daphne – ….they are wicked, and people love them even more.]

        Stick to arguments, not people or idiotic things. You are very good at the arguing logically. Stick to that.

        [Daphne – I appreciate the advice, dery, which is why I’m replying. But I’ve been at the top of my game for 21 years and counting, and luck and coincidence have nothing to do with it. So don’t worry about me, because I’m not drowning. I’m waving.]

      • John H says:

        Actually, to correct you slightly. Livejasmin (and Uniblue) pop up before you despite being completely unknown to people, due to the fact that they are ad-pages. You go on a less trustworthy site, and something like it pops up, without you visiting it or not.

        Livejasmin happens to be of the depravity sort, a la adult-friend-finder. Uniblue is antiviruses and firewalls.

    • It’s her website, she can write what she wants to, she can write what she wants to, she can write what she wants to …
      you would write too if it happened to you!

      (Apologies to Leslie Gore and whoever wrote that song)

      • dery says:

        I see that you left out a bit of my comment. Doesn’t matter – I have got used to that with you. I know that you are very good at arguing in writing and really I would hire you if I wanted someone to do this sort of thing for me. So I will never say that you are not good at what you do.

        I do not agree with you when you say that the ONLY measure of a website’s success is the number of hits. This is because it depends what a particular website tries to achieve.

        [Daphne – Dery, I enjoy these debates but sometimes I find them tiring. I really, really cannot stand the way that your typical Maltese person does not acknowledge the fact that his or her opinion is not equally valid to that of a professional in the field. It is a mentality that Xarabank has celebrated with the most spectacular success. You and I are not equals in this discussion. This is my world, the world in which I work and make my living, and it is not yours. Therefore, I know what I’m talking about and you don’t. I do not hector doctors about medicine or claim superior knowledge about genetics to people who work in researching the human genome. While I will happily argue and debate with my peers about the media and communications, I feel more than a little odd doing the same with you.]

        A foreign colleague tells me that her company’s website gets a few dozen hits a week, but it is extremely specialised and what matters to her is what people do after they enter the website.

        [Daphne – An example of what I spoke about above: the main clue being ‘foreign’.]

        As a businessman what she is interested in is what people DO after they read what is in her site.

        [Daphne – Dery, ‘she’ can’t be a businessMAN. Secondly, you are confusing apples and pears through lack of knowledge. Sites which sell things (like your friend’s) are assessed differently to sites which don’t sell things (like this one). But always, the more hits, the more success. If your friend is getting X business from a few hits, then it stands to reason that she will get exponentially more business from an increase in hits, though that increase will not be proportionate.]

        The porn site that you and I refer to for example, I presume, wants people to part with some of their money. But what is the purpose of your website? If it is to put across the message that labour should not be elected than number of hits is a good measure of your blog’s success and that is why I sent the original message saying that I could not see the point of posts of yours with swear words written on a bus stop.

        [Daphne – The purpose of my website is to entertain people while entertaining myself. It’s pointless writing unless people read what you write. Also, it got me a whole new readership after 21 years in the game when others have long since faded away. How did I work this out and how did I work out how to do it? Bingo – see above.]

        PS I do not have a preoccupation with under age girls. It is a subject which caught my attention recently because it illustrates how the law can be an ass, the type of Justice minister we are lumbered with and for another reason that I made you aware of in a private message.

        [Daphne – I know, but I think you’ll find the law on statutory rape is the same in every civilised land.]

  6. Reporter says:

    From today’s Times: “The Times asked whether the minister considers this to be a serious failing and, if so, whether he still has faith in his current Chief Justice and Attorney General, who were ultimately responsible for the mistake.”

    I would like to take up the point made by others. The Times asks the Minister whether he has faith in his Chief Justice but The Times does not ask the Minister whether he has faith in the judiciary after they underhandedly spoke to his Shadow about their salaries.

    This is not a mad, mad world. It’s just topsy-turvy.

  7. mark v says:

    In German volksfaker – translation the faker of the people

  8. vaux says:

    Arriva consortium including their local partners Tumas group, and Minister Gatt have to go through this baptism of fire in the organization of transport here in Malta.

    I have been using the new system just to have first hand information.

    I have already done my duty as a commuter and forwarded my views to Arriva’s customer care department. Amongst other issues, the ticketing system for example needs to be urgently addressed.

    Initial problems are complicated by the politicization of the issue. This was too good an opportunity to be lost for the opposition. Some of Labour’s ‘butlers in waiting’ have as usual started blowing loudly their wailing horns to appease their master.

    Then there is the issue of the ‘old regime’, an empire’ that is striking back.

    I have noticed too many tell-tale signs of some employees including Transport Malta ‘laissez faire’ attitude and performance.

    Pristine new vehicles show signs of premature wear and tear both externally and interior. The news item this morning in The Times relating to Arriva’s use of CCTV cameras reveals much more than at first appears.

    • cat says:

      What I can’t understand is why the drivers should deal with ticketing. This is an ancient system, as the previous public transport used to be. The drivers’ only duty should be driving.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Last Saturday I saw a number of Arriva drivers with their arms hanging out the window in the ape-like fashion of the ‘normal’ Maltese driver. In air conditioned vehicles? The infection continues.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        That’s Brand Malta. Get with the times.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Sorry, Baxxter, thought we were ‘upgrading’.

      • cat says:

        The enthusiasm of a month ago when Arriva starting operating is all dying and the drivers are back to the normal habits.

        Regarding airconditioning, I had my own expierence when I caught a bus in St. Julian’s. The British driver had his own fan on (as the apes in the past used to have). I am sure that the airconditioning was on as I could feel it when I got on the bus but opening and closing the bus every five minutes, there is no way that the bus remains cool and fresh in July and August.

      • Interested Bystander says:

        Speaking of upgrades, eighteen months ago I upgraded to Girlfriend 1.0 from Drinking Mates 4.2 which I’d used for years without any trouble.
        However, there are apparently conflicts between these two products and the only solution was to try and run Girlfriend 1.0 with the sound turned off. To make matters worse, Girlfriend 1.0 is also incompatible with several other applications, such as Lads Night Out 3.1, Football 2 and Playboy 6.1.

        Successive versions of Girlfriend proved no better.
        A shareware beta-programme, Party Girl 2.1 which I tried, had many bugs and left a virus in my system, forcing me to shut down completely for several weeks. Eventually I tried to run Girlfriend 1.2 and Girlfriend 1.0 at the same time, only to discover that when these two systems detected each other they caused severe damage to my hardware.

        Sensing a way out, I then upgraded to Fiancée 1.0 only to discover that this product soon had to be upgraded (at great cost) to Wife 1.0, which I reluctantly agreed to because, whilst Wife 1.0 tends to use up all ‘my’
        available resources, it does come bundled with FreeSeex Plus and Cleanhouse 2000.

        Shortly after this upgrade however I then discovered that Wife 1.0 can be very unstable and costly to run. For example, any mistakes I made were automatically stored in Wife 1.0’s memory and could not be deleted. They then resurfaced months later when I had forgot about them. Wife 1.0 also has an automatic Diary Explorer and E-mail porn filter, and can, without warning, launch Photostrop and Whingezip! These latter products have no help files and I have to try and guess what the problem is myself. Additional costly problems are that Wife 1.0 needs updating regularly, requiring Shoe Shop Browser for new attachments and also Hairstyle Express which needs to be reinstalled every other week.

        Wife 1.0 also spawns unwelcome child processes that also drains my resources.
        It also conflicted with some of the new games I wanted to try, stating that they are an illegal operation. When Wife 1.0 attaches itself to my Audi TT programme it often crashes or runs the system dry.
        Wife 1.0 also has a rather annoying pop-up called Mother-in-Law, which can’t be turned off.

        Recently I’ve attempted to try Mistress 2000, but there could be problems, a friend has alerted me to the fact that if Wife 1.0 detects the presence of Mistress 2000 it tends to delete all my MS Money files before un-installing itself.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Please make up your own jokes. Don’t just copy stuff from your inbox.

      • Interested Bystander says:

        I’ve had it ten years and still makes me chuckle.

      • john says:

        Judging by his fondling right hand, looks like Ronnie’s attempting an upgrade.

  9. red nose says:


    Even judges look forward and calculate their spineless attitude because even judges might know that there is a good chance of Jose A. Herrera becoming Justice Minister shortly. Judges have tongues too which enable them to lick properly.

  10. (Mosta) Waqqafli ma l-Ewkaristija please!

  11. Someone Maltese needs to go around and correct the ridiculously mistaken and misspelled bus stops.

  12. Karl Flores says:

    I got terminal illness. Getting sick at the Arriva bus depot.

  13. I pity the poor tourist who uses the buses along the Sliema Front. The stop between the Tower and Font Ghadir is called Dud. Where has the Torri stop has been placed?

  14. Brian says:

    Tell you this though….he or she has a vivid imagination.

  15. Ginga says:

    The bus stop signs are big enough to take full names such as Erba’ Qaddisin, Ghar id-Dud, Qui Si Sana, etc.

  16. To the best of my knowledge the ‘sing’ (hyphen) is out of place there because the prefix Haz
    a) is not an “definite” article
    b) is a sort of contraction of “rahal” and therefore should remain unchanged, not assimilated with the first letter of the succeeding word e.g. Hal Dingli, Hal Zebbug ecc…

    Can anyone confirm or negate this?

    [Daphne – You’re right, but that’s how errors of mispronunciation enter the language as errors of spelling. We’re back to arkotta again. Haz-Zabbar is actually Hal Zabbar, but there you go.]

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