Hepi berdej SaNDRo – Toni he lavv ju

Published: August 13, 2011 at 11:51am

Which one of you is coming home with me tonight? Now that I'm liberal, I'll take the one on my left.

Sorry, but I forgot to mention this earlier. Labour deputat mexxej Toni Abela was at Sandro Chetcuti’s Garden of Eden birthday party too.

9 Comments Comment

  1. il-Ginger says:

    Take care how you name these photos. He may take you to court for suggesting that he had sex with that puppet, especially the one with the sex-doll mouth.

  2. anthony says:

    Were Adam and Eve there too ?

  3. Dynamic Dom says:

    Il-Berdej tas-Salvatur ta’ Malta kullhadd nesa li kien fis-sitta t’Awwissu u li ghalaq l-eta’ venerabbli ta’ Hamsa w Disghin sena.
    Ad multos annos u grazzi ta’ kollox perit!

    Isma ma’ kienx hemm ukoll il-perit fil-Gnien tal-Eden, u ma’ tridx tghidilna?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Nista’ nzid birthday greeting jien ukoll?

      Ninety-five years too many, Perit.

    • Delacroixet says:

      Forgotten? The ever redoubtable Julia Farrugia “mexxiet diskussjoni” on Dom Mintoff yesterday, at Melita Gardens.

      The place must have been crawling with Steely-era afficionados and the assorted côtière of laughable Labour law students.

    • Zunzan says:

      Wiehed isienu hazin qalli li Alla ma jridx jiehdu ghax iz-zejt gholi wisq.

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