Mhux jiena, mama! Ta' qabli forsi hadu l-flus minghand Gaddafi, imma jiena le.

Published: August 28, 2011 at 2:15pm

The Sunday Times, today:

The Labour spokesman has also denied that his party received donations from the Gaddafi regime.

“The current administration of the Labour Party can categorically deny that it ever received any donations, and is not informed of any previous donations by the regime to the party.”

I wonder how long it took them to come up with that piece of doublespeak.

Mhux jiena, mama! Iva, hadu l-flus fil-passat imma the current administration it is not informed allavolja hemm Karmenu Vella maghhom. Ha nghidlek, Karm – tridx naghmlu bicca xoghol? I dont esk and you dont tell. Najs one.

As I said earlier, when you’re plain stupid you think everyone else is, too. Anyone who can read and interpret simple English knows exactly what that sentence means:

The Labour Party in the last three years under Joseph Muscat has not received any money from Gaddafi, even though it tried to get some and paid him several visits in Tripoli. But we’re not vouching for the years before 2008, because we can’t, even though the people who can tell us the facts are in the current administration as international secretary and 2013 electoral programme wizard.

You wouldn’t want to buy a used car from these people.

24 Comments Comment

  1. Marc S says:

    Fact is Joseph Muscat never received donations from Gaddafi.

    As an intrepid journalist you should ask how much money has Gaddafi (or his regime) given to the PN for the 2003 referendum and general elections.

    Why else would your great leader Eddie and his shadow Gonzi would have honoured him for Gieh ir-Repubblika.

    Above board my foot!

    [Daphne – Ho ho ho.]

    • Pecksniff says:

      So, according to Marc S, Gaddafi was in favour of Malta joining the EU and he financed the PN’s referendum and election campaigns of 2003.


    • Macduff says:

      You’re an imbecile, Marc S.

      If anything, Gaddafi would have funded the anti-EU membership campaign. It was not in his interest to have his satellite state as a fully-fledged EU member.

      Can you work that out?

    • Tanya says:

      Marc S, int il-vera injorant. Why would Gaddafi have funded the Yes campaign in the EU referendum – because he was mad keen for Malta to join the European Union?

      Int qieghed f’sensik jew le?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      You’re an imbecile among thousands, Marc S.

      Labour policies since the 1960s have always fitted rather too nicely with Libya’s strategic aims. Coincidence? No. Labour love AND Libyan money.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        How about an imbecile among around 200,000?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        It may very well be more. Even rabid hardened Nationalists have been known to prostrate themselves in deference to the great Mintoff’s foreign policy “li ghamel zbalji, imma nehha n-NATO, innegozja mac-Cinizi bladibladibla”.

        It’s the old Muzew instructions drummed into us: Love thy neighbour. Nobody is beyond redemption. Look for the good points in everyone etc etc etc. The Blessed Order of Saint Mary the Meek, trying to run a country.

        That, and fear of the other bogeyman: Libel Law.

    • MaltaRants says:

      Sure, I might have seen Gaddafi waving the EU flag after the referendum results …

      but then stopped celebrating when the PL said that partnership had won the referendum.

  2. mario lanza says:

    These people are really gifted but they hide it well.

  3. John Schembri says:

    Joseph visited the Civil Protection HQ and appealed to the public to make donations to the Libyan people.

    It would be morally right if first the PL gives back the donations it received from Gaddafi.

    “Il-ftit mill-hafna” my foot!

    [Daphne – They’re really going to town, aren’t they? No need for prudence any more. Issa kulhadd ghal mar-rebels, ras.:)))))))))!!!!!!!]

    • La Redoute says:

      He also said that now is the time to help Libyans who are suffering (subtext: because Gaddafi’s off the scene so we can safely say what we like and because we had better suck up to whoever is going to be in charge next and to hell with Libyans).

  4. Min Weber says:

    This morning, before attending Mass, I had to go to confess a terrible sin.

    I kept getting this absurd idea that the PL administration are being honest. I can’t get out of my mind the obnoxious and certainly false idea that the money Gaddafi gave them went directly into their pockets, not into party coffers.

    • John Schembri says:

      I recall when Gaddafi came to the Msida Polytechnic to talk to us students and someone presented him with a well-arranged bouquet of flowers but not before one of the four gun-wielding girl bodyguards destroyed the flower arrangement.

      I still have the Maltese version of the Green Book which was distributed to us then.

      Lorry Sant did not take exception to armed uniformed soldiers back then (1976?) as long as they were not American or British. In neutral Malta we could have Libyan military ships for repairs, or build missile carriers for Soviet Russia in the form of bulk carriers with anti nuclear radiation cabins, but no NATO ship visiting please.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        I checked out those ships in 1996, John. Had a deal set up to sell them to Malaysians as ‘timber carriers’. They even had ice breaker bows to move missiles to and fro above the USSR.

        Was arrested by Sant’s goons, interrogated all night and ended up in prison.

        This was after Sant being in power for only 4 months. Just think of little Joey and his two lefty goon ‘deputies’ in power for five years. The ‘dark days’ cometh.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Oh, forgot to mention that Daphne, through her pressurized column, back then, reminded people of the really ‘dark days’. Was aquitted and walked one month later. Owe her a lot.

      • John Schembri says:

        Timber carriers, that’s the word. They had kilometres of specially (mineral?) insulated cables leading to outlets which could withstand extreme temperatures, my friends in the drawing office tell me.

        One of the ‘timber carriers’ was named Kapitan Gonsharov, if my memory serves me right. Why should one name a timber carrier after a military personality?

        They were built by Marsa Shipbuilding and were never bought by Russia. The deal was in US dollars which depreciated a lot after the agreement was signed by Dom and his commy Soviet counterpart.

        Malta lost millions of liri, and its credibility with that political deal, thanks to Dom’s anti-west policies.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        You interest me deeply, Harry. I may want to have a word with you.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Anytime, Baxxter, but no Cyrus stuff.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Correct, John. I had a deal to sell all six to the Malaysians for 12 million dollars each–72 million in total.

        I even had some shipping friends from Antwerp come over to check them out.

        We were able to tour the ships, very impressive. Unfortunately the deal fell through after I was imprisoned.

        Everyone withdrew from the deal once they realized how scary the ‘new’ government was.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Just shoot me an email whenever you’re available.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Baxxter, I’m at [email protected], don’t know yours.

    • Tanya says:

      You’re not alone there.

  5. Jozef says:

    If they go on like this, we risk Mile End becoming ground zero for an anomaly causing the breakdown of spacetime fabric.


  6. MaltaRants says:

    Quite a few who were in the Labour Party’s administration at the time when the Labour Party DID GET MONEY FROM GADDAFI are still right there.

    Perhaps the reporter at The Times should have followed up on that response by ringing Alex Sceberras Trigona, Karmenu Vella and Joe Grima directly.

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