August 29, 2011 at 11:52am
I can’t stand the way women are treated like idiots in Malta, and I can stand even less the way so many women rush to oblige, even those who should know better, like the ones who ‘starred’ on Super One’s Nisa Ta’ Success (“How do you manage to look after your hair and put on make-up and still hold down a job?”).
Now look at the latest: a competition called L-Omm Idejali, where the women compete on hair, make-up, elegance, pose in swim-suits, have facials and wear Miss World crowns and sashes. See the link I’ve posted below.
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MILFs? or better MILNOTF
More like grannies, I would say.
Don’t try to understand. Some people unfortunately feel fulfilled and useful by taking part in these things.
I feel sad for them, because they do not realise that they are being used and abused.
Lack of education, poor socio-economic conditions, and a myriad of reasons. It is not always their fault. Just let them be.
Humiliating for them. All the more sad because they don’t even realise it.
Oh, the humanity.
What’s that again? Healthy genes?
Have a look at some of the contests organised by Gaffiero:
Miss and Mr Valentine
Miss and Mr Gaffiero Stars
Miss Queen Christmas, Mrs Christmas and Mr Christmas
Miss and Mr Junior Christmas Stars
Miss and Mr Winter Elegance
Miss Queen of the World of the Maltese Islands (?)
and, an absolute gem:
I hear his next contest is ‘Miss Unwed Mother^.
The worst of the lot must be the ones he organises parading little children as mini-adults (with their parents’ consent, if you please).
In all fairness, it was probably just a little bit of fun, although I understand what you mean. The whole putting on make up and holding down a job thing was pretty stupid.
[Daphne – Fun which shores up prejudice is wrong, stupid and ultimately self-defeating. When gay men cavort in feathers and sequins at Gay Pride to call for more respect it has exactly the same effect. When I watch otherwise smart women simper like idiots on television as they are patronised by a thick man (John Bundy) who imagines himself superior because he is a man, even though he is thick and hasn’t done much with his life, I fume. He asked them about their hair, make-up, children and hobbies because a proper conversation is beyond him, and they accepted to put themselves in that situation. Incredible.]
I agree.
A sort of ‘Miss Mother’ competition?
Right now, on One radio, Gorg Vella is discrediting the Gheddafi regime for all that it is worth and minimizing the “special” relationship his MLP had with Gheddafi’s Jemaharija in days gone by when they were blood-brothers.
Malajr gabu id-divorzju dawn……qabel ta’ JPO.
Those photos! Somebody PLEASE gouge my eyes out NOW!
Looks more like ‘Anzjana tas-Sena’ to me.
In any case, an ‘omm ideali’ contest (however condescending and tasteless it really is) should concentrate on their mothering skills (or, I suspect, lack of them).
The best way to do that is by having a good look at how their offspring have turned out, not by how horribly they have manicured their talons or how unnaturally they have dyed their hair.
I have very little faith that a winner will be found amongst them.
“Ideali” not “Idejali”
Do you know why, smart ass?
Oh come on Daphne, go and join them and have some fun!
Love to see you in that jacuzzi with that lot waving at the camera!
This is harmless yet tacky working class or ‘nouveaux riches’ fun.
I feel embarrassed just looking at these photos.
I have seen even worse. This year in Java I saw a fashion parade by made-up children all under 10. I felt angry to see children exploited in such manner and this was in a very religious Muslim country.
Errm … http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20100918/local/maltas-child-models.327425
Make it more challenging at least. How about il-Kunjata Ideali?
[Daphne – Ah, but you’ll need two of those: one for husbands’ mothers and another for wives’ mothers.]
The battle of all mothers?
Hi Daphne. Forgive me for this post but I am going to bring out an old hoary chestnut.
So to use and abuse women this way is O to the Maltese authorities. To take advantage of women and present them in such shameful light is acceptable.
But to put on a play, an internationally acknowledged play like Stitching, that deals with the frustration of women who have lost a child, who become mentally unbalanced because of the guilt and the ordeal, is wrong.
A glamorous affair is OK whereas an intellectual exercise is wrong.
Thanks for putting up with me but I needed to take it off my chest.
You’re becoming a bore.
All contestants come from the southern villages of Malta, where the majority of people vote PL.
1) Gaffiero Ivan
Il-data tal-Miss princess of the Maltese island, Mr king , Mrs beauty of Malta , Ms big and beauty ikonfermata …..21 ta Settembru tkun festa publika . Post bellezza gewwa il-kastell tal-virtu ir-Rabat . Nintaqaw dalwaqt . kull min jixtieq jiehu sehem jibat inbox msg malajr .
2) Gaffiero Ivan
Int mara Miżżewġa jew saparata jew Single Mother ta iktar min 22 sena ? opportunita ghalik , hu sehem fil-konkors popolari Mrs beauty of Malta 2011 -konkors li ha sir il-Gimgha 23 ta Settembru gewwa il-kastell tal-Virtu Rabat . Il-kontestanti ikunu libsien Casual u Elegant dress . Mela jibghat il-dettalji tieghek issa malajr go inbox jew sms 99442469 . Gaffiero productions kumpanija li thossok familja , b’team gdid .
Daffni tikkwalifika. Minn fejn ingibu application form, Ciccio?
What I cannot understand is why the contest is called “L-Omm Ideali” when it seems that the winning place depends on the physical appearance. Aren’t the duties of a mother – or the results – considered in this STUPID competition?
The title is especially cringe-inducing. I mean “Omm ideali”, for ferk’s ache. Ideali as in “passing on good genes”? L-omm li ma jixtieqx ikollok ghax tohrog tixbahha, more like.
Looks like they’re bored with being housewives.
Adrian Buckle is right. Hammallagni, stupidagni and criecer have always been given the green light. When it came to something creatively and intelligently different, like Adrian’s play was, that was questioned.
U le il-contests ta’ Gaffiero m’humiex gravi daqs dawn
Daphne you’re a real spoilsport, ħallihom ħa jiħdu pjaċir imsieken.