Some other bits that were missing from Kurt 'n' Jason's LabourAid video
September 27, 2011 at 8:25pm
Now I’m off to take a break from the World of Chavs and watch that very civilised Mad Men, but before I go, here are the bits that hit the cutting-room floor when Labour recorded its ‘DISGHIN SENA TA’ HIDMA’ BandAid video.
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Did I hear correctly when Tony Zarb referred to Joe Cuschieri as Dokter?
Lol at Dr Michael Falzon’s singing. What is a nice decent man like him doing with that bunch?
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando was on TELEPOPLU on Super One TV tonight, smiling happily and shaking hands with one of the resident clowns, who was dressed in clerical garb and who passed inane remarks about the next general election, including the possibility that JPO will be getting the number 2 of those who gave their No. 1 to Joseph.
Maybe that’s how the PN will win the next election lol.
The last time I heard someone calling out for the support of lions, it was Muammar Gaddafi in a radio broadcast. Before that, it was Labour’s Michael Falzon.
Ara, kev, hemm Sherrin fil-viiidjo ta’ qabel dak ta’ Tony Zarb!
Aqtaghha Daphne. You’re giving me nightmares with each video.
my sentiments exactly – a very bad case of deja vu…
How sweet of Joseph teaching us the lyrics in sign language in the second video. ONE news needs his skills.
Was the meeting in Ta’ Qali organised and addressed by Sharon Ellul Bonici?
This is serious. Where’s the content warning?
We have a new ‘professur tad-demokrazija’.
Since when are permanent secretaries equal to ministers?
“In truth, these government officials assume a role not far removed from that exercised by the British junior ministers. Therefore, it goes without saying that the government of the day is free to nominate technocrats to fill in these important administrative posts.”…/The-best-form-of-governance.386746
All the commotion and still they lost the election.
Oh yes bil-haqq, xtraw il-voti.
What channel do you watch Mad Men on?
[Daphne – Go Stars Tues 9pm. But the series ended last night, and I don’t have any information on whether Go Stars will be transmitting the next one.]
@Ms.DCG, as far as I know, most popular tv series can be watched online or at some convenient time within minutes of being aired. That is how I keep up with my favorite shows (even those aired years ago).
[Daphne – I never watching anything on line. It’s excruciating. I prefer my films in the cinema, too.]
@MsDCG ; Not if you end up like me, dozing half way through and missing out on half the action. What are re-cordable dvds for, anyway?
re. l-iljuni tal-bidla, here’s a little something to take off the taste:
Tiësto – Young Lions