G-R-O-A-N. Can you imagine Fenech Adami or Gonzi doing this?

Published: September 28, 2011 at 11:53pm

23 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Eddie Fenech Adami, never. But Gonzi, maybe. He’s fallen dangerously close to Xarabank standards of communication and has a weakness for “being one of the people”. Hopefully more sober heads (RCC for one) would prevail.

  2. Antoine Vella says:

    The best bit is Joseph Muscat saying, “issa nirranġawlek”. It expresses the very soul of Labour.

    Who said Muscat doesn’t have a policy?

  3. Hibernating From Malta says:

    Words are useless at this stage..

  4. Jozef says:

    Lawrence Gonzi cannot and shouldn’t.
    Lawrence and Kate Gonzi is something else.

    I think she added value in 2008. The keyword was family.

  5. Leonard says:

    Are you sure the PN didn’t find a Joseph Muscat look-alike and put this thing together?

  6. Doreen Il-Galloppin says:

    Being Labour and thoroughly crass, they have no idea that a real priest would have removed his hat upon entering the building, as would any gentleman.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      And real priests have long ditched their hats anyway. What’s with this Maltese love for the basest hamallu characters?

      Is-Sur Gawdenz. KC. The whole cast of Ipokriti (hamming it up as the upper class. Yeah right).

  7. Jozef says:

    He sniggers when Jeffrey is offered the opportunity of joining Labour, thinking his careless boasting about how he would have fried him has been forgotten.

    Brazenly callous.

  8. red nose says:

    Amazing what some people will do for a few euros.

  9. cat says:

    Din x’kummiedja vojta hi?

  10. C Mizzi says:

    Nies tan-nejk.

  11. BuBu says:

    Geez, lighten up people. I think it’s brilliant.

  12. Tinkerman says:

    Utterly disgusting! Is this the new approach to progressive society? Min jitwieled tond ma jmutx kwadru. We really need to take care not to lose what we have gained over the last twenty years.

  13. Matthew says:

    I found Joseph Muscat’s laughter most worrying.

    I cringed throughout the whole thing but Muscat was laughing heartily.

    The fact that he finds this sort of thing genuinely entertaining tells you all you need to know about our future Prime Minister’s intelligence and wisdom.

  14. Paul says:

    l-aqwa “il-konverzaturi” and the snide remarks about “il-kontijiet tad-dawl” – and then he goes on to ride a red Ferrari.

    Ma jifilhux jaqghu izjed ghan-nejk. Amazing.

  15. Riya says:

    Jekk dan ikun ivvutat Prim Ministru ta’ Malta il-poplu Malti vera jkun haqqu faxx basal, ghax froga kbira jkollna u nitilfu dak kollu li gwadanjajna f’dawn l-ahhar snin tad deheb.

  16. cat says:

    B’dawn it-tip ta’ kummiedji Muscat irid ikun vicin il-poplu.

    Kien hemm zmien fejn il-membri ta’ Zoo kienu jihamallaw fuq Net Tv. Issa qeghdin jihammalaw ma’ One. Nahseb li hemm sabu posthom.

  17. Peter Pan says:

    ‘Ma’ min rajtek xebbahtek’ – there’s an expression in English, too: birds of a feather stick together.

  18. vanni says:

    Dik il- Ferrari mhux ta’ dak li jaghti x- xebghat?

  19. Sandro's Ferrari says:

    That Ferrari doesn’t belong to the priest. It belongs to Sandro Chetcuti tal-Labour Business Forum:


  20. xmun says:

    No wonder we are told to wait until election time to know of PL policies. Our next Prime Minister has no time for policy making.

    He is too busy with more important stuff such as video shooting.

    Tghid juzawh dan il-clip waqt il-kampanja elettorali?

  21. charlie mangion Iż-Żubina says:

    Li Jkollok Kap Ta’ Partit Li Jaf Jieħu u Jghamel ĊAJTA, x’Hemm ĦAŻIN ? DIN IĊ-ĊAJTA ŻGUR LI MA’KONTX SA TMUR BIHA ĦDEJN L-EX-MEXXEJ LABURISTA Dom Mintoff, Iva Jien Naqbel Li Tkun Taf Tieħu U Tghamel ĊAJTA…. Ghax LE ???

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