Joseph Muscat: 'I used harsh words and they ignored me'

Published: October 3, 2011 at 12:50pm

'Have you heard? Joseph used harsh words and they ignored him.'

There’s an article on which is packed with the best of Joseph Muscat: ‘Labour calls for investigation of finance minister over chemical incineration’.

1. Joseph Muscat sits on the fence while promising partial pregnancy for all:

He also expressed solidarity with the police force who are calling for the right to join a union: ‘I promise that a Labour government would give all police, soldiers, members of the civil protection and all other disciplinary bodies to right to join a union – with the exception of the right to strike.

2. Throwing a tantrum:

He added he could not understand how an inquiry will not be conducted, ‘despite the harsh words I used’.

3. And, almost as if he believes that energy policy can help propel the new middle class forward because his family moved up in the world by selling fireworks:

We will address social mobility with the economy, education and energy policies.

11 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Oh dear god in heaven. Unionised armed forces.

  2. Marlene's Umbrella says:

    “We will address social mobility with the economy, education and energy policies.”

    Burberry checks and Barolo for all.

  3. Anthony says:

    Since when do the police, the armed forces and the civil protection department constitute disciplinary bodies ?

    I hope this is a gross reporting error.

  4. MaltaRants says:

    Well, if he gets them to join the GWU … under a Labour government they won’t be instructed to strike anyway.

  5. Harry Purdie says:

    Truly immortal words from an all-seeing, all-knowing asshole.

  6. John Schembri says:

    If the police and soldiers are given the right to join a union than it goes without saying that their pension after twenty five years of service should go also.

    I cannot imagine the state of our country if the police or soldiers union calls for a sit-in or work to rule.

  7. Stanley J A Clews says:

    My easiest days at the Dockyard as personnel manager were when the Labour government – in other words, Mintoff – was in control.

    The GWU was on the Management Board and they were toothless and accepted wage freezes and non-payment for overtime.

    Mintoff himself told the Dockyard workers they were a bunch of eunechs.

    That is what would happen if Muscat allows the army and the police force to be unionised.

  8. cat says:

    Kif qrajt dan l-artiklu mill-ewwel indunajt x’ghandu f’mohhu Muscat.

    Fatt maghruf li l-GWU naqsulha hafna membri, jigifieri anke l-income. Specjalment minn meta spiccat id-Drydocks fejn kien hemm l-ikbar numru ta’ membri.

    Nahseb bis-sahha tal-forzi tad-dixxiplina f’union ser jiggarantixxi l-pagi ta’ Tony Zarb u l-ufficcjali l-ohra.

  9. cat says:

    Biex zgur ikollhom income il-GWU anke l-pensjonanti huma mheggha jkunu membri. Ara taghmilx sens.

    Imma l-aqwa li jorganizzaw it-tea parties ghall-pensjonanti u fil-birthday jibghatulhom card.

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