One of the setbacks of being a total chav, son or daughter of chavs, is that you don’t know who people are and can’t make connections.
So you end up thinking that because you don’t know who somebody is, then the person is ‘mysterious’.
I had a bit of this myself when Chav Elve Central spent months tying itself up in knots trying to work out who I am, where I came from and discussing it all as though it’s hugely mysterious and open to speculation.
The most hysterical part was the weeks they spent debating whether I was born in Sliema or Valletta, and contradicting each other with ‘evidence’.
Now they’re at it with the man who asked Nicola Abela Garrett what her name is. Look at this Facebook campaign:
SHARE this photo so that this bully’s identity gets revealed.
So that we can find out who this thug really is.
He’s the person who pressured Nicola Abela Garrett to give him her personal details, and who also gave her a good talk about her insulting his beloved minister.
He also refused to reveal his identity to Nicola.
It was originally thought that he was University staff or official, but afterwards, the University of Malta have categorically denied this.
Share the photo so that everyone knows who this preposterous thug is.
Obviously, they can’t just run along and ask their parents or some friends. So, because the man is mysterious to them, he’s mysterious, full stop, and a thug with it.
I’ll spare them the pain. A less mysteriously elusive person I have yet to meet. His name is Peter Xuereb and we were at sixth form college together. His sister Marina was my university friend and is married to the well-known gynaecologist Donald Felice, and his uncle was the university’s rector for many years.
Some preposterous, bullying thug. I need a patience top-up.
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If she was so proud of her gutsy behaviour, why was she then reluctant to put her signature beneath it?
If Miss Nicola’ Abela FW Garrett would like to know what a real preposterous thug is, all she has to do is to revisit Labour’s history in government.
OK, so
– he looks like a thug
– acts like a thug
– talks like a thug
– asks thugs’ questions
– like thugs, he doesn’t reveal his identity
– and he fiercely defends his master, just like thugs do
Therefore, yes, he’s a THUG, and a fucking wanker too!
[Daphne – You know, Joe, this is what I mean when I say that for me and for thousands of others, every general election is approached like a mass attempt to hold off the approaching peasants with their pitchforks for just a little while longer. The thought of being governed by such ignorance, of having such ignorance celebrated, drives me to despair. I’ve had more than enough in my lifetime, and the thought of any more is just unbearable.]
Ahh, so Elvish is still alive! Praise Glassland.
This is EXACTLY how I feel every five years. I couldn’t have written it better myself.
OK, Daphne, tell them he is Charlie Xuereb’s son. Tell them also that his uncle, a Rhodes Scholar and world authority on the anatomy of the pituitary, was the university rector and his great-uncle, on his mother’s side this time, was MY university rector at the Royal University of Malta.
Tell them also that he cannot be either preposterous or a thug because he is genetically incapable of being either.
I wonder whether they will understand anything.
I am sorry. I left out his grandfather Petrinu, his namesake.
He was Professor of Medicine at the Royal University of Malta.
A pioneer of medical teaching and care in our islands.
Revered and respected by the entire population.
What else do these scoundrels want to know about Peter Xuereb?
Anthony, there’s no need to dig any deeper. We got what you’re trying to say—he’s the black sheep of the family. Yes, unfortunately, every family has one. They must be so ashamed of him.
[Daphne – He isn’t, actually. I love the way you lot comment about people and their families, when you couldn’t possibly know them from Adam.]
Anthony, going by your logic, Raffaele Sollecito should have been acquitted on day one because he’s related to a respected medical professional. The (real) world doesn’t and shouldn’t work like that.
PS. Since when are Maltese Rhodes Scholars revered? ;)
Peter Xuereb wasn’t accused of murder. He asked someone for her name. If she really had ‘gazz’, she could have told him where to put it. She didn’t.
Peter Xuereb a thug? Inquisitive maybe, but a thug?
Then, why didn’t he tell her his name?
Or probably he did and Garrett “didn’t” hear him.
Nahseb qallha “Tini ismek ja q**** ghax intik xebha katina” bhal ma kienu jahmlu in-nies tal-Lorry. U halluna tridux, gejjin bit-Thug. Il-veru ma taghfux min-xiex ghaddejna.
I cannot understand (or maybe I can) how these people do not realise that in every meeting, once you want to put up a question and if you are not publicly well known, you are asked to give your name and affiliation. This is standard practice.
Super One’s news report identified him as a STUDENT.
They all need to get out a bit more.
And I don’t mean Paceville.
No, he was erroneously thought of as being university staff, not a student.
Then the university categorically denied he was not.
Afterwards MaltaToday said he is the chief officer at the Malta IT Agency (MITA) which falls under Austin Gatt’s portfolio.
Then the ministry for IT distanced itself by declaring “Xuereb is not a ministry official”.
Since it is generally held that MaltaToday is unreliable, I’d tend to believe the Ministry over MaltaToday’s reportage i.e. that Xuereb is not an official of the MITA.
That still leaves the question, if he’s not a ministry official with MITA (probably either there’s some other Peter Xuereb, or this particular Peter Xuereb got instantaneously fired like Matthew Bonanno) then who is he?
That is Peter Xuereb and he is not a ministry official because MITA is not a ministry.
You forgot to mention that his brother Karl is a diplomat and was Malta’s Ambassador to China.
Isn’t it strange that nobody recognised him especially since Peter looks like a slightly younger version of Kar?
For a moment I actually thought that the person in the photo was in fact Karl.
Oooh, a thug? Why don’t they build a statue to him in, say, Paola?
Not only was the “bully’s” uncle (George) a Rhodes Scholar and world authority on the anatomy of the pituitary” but he was Mintoff’s desperate choice of a rector at the University of Malta during its darkest hours when Mintoff had reduced our Alma Mater to a shambles shorn of numerous academic courses and a depleted student population.
This chav is suggesting that people like you and Lou Bondi (who used screenshots in his blog) fabricated the conversation between Matt Bonanno and his buddy Nicola Abela Garrett. See: http://garnaw.wordpress.com/2011/10/07/matthew-bonanno-lost-his-job-to-hearsay-quotes-on-the-internet/
When I suggested that you would never do that because you have a reputation to protect that he could only ever *dream* of — unlike him, who is too scared to show his identity, because his only game is to throw mud and hide his hand — he was too chicken to publish my comments.
What he omits to acknowledge is that his ‘heroes’ never denied what they did — clearly because they couldn’t, due to the sheer number of Facebook witnesses that saw their posts. If people choose to be stupid in front of the whole world, they shouldn’t be surprised if this gets noticed. Not everyone is as stupid as they are.
This chav and others like him will always dismiss any evidence which is inconvenient to them — because it is not the truth they are interested in, but their own fabrications.
Well, I guess the company he keeps — people such as Nicola Abela Garrett and Matt Bonanno — suits him. What a prat.
“One of the setbacks of being a total chav, son or daughter of chavs, is that you don’t know who people are and can’t make connections.”
This is Malta. If you or your family don’t know anyone who’s connected, then you can’t be successful. I hope this country is moving to more equal opportunities as all this is very sad and I believe the root of the amount of corruption that exists on this island. I’m sure ”Chavs” can be good gynaecologists and university’s rectors Daphne!
[Daphne – Chavs is a description of behaviour and attitude, Bernard, not of social background. So no, chavs can’t be good university rectors, though some women might be happy to go to a chav gynaecologist. And no, it’s not WHO you know but WHAT you know, starting with how to behave and how to make proper conversation, and all the other things that get you noticed and liked by the right people. Give a working-class girl or boy a set of social skills and they can go anywhere and do anything. But without those social skills, they’re screwed no matter how many university degrees they have. Who cares if you’ve a doctorate in economics, if you talk with food in your mouth and wave your knife in the air? If you can’t talk about anything with anyone, everywhere?]
Oh gosh… a wee bit much. We’ll soon be exposing his blood group & the colour of his underwear on the day. Ok we got the point, he’s not a child of a lesser God. She had it coming. He just asked her her name after all and didn’t smack the daylight out if her. If she was brainy enough she would have sent him to hell and walked off.