Nice one, Coconut – il-vera klassi (pronounced like Lassie)
Steve Jobs dies.
So what does Labour’s Communications Coconut do?
Does he issue a press statement saying how Apple changed the world?
Does he have Joseph Muscat salute his memory?
Does he plan another Labour video with people singing to their iMacs and iPads?
No. He takes that iconic black and white obituary photograph of Steve Jobs in a black turtleneck, with his hand beneath his chin, and he superimposes Lawrence Gonzi’s face on it.
Then he puts the Smart City logo in the bottom left-hand corner and gets to work on the legend STEVE JOBS 1955-2011:
Then he puts it out on Fejsbuk. And the elves crowd in to Like it. Nikita Alamango Lies. Aleks Farrugia Likes. Deemer Camilleri LOOOOOOOL
To think we’re looking at a future chief adviser to government here. Not just a midget, but tacky with it. Well, what can you expect, really.
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This photo makes me sick. How morbid.
For Labour, a Mac is just one of the favourite meals of their Leader.
It’s in such devastatingly bad taste, I don’t really know what to make of this. I was referred to the blog for the commentary on Nicola, and saw this picture. Truly reprehensible.
I hope it’s not characteristic of the man’s other work, or I can’t imagine him having a job within the Labour Party for much longer.
It’s typical of his mindset, if not his actual work (they got the spelling right, this time).
Then you clearly don’t know the Malta Labour Party.
That is the most insensitive, unethical and unprofessional thing I have ever seen in my life. What utter stupidity.
How on Earth can a person who thinks like this get a job in a political party and a post that important?
The world has lost a genius, a visionary, the most professional human being of our generation and they do THAT!
Do they really think they are funny?
Totally agree.
“How on earth did he get such an important post?”
This is the PL you’re talking about. Low standards are part of their brand, hence Maltastar with its poor spelling, atrocious syntax and a hole where its brain should be.
My thoughts exactly. How stupid and insensitive can they get?
They are doing a fine job of exposing their sad, twisted minds, leaving us in a better position to judge the whole group come voting time.
“The world has lost a genius, a visionary, the most professional human being of our generation and they do THAT! ”
Nicely said, Edward.
I’m waiting for them to say that Joseph Muscat will replace him.
Deemer hu xi isem gdid?
Jew dan meta kiber irrealizza kemm ommu u missieru kienu tan n***k li semmewh Redeemer u ghamel ismu Deemer. Issa jekk ikolli tiefel insemmieh Ta’ Pinu.
Irid ikun jismek Pinu biex ibnek isibuh bhala ‘Ta Pinu’, Salv.
How can such a vertically-challenged twerp be such a giant-sized sicko? The guy died yesterday, for chrissakes!
Difficult to fathom, until you consider the equally weird company he keeps.
As an aside, Malta’s employment statistics, published by Eurostats this week, indicated an increase.
He’s supposed to be the interface between the party and the electorate. It’s one of the key roles in any organisation, let alone one based on communication itself.
I’m speechless.
These guys are nuts.
Tosti. Inkoxxenti. baxxi.
If the medium is the message, then the Communications Coconut is in the right place – a moral pygmy and poison dwarf rolled into one unattractive package with atrocious taste, abysmal standards and the opportunistic nature of a hyena. He is the perfect symbol of the PL.
They are however, such a blatant waste of time, space and resources.
We’re stuck with this anomaly of a party, with its spite, gross language, prejudice, condenscending attitude and utter ‘faccia tosta’.
They inhibit politics, dialogue, respect and any democratic participation.
How does one quantify that?
Pity the PN do not make the best out of these howlers.
What is your email address?
[Daphne –]
what with all the requests for your email address why don’t you just add a “contact me” tab or something next to the archives newer older etc …
it bugs me.
apologies, but i couldn’t hold it in any longer :)
[Daphne – Because that way, the only people who email me are those who are motivated enough to ask for my address. There is no reason on earth why I should have a contact me tab, when I am the one uploading the comments and this is the most obvious way to contact me.]
This is just so wrong. It’s in such bad taste, very insensitive and disrespectful. I’m stunned.
I would urge everyone to read this 1985 interview Steve Jobs gave to Playboy magazine. It’s a long one, but his incredible clarity of thought, fearlessness, and purity of motivation shine through. And he was so ahead of his time – he foretold everything that has come to pass, stuff that everyone else missed out on. Calling him a visionary and genius is so much of an understatement.
I didn’t know much about Steve Jobs till the past couple of days. But now I’ve learnt more, I have this incredible sense of admiration and respect for the man. I can’t remember feeling this way about anyone for a long long time – it’s just been non-stop cynicism for as long as I can remember (can you blame me?).
It’s actually quite a relief to finally have someone to look up to.
This dude must really be looking for the FW award. This is the last time i’m letting myself react. I can’t stand these f**king a**holes and would rather not know they must breathe the same air Steve Jobs did.
He might be small but he is a big idiot.
The least he should have done was to paste this link;
Maybe this generation of students understands what real courage is and understands what happens when one does not waste time waiting for a bus.
And we are supposed to laugh? How insensitive.
Could Apple or Mr Jobs family sue these idiots for this obscenity?
Like the bumper sticker says,
“Beam me up, Scotty. There’s no intelligent life down here.”
Pn will remain in Government for the next 20 years, that’s a sure thing…not because they merit this but because to our misfortune PL is just a joke.
Disturbing and disgusting.
I think I just heard the thump of them hitting rock-bottom.
Sickening, sad, bad taste – completely out of touch
Meta ha jieqfu jaqaw ghan-nejk?
What a sick communications exercise. How can they ridicule and politicise the death of a man who was a visionary, a leader and a source of inspiration?
Progressive and moderate indeed.
Maybe subconsciously, they thought of Dr Gonzi because of those qualities.
Imagine we’re in election campaign and this is a Labour billboard….
Ok I’ve said this so many times here that I’m becoming predictable, but, hey, words really fail me.
Lack of respect for Steve Jobs (not that he or anybody who matters in his life could possibly care but still, basic human decency is a must), for Lawrenze Gonzi (again, I’m sure he couldn’t care less but still), and for us poor sods who have to see this horribly-lacking-in-taste Photoshop production.
As I sadly always note: just when I think they can’t sink to lower depths, they prove me wrong again.
[Daphne – The individual promoting it heavily on his Facebook wall is a lawyer called Andre Borg. He has received some comments about his poor judgement, and his response is that the picture and reactions to it divide the progressive liberals who want a new way of thinking and being from the conservatives who are disgusted because their are old-fashioned. Unbelievable. Let’s all talk with food in our mouths now, shall we, and shout across restaurants or knock down old ladies to get past, just to be progressive and liberal.]
By the way, I had the pleasure of seeing The Coconut in the flesh some days ago – and he REALLY does look like a coconut. I had to bury my face in my chest, literally, not to be seen laughing.
The poster is very disrespectful and in very bad taste.
The word “idiot” is not sufficient to define the perpetrator. There must surely be a better word. Intelligent PL members should feel very ill at ease with these sort of persons at the helm of their leadership.
Ara vera jaqaw fil-h**a, skuzi l-espressjoni.
Coconut’s crack at being the Onion. Basla indeed.
Maa X’biza ta’njoranza, nothing else need be said,
Il veru partit tal-HAMALLI – and I challenge any Labour elf to prove otherwise. Disgusting, disrespectful and abominal.
From a Labour government – Domine libera nos.
Had the unfortunate experience of bouncing into this picture while on Facebook. Disgusting and stomach revolting to say the least.
Not only is it in bad taste (like we would expect anything else), but it’s also not original, as I’ve seen something similar with Berlusconi’s face, saying BlowJobs. Bet the Coconut wishes he thought of that one.
Did the brainless twit who belched up such sickening scum seek copyright permission before messing with Steve Jobs’ picture?
You don’t need copyright permission to do a photoshopped parody. However, you do need common decency to know that the photoshopped picture is in very bad taste.
Shame :(