Please, Lord, give me strength. A great deal of it, too.

Published: October 13, 2011 at 1:21pm

One of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s 4,000 Labour-voting Facebook friends, who left school barely literate and stayed that way, has just posted this on his wall:

Doris Balzan
proset hafna ta kollox ,alkemm ma naqbilx mal politica jixraqlekx ma dawn il hodor ta nies .insomma kieku tohrog ma labour zgur nivvotalek,.keep int up.dawk ghira andhom alik specjalment ,ax helu ukoll plus li int ragel attrajenti.

34 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I told you he had a female following. I’ve known healthy, lively, “pert” twenty-somethings go weak at the knees at the mere mention of his name.

    [Daphne – Yes, I tend to forget how exceptionally small Maltese women are, so his being petite (as distinct from stocky, which is OK) wouldn’t be an issue. I’m afraid I could never get past that, and I’m not talking about Jeffrey here but in general and in reference to my younger years when I actually could give a damn. Also, I’ve noticed that many Maltese women are overly susceptible to blue, green or grey eyes, to which I am completely immune as a result of having grown up in a family where they are the norm and I am the exception.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      You forget the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$. And the brazen confidence, which is nine tenths of the game. Or so I’m told. Perhaps he could give lessons on dating.

      [Daphne – Let’s make it clear that I’m talking in general here, and not about Jeffrey or anybody connected with him. I know for a fact that Jeffrey is devoted to his companion and rightly so. The money is important only when you’re looking for somebody to keep you. Otherwise, the attractions of having sex with somebody you don’t fancy rapidly wear off, though some women will be prepared to do it in return for a comfortable life, seeing it as a job. With your reasoning, all kinds of women should be queuing up to have a go at Sandro Chetcuti, but they’re not, or rather, only types of his kind are.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Ah, but the field of brazen, loaded men is rather crowded, so there’s no monopoly on queues.

        Besides, the more, shall we say, “homely” woman knows her limits just like the unattractive male does, so will avoid trying her luck with the tombeurs de femmes and go for the average Kevin li jahdem programmer mal-Melita bl-average wage.

        [Daphne – From the standpoint of my great years and wide experience observing people, I can tell you that you are wrong. When that kind of man settles down, it’s invariably with a homely woman.]

      • Andrew says:

        Petite in the sense that he’s short? I don’t believe I’ve ever seen him live, but in photos he looks rather out of shape (I guess for a guy pushing 50 he looks alright)

        [Daphne – Petite means petite, or petit actually. Lots of short people are not petit/e. Kurt Farrugia, for instance, is incredibly short, but you can’t say he’s petit. Jeffrey is very slight. I last saw him on Monday. He’s certainly not eating any English breakfasts.]

  2. Yeled Shovav says:

    “Bad taste is a species of bad morals”.

  3. Dee says:

    Doris must have been turned on by the photo of eggs and sausage with gravy earlier on.

  4. maryanne says:

    Doris, don’t let Carmen hear you.

  5. S Borg says:

    Another Silvio Parnis?

  6. Richard Borg says:

    This is why Labour will be in government come 2013.

    • Grezz says:

      Before Toni Abela, Anglu Farrugia, Joseph Muscat, Karmenu Vella, George Vella, Silvio Parnis and co start preening themselves, I think you’d better make it clear that you didn’t mean that women vote Labour for the male candidates’ looks, but out of sheer stupidity.

  7. maryanne says:

    You are going to need a lot more patience.

    “Labour MEP John Attard Montalto has asked the European Commission whether it is aware that the ‘belatedly pathetic attempt’ to eradicate hunting at the behest of extremists, “is having a live-threatening effect on up to 8,000 EU citizens (Maltese bird trappers and their suffering families), who regard this practice as a way of life they cannot do without, to the extent that there have been unexplained deaths?”

    What exactly is a live-threatening effect? And where are the unexplained deaths?

    The most important is: “The FKNK thanked Dr. Attard Montalto for this timely intervention and for his continuous support of the Maltese traditional socio-cultural passions of hunting and trapping.”

    • Yeled Shovav says:

      I seem to remember reports of two hunters killing themselves when a ban on hunting was in the works.

      Though surely, better access to mental health services (and eliminating associated stigma) would’ve helped more than allowing these people to vent their “issues” on Malta’s dwindling wildlife.

    • john says:

      The unexplained deaths refer to the three storks at Mgarr.

      • Nathalie says:

        As far as I know they left the island. Safely. Escorted by the police (what?) – that was the report from The Times.

      • John Schembri says:

        Obviously the storks were bringing in the babies for the families Attard Montalto mentioned. No?

  8. Leonard Ellul Bonici says:

    You want strength Daphne, read this:

    Abstaining in the motion vote in the name of democracy? As if democracy have anything to do with Arriva service. This is backstabbing not democracy.

    In principle the idea of contracting an established transport company such as Arriva is plausible. Arriva “failing” to deliver is not the responsibility of the minister.

    If MP Franco Debono wants to give us a lesson in accountability he should first practise what he preaches and be accountable to his side of the bench. Transport minister’s job is policies not checking if Arriva’s bus number 21 was on time.

    [Daphne – I wrote about that in the previous post.]

    • yor/malta says:

      So Franco Debono picks and chooses his ethics to suit his purpose.

      On the other hand, Austin Gatt did make a fuss about the advent of the new bus system, and now he shouldn’t try to pass the buck.

      The paying public are still complaining about long-winding routes and buses stuck in narrow roads, or two jammed up in Paceville.

  9. MaltaRants says:

    Imsomma, jivvutaw f’elezzjoni bl-istess mod li jivvutaw fil-Eurovision dawn in-nies.

  10. 'Angus Black says:

    Jahasra xi hruq ghandha Doris Balzan! Imma milli nista nifhem m’ghandiex cans.

  11. WhoamI? says:

    GIGA, your average Labour voter: “Scabies infection is because people can’t afford to wash properly because water is so expensive.”

    But the report says “It doesn’t even matter how clean you are.”

    And GIGA il-progressiva is one of the many who will help elect a Labour government. She can’t read but attributes the scabies problem to the present administration of the country.

  12. john says:

    All she need have written was ‘aw sax’ and be done with it.

  13. Kenneth Cassar says:

    Forget about the atrocious grammar and spelling, but did you get this: She said that she does not agree with his “politics”, but if he were to become a Labour candidate, she would vote for him anyway.

    No wonder Joseph Muscat will not give us any of his policies. Apparently policies don’t matter. What matters is voting for “our team”.

    Any self-respecting politician would delete such a comment from his Facebook wall.

    • Jozef says:

      Labour needs to get elected for its own survival. It cannot afford another defeat.

      Labour’s ticket is a lacklustre admission that it will try to continue where this government left off. But they’re not sure that they’re up to it, and their insecurity shows.

      To quote Alfred Sant, the PN’s “power of incumbency” this time is to gauge the inconsistencies created by a life lived through Facebook, because Facebook has replaced all other forms of getting information, with a certain part of society.

      Many Maltese people are choosing to live in an unreal internet environment with Friends they have never met, their interaction restricted to a truncated language derived from SMS speak.

      If Jeffrey has to be the prototype, isolating himself from the rest, Labour is substantially the test case, doing it en masse.

      Jeffrey’s Facebook wall, yesterday, was plastered with hate speech, and not for the first time, so it’s pertinent to note of what Labour is up against when trying to deal with its home market. These last few days provided the perfect example of Labour’s delusion.

      It’s one thing to learn the language, quite another to let yourself become part of that language

      • Harry Purdie says:

        NEWS FLASH: Nation Anxiously Waiting for Labour to Articulate Its Policies Before Ignoring Them

      • La Redoute says:

        The PL will do no such thing. They recognise that any policy they produce won’t stand up to scrutiny.

  14. Woman from the South says:

    Dear Daphne,

    I believe that the problem is that until you meet in person people you see in newspapers or on TV, you are not aware of how short they are. It also never fails to amaze and amuse me when men and women with green or blue eyes think they are God’s gift, even if the rest of their face does not live up to expections.

  15. F.W. JPO says:

    Jeffrey’s latest quote on his Facebook wall: “The first step towards solving a problem is to acknowledge that it actually exists.” Does he acknowledge his own problems? Does Franco Debono?

  16. Tom says:

    I always had a lingering suspicion that we could, after all, do without the dreaded, confounding ‘ghajn’. Amazingly it was the JPO intelligentsia to finally prove it.

  17. kJ says:

    These guys (JPO and other back benchers looking for cameras) are looking to gain as much limelight as possible in the little time left.

  18. Jozef says:

    Goffredo da Malta, Detto il Bello, Re Consorte di Castiglia.

  19. Ginga says:

    My dear Daphne, I really do not know how you manage to find these quizzical bits of writing here and there. I am laughing my heart out.

  20. Lomax says:

    We’re all green, it would seem: dawk il-hodor ta’ nies. Well, well, green with envy? I wonder.

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