Europe? It's all the same to Labour

Published: October 20, 2011 at 9:56am

Labour thinks this is the Greek parliament - maybe it never watches the news

The Labour Party’s news website carries on this morning with its hard work as the flagship movement of the imminent government’s sharp brilliance.

As decoration for a piece about Greece’s austerity measures (wot dey are?), it has chosen a photograph of the Italian senate.

Let’s be fair, shall we?

It’s the first photograph that pops up when you Google ‘Greek parliament’.

Because the Italian senate discussed the Greek parliament.

Some men walking about, lots of seats, must be a parliament, must be Greece. U ijja, it’s in Europe. Who’s going to notice.

And they’re going to keep using it, because they’ve filed it away under ‘Greek parliament’. Check the tag.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Maltafan says:

    Kieku kellhom lil Sabrina Agius jahasra, kienet tibghat email malajr lil Mummy, to ask her if it is correct.

    Prosit Joseph – KEep iT Upp !!!11!!!

  2. Joe Micallef says:

    For Catholics:

    Madonna tal-hiniena idhol ghalina.

    For others:

    Through the balance of universal energy may they obtain basic insight.


    What a bunch of tossers.

  3. Vincent says:

    U ejja mhux xorta Deff ruhi, kemm int fitta. Dawn ahbarijiet ta’barra wara kollox, ma tantx jinteressawna.

  4. ciccio2011 says:

    And the Labour Party is now accusing the government with espionage and theft of information. While the Leader of the Opposition was being fed in with information about the management of RTK from within by one of Labour’s future Cabinet Ministers.

  5. SM says:

    I was looking for a suitable quote, but it seems they all apply, so here goes:

  6. La Redoute says:

    Well, at least they didn’t use this one

  7. cikku l-poplu says:

    Mela jekk ghandom lill Sabrina fl-RTK bhala spjuna fuq shaba u l-kappijiet taghha mela mur ara kemm ghandom spjuni fid-dipartimenti tal- gvern.

    Nisperaw li jekk ikunu fil-gvern ma jkollniex xi GESTAPO fid-dipartimenti.

    Bilhaqq ghax kont ser ninsa, tafu min kien juza il frazi “uzani kif trid”? Il comrades ta’ zmien Stalin.

  8. C Falzon says:

    “It’s the first photograph that pops up when you Google ‘Greek parliament’.”

    Actually the first result that comes up on my PC is

    But it would be far too much to expect anyone at Maltarats to make the subtle connection between ‘Greek’ and ‘Hellenic’.

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