All right, I've found out how it happened (I mean Sabrina and Joseph, not Gaddafi…)

Published: October 21, 2011 at 12:46am

Use me as you think fit: Sabrina Agius

One of Sabrina Agius’s RTK colleagues sat down at her computer to check his emails while she was away from her desk. She hadn’t signed out of her Gmail account, so he thought he’d take a look.

Well, as the adverts say, why not.

Because it’s illegal, you say? I suppose it all depends on how you read the Whistleblower Act. You know, the one Labour’s been going on about.

I imagine he had his suspicions because he had the presence of mind to ‘search Joseph Muscat’. This didn’t happen now. It happened more than a month ago, and RTK’s bigger cheeses have had the print outs for that long.

If they hadn’t been leaked to the media now – and they could have been leaked by any number of people who had copies – they would have become public anyway when RTK presented its defence in the case Ms Agius has begun against them before the Employment Tribunal.

So Joseph can relax (not that he’s isn’t far too relaxed already). Martians and Men in Black did not hack into his email account.

4 Comments Comment

  1. This version is much more credible to a Maltese mind and in a Maltese scenario. I never really like the Big Brother scenario, to be honest.

  2. Malcolm Bonnici says:

    Given that the PDF document shows that it’s a print out from Sabrina’s email account, this is the most plausible explanation. If the leak came from the RTK servers, the format would have been totally different.

    Another explanation would be that someone phished her password.

    But the explanation given here is more plausible. Happens all the time. I get to see many frapes (facebook rape) due to unattended computers that are logged in to an email or Facebook account.

    [Daphne – I’ve just explained here that these are the facts, not surmise. So there’s no need to carry on speculating about plausible explanations.]

  3. 'Angus Black says:

    Sabrina might as well withdraw her complaint against RTK for passing her over for a promotion.

    Carriyng on with the case will probably expose her to more embarrassing situations.

  4. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    If you don’t mind my asking, how do you know this for sure and why hasn’t The Times reported this?

    [Daphne – I was told by somebody who knows this for a fact, and probably The Times was not.]

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