Sabrina doesn't fancy Joseph; she just fancies what he can do for her

Published: October 21, 2011 at 1:46am

Damn, the only people who want me to use them are gay.

Oh, and something else, incidentally: if Sabrina Agius is infatuated (and she certainly sounds it), then it’s not with Joseph Muscat’s extraordinary and vibrant sexual charisma, because she’s homosexual.

Ah, so it must be the lure of power, then. Well, he is going to be the Great Leader of 400,000 people. It might not seem like a lot, but….

21 Comments Comment

  1. Qahbu says:

    …. the youngest cabinet minister haha f**king ha

  2. Gay at RTK….brave or sadistic? brrrrrrrrrrrrr….

  3. Pecksniff says:

    I think that over the past two days newspapers and other news media outside the Mile End spectrum must have been having a good hard look at their newsrooms; due diligence, anyone.

    How about Eden Cinemas offering cut-price tickets to these people to view “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy ” and Mole (No, not “Wind in the Willows !)

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      I watched “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy”, all seven episodes (or was it six? Eight?) and it bored the pants off me. Brilliant film, but boring. No wonder none of the two sides made any progress during half a century of Cold War. It wasn’t the Malta summit that ended the Cold War. It was both sides getting bored of the whole thing.

      21st century wars, on the other hand – you just gotta love ’em.

      • Pecksniff says:

        Was it the Alec Guinness TV Series or Gary Oldman movie? But I digress, the stalemate in the Cold War was brought about by the MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) Factor.

        Both sides could annihilate each other many times over.

        Could you imagine NATO not using battlefield/tactical/strategic ( the big ones – ICBMs) if the Warsaw Pact tank armies poured on to the North German Plain through the Fulda Gap aiming for Antwep with five days ?

      • A. Charles says:

        Like you Mr Baxxter, I saw both the seven episodes and the film and sometimes my continued viewing verged on a dubious form of masochism.

      • TROY says:

        What the hell has it to do with Sabrina and Joseph?

      • Pecksniff says:

        TROY : The key word is “Mole”.

  4. Pecksniff says:

    So many experts and many more pseudo experts have posting about hacking or not hacking a company server.

    The end result may be much more simple: Sabrina Agius left her computer unattended but still logged in, someone (who, don’t ask me !) had a peek at her email, found the Joseph Muscat thread and printed it for future use and reference,(you find these guys and gals in every office, believe me) .

    How many of us when leaving our desks either for a few minutes or for longer when attending meetings etc, log off our desk computer ? Forewarned is forearmed !

    And yet the usual suspects on have started a new thread moaning, mhux sew, her gmail account, bla bla bla.

    So for these people loyalty to your employer, passing company information to a political party leader, skiving on your company’s time, and the barefaced cheek of complaining to a Labour (not not PL !) Tribunal about being bypassed for promotion (her being so immature would have disqualified her as head of newsroom !) does not count any more; it’s downhill all the way ethics wise !

    • lomax says:

      Pecksniff you’re absolutely right and I can say this because you only get the Gmail logo at the top of your emails if you print directly off

      Which means that even if somebody had hacked Joseph Muscat’s computer, and printed his emails from his server, (somehow anyway), the gmail logo at the top of the emails would not have appeared.

      It is only on the hard copies of the emails if the emails are printed off gmail.

      Hence, they must have been printed off her computer. Since her “mummy” is an aficionado of Joe Muscat, then any suspects lurking at home would be out: which would, presumably, leave the office.

  5. Maltafan says:

    Gay, anti-divorce, labourite, anti-clerical and wanting (expecting) to be the Head of News at the Curia’s radio.

    Do these people have no standards, no self-esteem and no dignity?

    Is it only about power to them?

    • Pecksniff says:

      No, they also deal in large doses of self-delusion; you can also add the perception that the world owes them a living. If Sab is in, what late 20s, early 30s she is either immature as a sixteen year old or a conniving minx.

  6. Pecksniff says:

    No need to plant moles at Malta Today, apparently. I see no mention of that in the email exchange.

    • RF says:

      Indeed. And if he was genuine and she was so good, he would have wanted her in his own stables, not the competition.

  7. Stephen Forster says:

    I see an analogy here to Malta’s problem of a small selection pool

  8. Harry Purdie says:

    NEWS FLASH: ‘New Labour Policy to Decriminalize Domestic Violence.’ (found on Karmenu Vella’s PC)

  9. Pecksniff says:

    As Del Boy would have put it “What a bunch of plonkers !”.

  10. Marija says:

    y is this important to the public???

  11. RF says:

    Joseph “How I wish you’d join The Times” Muscat caught with his pants down. It’s in black on white – no two ways about it. A decent person would resign. Failing that, decent party members would force him to resign. Some hope.

  12. Peter Pan says:

    The sort of prig who sneers at patriotism and truth commonly calls himself a Progressive New Labour.
    In fact I am still a Labourite, it is only the Labour Party that has disappeared.

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