No wonder they admired Muammar Gaddafi so wholeheartedly

Published: October 21, 2011 at 10:29am

Imagine this man with a hand in running the country

Jason Micallef, bast frand of Lorr Sant thug Ronnie Pellegrini, chairman of Super One and expert in tie-knotting and tight white pants, is laying down his master plan for who will go and who will stay under Labour’s New Dawn.

Here he is this morning in L-Orizzont on the subject of Joe Azzopardi:

(…) wasal iz-zmien li ma’ nibqghux induru aktar mal-lewza u se nkun jien li nghidha bla problemi ta’ xejn.

Kemm-il darba wara l-elezzjoni li gejja jkun hemm Gvern Laburista, dawk li jkunu fdati bit-tmexxija tal-PBS ghandhom jaraw li Joe (Peppi) Azzopardi jitwarrab minn fuq l-istazzjon nazzjonali.

39 Comments Comment

  1. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    You must read this – there’s a bit I hadn’t seen, where she says that she was called for an interview to join the newsroom at The Times, and Muscat tells her ‘hope for the best’, but she wasn’t chosen.

    My, my, what a mole-planting exercise. No wonder parts of the media have been looking so skewed over the last year or so.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      It’s not in the published emails. There’s a gap between April (when she applied to work at The Times) and September of this year.

    • Grezz says:

      They haven’t changed one bit, have they? Mohhom biex ipattu u jivvendikaw ruhom. Insomma, mimlijin lanzit, bhal dejjem.

  2. Kenneth Cassar says:

    Old habits die hard.

  3. cat says:

    Nixtieq lill-Partit Laburista L-GHOMOR.

  4. observer says:

    Elves 1.0 (2008)… failed
    Elves 1.2 (2011)….illegal operation…installation failed!

  5. Malcolm Bonnici says:

    Haven’t seen the following either on your blog:

    ”Last month, Ms Agius told Dr Muscat that she had seen a vacancy at PBS for a journalist/editor and asked if she should apply. When he advised her to do so, (this part onwards I didn’t read on your blog) she queried whether during the interview she should state that she had also applied for a job at One TV. Dr Muscat said: “Tell them you’ve applied at a number of places.”

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    This loathing of Joe Azzopardi by Labour intrigues me.

    I’ve always thought of him as an unwitting champion of the Labour cause – he finished what Mintoff started.

    He has done more than anyone else to foster chavdom and the Rule of The Moron. By default, this favours a Labour victory.

    So I’d be genuinely interested in having this explained to me: why is Joe Azzopardi dangerous to Labour?

    • Jozef says:

      Maybe because he speaks their language, opening his programme to what Jason considers his territory. The fact they feel included could lead to their belonging to the country as a whole and not Labour’s exclusive prerogative.

      Even though low brow and clumsy, it might still leave him uncomfortable with their acquired perspective, as the threat to his patronage becomes tangible.

      Labour’s divisive tactics and claim to influence are analogous to those of cosa nostra, the worst off being the ones it proclaims to protect.

      Give them a different perspective and they won’t give it up so easily. What do they do? Labour’s own xarabank, or better, chavdom by its purveyors and guardians.

  7. sherpa says:

    ….Joe (Peppi) Azzopardi jitwarrab minn fuq l-istazzjon nazzjonali. u ndahlu lill Joe Bundy, Victor Lavieria, Kurt u Charlon Gouder…

  8. Clifford says:

    Vipers do change their skin but not their venom.

  9. sherpa says:

    u Joe Grima u huh Godfrey …

  10. Jozef says:

    It’s comments like this which really expose the squalor of the PL.

    If he had any common sense, let alone respect for the readers, at this point in time, and given his precedents, he would be hard at work, trying to outdo Peppi’s Xarabank with their Affari Taghna.

    Which should also exclude him, chairman of the station airing a competing programme, from passing such remarks, at least so as not to make so evident his limits.

    What’s also very sad is the fact that the language differs according to the media. Does Jason think that L-Orrizont’s audience should be the suldat tal-azzar type? In other words, the delegati and their subgroups? The keyword here, as usual, is exclusion.

    It doesn’t take much, it seems, for these people to feel cornered and undone. The comfort of delusion brought about by the creation of inner circles and posturing, vanishes at the thought that there’s a whole world outside their little fortress. Even Sabrina tries to endear herself to Joseph by assimilating herself to the ones ‘ta’ gewwa’.

    Peppi was after all the one who had recommended Labour’s resetting of its attitude towards the media. Such a futile exercise. People who think that Labour have changed simply because the individuals aren’t pictured next to Mintoff or KMB should really think twice, before dismissing such argument as PN mantra.

    The question is, when Peppi is made to go, who goes next?

  11. David Ellul says:

    I don’t know how you came to the conclusion that Muscat is planting people at PBS or The Times. In the correspondence he “hoped” and said “…I would like you to” but he never gave any orders to people to hire Sabrina.

    [Daphne – G-R-O-A-N. Sob. YOU CAN’T BE A MOLE IF YOUR EMPLOYERS KNOW YOU ARE ONE. How can the leader of the Opposition give privately-owned media orders to employ anyone, still less his moles?]

  12. Galian says:

    Minn dejjem kellu ilsienu itwal minnu Jason.

  13. Stanley J A Clews says:

    And then they call it “hacking” – if I was rude I’d call it bare-arsed cheek

  14. lomax says:

    Funny to see how these progressivi moderati never change. Don’t they ever learn?

  15. Eziljat says:

    There’s this distinctly goat-like odour in the air. Mintoff still lives on, I suppose.

  16. Dee says:

    It seems that there are more Maltese mourning Gaddafi than there are Libyans. I wonder why.

    • KS says:

      So so true….some do believe (really…I mean they are convinced) that the dead body was of his clone not the real Gaddafi.

  17. Do not trust Labour says:

    Mohhom biss biex jaghmlu il-vendikazzjonijiet politici u japprofittaw mil-gvern.

    Listen to the Micallefs here:

  18. Anthony says:

    This comment in Micallef’s article is just an amuse bouche of the 2013 bidu gdid.

    It will be 70s and 80s all over again minus Gaddafi.

  19. 'Angus Black says:

    Ara veru li jrid ikun poplu mignun biex jerga jaghti cans lill dawn in-nies qerrieda jerghu jiggvernaw.

  20. officer cragtree says:

    U hekk johloq l-ispazju biex joqghod jaghmlilna il-programm tal-gardinar. Hekk jew hekk, ihobb jaghzaq.

  21. Esteve says:

    Statements like this send shivers down my spine. I thought we’d moved on but apparently we’re going back to square one.

  22. sandy:) says:

    Nikita Alamango
    First divorce in Malta granted this morning – All the hard work paid off !
    Cyrus Engerer Deborah Schembri Evarist Bartolo Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

    Like · · 5 hours ago ·
    Amber Darmanin, Cyrus Engerer and 15 others like this.

    Ramon Casha In related news, earthquakes were a no-show.
    4 hours ago · Like · 1 person

  23. HAR righ says:

    bumm bumm il-bieb
    ongi ongi ongella
    bumm bumm il-bieb
    min gie? gie kavallier!

    x’gie jaghmel dal-kavallier?
    ongi ongi ongella
    gie ha jaghtik ahbar
    ongi ongi onga

    x’inhija dil-ahbar?
    ongi ongi ongella
    li issa l-hin sar
    ongi ongi onga

    ghalxiex sarilna l-hin?
    ongi ongi ongella
    sar il-hin li mmorru d-dar
    ongi ongi onga

    x’se mmorru naghmlu darna?
    ongi ongi ongella
    sejrin ninhbew mill-ksieh
    ongi ongi onga

    x’inhuwa dan il-ksieh?
    ongi ongi ongella
    il-ksieh ta’ jason mic
    ongi ongi onga

    min huwa jason mic?
    ongi ongi ongella
    huwa l-akbar HAR righ
    ongi ongi onga

  24. Dee says:

    Was Robert Musumeci wearing a toupe’ this evening on “Affari Taghna”?

  25. silvio farrugia says:

    They are the same people with the same vindictiveness as 25 years ago.

    They have no power yet and they are already brandishing it.

    Jason should thank his lucky stars, after his fiasco in the last elections, that this is not a real western democracy. He would be unemployable.

    They are just as stupid, too: they are opening our eyes and we realize that we are better off under this government as its faults are very tiny compared to how Labour’s will be.

  26. A Gouder says:

    Isn’t it obvious what’s happening? Ever since Jason took over at One TV, the ratings have gone from bad to worse, with PBS reclaiming practically every time slot every day of the week. So what better way to mask one’s incompetence? Lynch your competitor, of course.

    But what is also obvious is the way One TV is behaving, as if it’s a separate entity from the PL. This week’s Inkontri, and Jason Micallef’s comments on Orizzont are showing that the “leader” is losing control over the PL’s media.

  27. Dee says:

    Saddam Hussein ███████████████ 100% Complete.

    Osama Bin Laden ███████████████ 100% Complete.

    Mu’ammar Gheddafi ███████████████ 100% Complete.

    MINTOFF █████████▒▒▒▒▒▒ Loading…..

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