The mentality which raises the wrong people to power and keeps them there

Published: October 22, 2011 at 5:07pm

“Why should we hate him or think of him as tyrant, if he gave us jobs and paid us well? We all have only warm feelings for him.”

– Oksana Balinskaya, one of several Ukrainian nurses who pandered to Muammar Gaddafi, on hearing of his death (quoted in The Daily Beast)

6 Comments Comment

  1. Stanley J A Clews says:

    Didn’t he send a few to prison too, if I’m not mistaken?

    • La Redoute says:

      They were sentenced to death by firing squad for allegedly infecting babies with HIV.

      • ray says:

        As far as I remember, they were Bulgarian. Not that it makes much difference.

        [Daphne – Those were the ones who were jailed.]

  2. silvio says:

    No man is pure evil. Everybody has at least a small part of him that is good. These nurses might be right. I can’t tell, but they seem to have met the good part.

    [Daphne – No, Silvio, they met the sugar daddy part, not the good part. There’s a difference.]

    Now that it seems to be all over,I am still baffled by unanswered questions.

    We ‘ve been told repeatedly that these last 42 years have been hell for the Libyans.

    You couldn’t move ahead and make progress, in all spheres of life. You couldn’t find good jobs, everything depended on whether you supported the regime or not.

    We have heard Libyans living in Malta tell us that they had to leave their country because they opposed Gaddafi.

    We now saw thousands and thousands of Libyans take up arms against the regime. They tell us that they come from all walks of life, manual workers, doctors, teachers, lawyers and what not. Now the question that baffles me is this.

    If to study and go to university you had to support the regime, does the fact that they were allowed to study for their degrees mean that they were supporters of Gaddafi at that time.? How come they supported him knowing of the brutallities that they now talk about?

    Were all the families living in all those high rise buildings in Sirte, Misurata, Tripoli, all his supporters? How come none of them knew of the atrocities that were being committed?
    How come all of a sudden every Libyan seem to be anti- Gaddafi now?

    [Daphne – They were always anti-Gaddafi, Silvio, but they were too terrified to make it public. Had you listened properly to what was said or not said between the lines, you’d have worked it out.]

    The same thing happened in Italy after the war. There were 56 million Fascists during the war and the same number of anti-Facists after the war.

    Anyway, good luck Libya.

  3. ciccio2011 says:

    Daphne, why does this surprise you? This is not different from the “”use me as you think fit” as long as you make me a Cabinet Minister” mentality.

  4. Anthony says:

    I call this the “post mal-gvern u post tal-gvern” mentality.

    It is still alive and kicking in Malta.

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