As the world talks about Gaddafi's death, Kurt the Coconut issues a press release for his boss

Published: October 22, 2011 at 5:18pm

I used to be a coconut, but I kissed a frog and now look....

21 ta’ Ottubru 2011
Maħruġa mill-Uffiċċju tal-Kommunikazzjoni tal-Partit Laburista


Is-suċċess tal-kooperattiva tal-produzzjoni tal-ħalib kien wieħed sinjifikanti għaliex seħħ minkejja l-kompetizzjoni ħarxa fis-swieq Ewropej.

Joseph Muscat qal dan waqt żjara li għamel lill-kumpanija Benna fil-Ħamrun. Flimkien mal-Kelliem Ewlieni għall-Biedja u s-Sajd, Anthony Agius Decelis, Joseph Muscat segwa l-proċess kollu marbut mal-produzzjoni tal-ħalib, u prodotti oħra manufatturati fil-fabbrika.

Il-Mexxej Laburista faħħar is-suċċess ta’ din il-kooperattiva filwaqt li qal li l-PL jixtieq li dan is-suċċess jinfirex f’oqsma oħra tal-agrikoltura fejn hemm sfidi kbar, fosthom fit-trobbija tal-majjali.

Joseph Muscat semma’ t-tibdil fil-politika komuni tal-UE dwar l-agrikoltura, u qal li jittama li l-Gvern jinnegozja biex il-bżonnijiet speċifiċi ta’ Malta, jkunu rispettati. Fosthom billi l-formula ma tinħadimx fuq il-mhedda tal-art tal-pajjiż, iżda fuq karatteristiċi oħra.

Dan fl-aħjar interess tar-raħħala, l-investituri u l-konsumaturi Maltin u Għawdxin.

Joseph Muscat saħaq li rridu nagħtu aktar saħħa lill-mudell tal-kooperattiva f’pajjiżna.

Il-mudell ta’ kooperattiva mhuwiex xi ħaġa tal-antik, iżda huwa mudell li juri serjeta’ u impenn, għaliex permezz tiegħu tista l-investitur jista’ jkun proattiv fl-isfidi finanzjarji u ekonomiċi.

Uffiċċju tal-Kommunikazzjoni
Partit Laburista

20 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Truly, the land of milk and honey.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    P.S. It’s “medda”. “Mhedda” is what Gaddafi’s forces are.

  3. “segwa l-process kollu marbut mal-produzzjoni tal-halib”

    Oh, did he visit a cow farm then? MDP doesn’t MAKE milk. Maybe Kurt Farrugia is one of those people who think potatoes are made in factories.

  4. Peter Pan says:

    I remember Joseph Muscat only a few short years ago, hanging around outside the Valletta offices of Alfred Mifsud’s Crystal Finance Investments Ltd, where he worked, kicking his heels and killing time.

    Now he wants us to make him prime minister.

    An amazing career trajectory on the back of a stupid decision by the Labour Party’s delegates.

  5. davidg says:

    And once more, the Opposition leader visits a successful enterprise and talks as if he was the one who made it successful.

    His behaviour is particularly absurd in this case, because the changes at Malta Diary Products were the result of adoption of EU standards and requirements and through EU funding aid, all of which Muscat fervently opposed and instructed us to vote against.

    • the chemist says:

      Joseph Muscat has conveniently forgotten that he predicted MDP will have to close when we joined the European Union.

      • John Schembri says:

        Weren’t we told by this same twit that our farmers and Malta Dairy Products would have to close shop if we joined the EU?
        Well, he can be trying to alienate the public from the RTK newsroom four month takeover.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      It is the whole chain, from the cow farms to the milk pasteurising and packaging that has been reformed thanks to EU funds.
      A truly “made in Brussels” reform.

    • Tim Ripard says:

      MDP was set up with technical assistance from Austria.

  6. La Redoute says:

    What are they on about now? I thought they’d said Malta’s an economic disaster zone.

  7. C Falzon says:

    Do not underestimate the importance of milk.

  8. Anthony says:

    Joey and PL rediscovering the wheel.

    How very original.

  9. 'Angus Black says:

    ‘Joseph Muscat segwa l-proċess kollu marbut mal-produzzjoni tal-ħalib’

    Gidba ohra mil-Partit Laburista.

    Jien la rajtu jahleb baqra u lanqas moghza.

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