Labour leader downtime news

Published: October 22, 2011 at 7:11pm

For God's sake stop bitching about Sabrina Agius. I'm taking you to Ta' Cenc tomorrow and we might not even have to pay for it because I'm the Great Leader.


Bhalissa ll-mexxej Laburista Doctor Joseph Muscat qieghed jiehu daqxejn brejk fil-lukanda tal-haj kless Ta’ Cenc gewwa l-gzira ta’ Ghawdex, flimkien mas-sinjura tieghu Mrs Michelle Muscat plus membri ohrajn tal-familja li ma nistghux insemmuhom biex ma joqghodux jitkazaw id-dentist Pullicino Orlando u dak Gino Cauchi.

Mor njus lejter.

23 Comments Comment

  1. WhoamI? says:

    Mela il-great leader mar jara naqa x’jista jaghmel biex jaghti a new lease of life lil Ghawdex.

    Read this: Anglu Farrugia about how much Gozo needs a new lease of life.

    Tghid kemm inqaxxrulha naqa l-mustacci Daffni x’tahseb? tigi bully Ghawdix nahsib – l-itratti imbaghad insemmuhom “Gozo_new1”, “Gozo_new2” u hekk insomma.

  2. John Schembri says:

    Se jaghmel bhal perit, u wara dik it-tbaqbieqa fil-parlament wara li kixfulu ghawaru haqqu naqra mistrieh fil-gzira tat-tlett gholjiet.

    Filwaqt li l-Prim Ministru jkollu jmur ghall-iktar laqghat jiddiskuti fuq kif tista’ tissolva l-problema finanzjarja tal-Grecja. Kullhadd b’xortih.

    Ara johrogx b’xi proposta ta’ golf course f’Ta’ Cenc issa.

  3. Richard Borg says:


  4. ciccio2011 says:

    Ware l-istorja tal-kontenut tal-emails bejn Joseph Muscat u Sabrina Agius, daqsxejn “quality time” biex nergghu insahhu il-familja.

  5. Antoine Vella says:

    is he attending a meeting of the astronomical society?

  6. rustic fairy says:

    The highest echelons of the Partit Laburista are in Gozo to launch Franco Mercieca’s electoral campaign… By the time the electoral campaign actually kicks off he will be exhausted.

  7. Anthony says:

    I wonder whether it is pizza or langoustines for dinner tonight.

    Or is it ‘Coby’ beef ?

    I am a pensioner and cannot afford either at Ta’ Cenc.

    I just cannot wait for my living pension in three budgets’ time.

  8. Harry Purdie says:

    Wonder if he will be wearing sackcloth and ashes as the wife plays with her rosary.

  9. Gabriel Cassar Torregiani says:

    “Labour leader downtime.”

    Iva Daphne, anke meta jkollu ‘malfunction’ fl-apparat tkun taf?

    Wouldn’t this be the time when he really needs to keep it up?

  10. P Shaw says:

    It would be interesting to know whether this mini break is a gift, given that the Ta’ Cenc development is no longer covered on Super One.

  11. Hot Mama says:

    Tghid marret Sabrina wkoll? Miskina ghaddejja minn naqra stress

  12. Kujuz hafna says:

    Tghid Sabrina Agius marret mieghu tirraporta ghall-MaltaToday?

    Xi ilsna hziena qed jghidu li Joseph diga sabilha post ma’ Saviour Balzan u Roger DeGiorgio fid-Dipartiment ta’ l-Ispjunagg.

  13. carmel says:

    Jien nahseb il-Prim Ministru ghaziz taghna ahjar jaghra x’se jaghmel dwar il-finanzi taghna ghax fallejna.

    [Daphne – Jara not jaghra. Tinkwetax, Carmel. Issa jitla’ Joseph, johrog il-megiks wont (imma mhux mil-qalziet) u jaghmel il-mirakli.]

  14. maryanne says:

    Labour dissociates itself from Jason Micallef’s Xarabank threat

    “Jason Micallef is not responsible for drafting Labour’s policies. What he said is his personal opinion and should be interpreted as just that,” PL spokesman Kurt Farrugia said.
    (Times of Malta)

    A few days ago somebody commented on your blog that Joseph Muscat seems to be letting his minions be aggressive and say the dirty things only to diistance himself from what they had said, afterwards.

    He can play games as much as he likes. Pity he thinks we are all fools. It is either that or he has lost control as leader.

  15. old-timer says:

    Not related: There is a good “upper cut” in today’s Sunday Times Leader

  16. Gabriel Cassar-Torregiani says:

    Did the illustrious member (of Parliament) make it through the night? Or was he hacked a’ la’ Bobbit.

  17. Pecksniff says:

    And not a peep from Lino Spiteri in this morning’s opinion piece “Focus on Public Broadcasting” in the Times about the Jason Micallef affaire. Oh, I forgot that Jason MIcallef was writing in the “independent” l – Orizzont last Friday morning and so there is no excuse for Mr Spiteri about deadlines; for heaven’s sake this is the age of emails (Ask Joseph Muscat !) and not carrier pigeons !

  18. Gozo Boy says:

    A free mini-break, for sure.

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