Top o' the morning to you! A lovely mukk of Earl Grey…
A reader who is unknown to me has just emailed in this photograph. Going by the image file number, it comes from Facebook, though not the man in the middle’s.
When are we going to see some photos of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando partying with people who are NOT flaming Laburisti?
It’s either that godawful sleaze Vince Micallef, or Vince Micallef’s friend Consuelo Herrera, or their friend Andy Ellul, or his sister Sharon Ellul Bonici.
Let’s leave the politics out of it for a moment, and wonder what in heaven’s name else Jeffrey might have in common with an A1 greasy creep like Andy Ellul.
Please, don’t all rush to answer at once.
As for Sharon, he probably finds her fun ‘n’ bubbly. You know, the sort you can knock back pints of Guinness with and then use her to prop yourself up.
Ma, xi dwejjaq ta’ nies. Il-Bambin maghna.
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I just watched Franco Debono interviewed by Musumeci on Smash TV.
In essence, their joint effort was to tell us pour souls that he is doing what he is doing because of his constitutional role.
Debono went so far as to say that his action also means a great deal in the context of the current eurozone crisis, because it will not affect tourism.
I’d rather watch Inter than comment on someone who is on the wrong side of the room.
Kev must be worried now. Jeff’s getting too close to HIS pussy.
What are they doing at Ryan’s pub at Spinola? Isn’t that where the under-20s hang out?
Why does the sight of people having fun bother you so much? Or that’s how it seems, at least.
[Daphne – The sight of people making themselves ridiculous fills me with contempt. Fun? They’re having anything but. I’m 47 years old, have been about a bit, and I can recognise desperation – and fun – when I see it, not least because what I see there, and in so many other similar photographs, is people who had no fun at all at the appropriate age trying hard to have it now, when it just doesn’t work because the mating season is so very over. The mistake you make with me is to confuse my determined privacy with the absence of a life, when it should occur to you – if you put the various details together – that I probably have a good deal more fun than you do, of the age-appropriate variety.]
Martin, your own fun consists in drawing crude anti-PN “cartoons”, as you call them.
Out of respect to this other “Martin” – whoever he is – I have never drawn any cartoons – crude or otherwise – in my life.
JPO is an embarrassment to the Maltese nation.
“FB acronyms is the international language of the future.”
– Shakespeare
I’ve been learning some FB acronyms.
AFAICS, JPO is having 1FTR with SEB No2EU. LOL!!!
Now off to work. Have some Botox injections and Hyaluronic filling to do. G’day!
‘Il-Bambin maghna’. Reminds me of the film ‘Alien’.
I think that the EU has more pressing matters right now!
Unlike one particular EU commissioner, who morphs into “Cittadin Malti” as he sees fit:
Well said, Lou!
Jeffrey cuddles Shoron while her husband Kev goes through Daphne’s blog trying to impress us.
Ma’ min rajtek xebbahtek.
Cuff-links on jeans. Why?
Alby Mamo on Pullicino Orlando’s Facebook wall:
“i taught u had enough pussy cats running around you jeff but great to see you got a animal pussycat cute as lol”
This person has either lost his senses or else he has something to conceal and is looking for ‘support’.
Daphne, I’m a pretty big fan of your sharp wit (even if I don’t always agree with the way you use it) and especially of your investigative skills and your knack for shedding light on obscure situations.
So you can imagine my disappointment when I wake up to yet another post about mugs of tea and JPO’s Labour friends, while the whole country is outraged and reeling in shock at how the justice system lets a reckless driver who almost killed two children get away practically scott free. What is your take on that?
[Daphne – My take on that is that you can’t have a take on that because judges and magistrates work within the law. There are maximum sentences, and they can’t give a person 10 years if the law allows only, say, two. My take on that is that the problem is with the laying down of inadequate/too harsh penalties at law which allow judges and magistrates little room for manoeuvre. So a chief justice who takes a bribe from a drug dealer goes to jail for two years and a desperate mother aged 23 goes to jail for 15 years for doing a drug mule’s job. My take on that has already been made amply clear when I wrote about the young man who knocked down Cliff Micallef and killed him: that there but for the grace of God goes almost anyone’s 20-year-old son driving home after too much to drink from a party or Paceville, and those who think otherwise have never had one, the difference being that we hope our sons wouldn’t speed off and hide. Toqghodx titkaza ghax tispicca fil-frisk. And actually, the real news isn’t that unless you’re overly concerned with navel-gazing. It’s the eurozone crisis. Jeffrey and his quirks are just a distraction, not The News. You don’t read this site for the news, for heaven’s sake. It’s a blog.]
We get it about JPO. How about some more varied and relevant posts on subjects that matter please?
[Daphne – Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando matters, mister, in a way that that young man’s release from jail does not. He threatens the stability of the government, and hence the peace and proper progress of the country, he ups the risk of Labour getting into government, and he’s a heavy-drinking, bitter, resentful and angry man with a seat in the house – the single-seat majority. If you think that’s a trivial issue, we part company there.]
Yes, the judges have to act within the constraints laid down by the law, but if the law is inadequate, then who is responsible for fixing it?
I think you’re missing the point if you view this case as being about a specific driver and a specific incident.
If we can’t have confidence in the judicial system, then how can we have confidence in the government that should be legislating it?
[Daphne – Please know that it is not government which legislates, but PARLIAMENT. It is not as though you haven’t seen this demonstrated in spectacular fashion earlier this year.]
Having grown up in the 1980s, I’m one of the last people who want to see a Labour government return to power, but we do have to rein in what we’ve got.
The sad story of these poor twins would read like a comedy of errors if it weren’t so tragic.
According to reports I read, the driver was not even charged with reckless driving — why not?
[Daphne – Have you read the law? I haven’t. There might not be a specific crime called ‘reckless driving’. ]
Who is responsible for this police failure?
And who is responsible for policing the police and investigating if that was a result of incompetence or intentional wrongdoing?
Why was the driver released early on good behavior after he apparently tried to have drugs smuggled into prison and even set fire to his cell?
[Daphne – Do we know this for a fact, or is it just gossip? Excuse my scepticism, but given the fact that I am supposed to be a transsexual lesbian witch who lives off corrupt favours from the government while having affairs with men and being married to a gay man with sons who traffick in Class A drugs, I rarely believe anything that is said of others.]
Why are heads not rolling? I’m not looking to you for news, Daphne, but for more of the investigative journalism you excel at.
Leave the Sunday afternoon gossip to the Perez Hiltons (yes, Perez, not Paris) of this world.
[Daphne – Yes, I do know who Perez Hilton is. I also know that Perez Hilton does not discuss politicians. What politicians do is far more relevant than what 20-year-old men do, unless those 20-year-old men pick up a sub-machine gun and mow down many people in a shopping mall or on campus. I like to keep a sense of perspective.]
The twins’ accident case is every bit as important as JPO’s antics because it is symptomatic of a government that has either stagnated or, worse, one that is corrupt.
[Daphne – I cannot for the life of me imagine how you connect the two. So forgive me if I do not share your concern. Maybe I have lived a rather less sheltered life than you might have done, but even cursorily looking back over that life right now, I can think of several people I knew or knew of who died or almost died because of reckless driving, and the people who killed them or almost killed them didn’t even go to jail. I was one of them as it happened. I was almost killed in 1984, aged 19, by a government minister’s driver who – in a panic because he was late for a meeting – sped down Spencer Hill in Marsa and rammed my car at the roundabout at the bottom, flinging it into the wall built around the coal storage depot. Did I blame the government at the time for the fact that he didn’t go to jail? No, of course not – even though I hated that government and he was a minister’s driver. I actually felt sorry for the man, he was so distraught at the thought that he could have killed me. Imagine that, no Daphne.]
The difference is that the Prime Minsiter actually can do a lot to fix the injustices within the judicial system, and he can ask the Ombudsman to investigating police incompetence and look into questionable rulings by the judiciary.
On the other hand, what can Gonzi do with JPO?
Try to impeach him, assuming there are grounds to do so?
I’d say that would be too risky.
Have him declared mentally unstable so that his seat can be reassigned?
Again, not a simple as it sounds.
I completely agree with you that JPO is a major problem, but I think Gonzi’s hands are tied precisely because of the one-seat majority, and his best option is probably to ride it out and hope everything holds together until the next election.
[Daphne – Possibly, yes. But I also think he should slam his foot down and show some anger, for the sake of those of us out here if for no other reason. I don’t know about you, but I feel now exactly as I do when I watch those scenes you sometimes see in public: some child flinging itself about and screaming and sulking while the parent goes ‘But hon, what do you want? Come, I’ll buy you a nice toy. U ejja, please, stop it. Do you want this? Shall I give you that?’ It makes you angry at the parent, as well as angry at the child.]
And to conclude, the economic crisis is indeed a big issue. Even when you consider that in the grand scheme of things Malta is but a cork bobbing on the ocean, there is a lot that the government can do better, starting from cutting waste and making a much more prudent use of public money.
Let’s have more discussion about that by all means, but let’s also put pressure on those responsible for fixing those other important issues that are completely within our control.
I’m not just looking at you, Daphne.
While all this is going down and the whole of the western world is up in arms demanding government reform, the so-called Maltese ‘activists’ are busy protesting about what?
The blessed Arriva bus service. Enough said!
[Daphne – Oh, we agree wholeheartedly on that one, at least.]
Maybe he worships Mintoff too.
Just a thought: does JPO actually WORK? What with posting pics on FB, updating his status, having his pictures taken with the Red Brigade and all his meandering, does he really do any real work?
And another thought: who in their right mind would allow this man to play around with their molars?
I don’t mean to be mean but, seriously, does he have any gravitas?
Alitalia restarts Tripoli flights. What is Air Malta waiting for ?
If it is the first week of the month then you can bet that Manwel Cuchieri on ONE radio will announce that he is going round with the begging bowl again to collect the ftit from the hafna ghal gejjieni ahjar ghal uliedna.
This time, the marathon begging session was kicked off today with the climax expected to be on 13th December.
At the end of the announcement, he reminded listeners of the monumental national debt…….as expected.
Your best-ever article.
Spinola late afternoon.
Is Jeffrey telling us he could be drinking and driving?
What do you think of the Greek proposal for a referendum – throwing the responsibility for such a momentous decision onto the people?
I was against a divorce legislation referendum, thinking civil rights should not be subject to popular vote, but this is much bigger.
What if the Greeks end up re-adopting the drachma, rendering themselves as isolated as North Koreans? What of our Europe, then?
I have just been zapping through the major news channels. All the news is about the G20 Cannes conference, Greece in or out of Eurozone.
The world leaders are peering over the edge of the precipice and not liking what they see down there.
And back on the ranch, we are immune to all this; we continue moaning about buses, travelling time during rush hours.
Then we have a parliamentary vote and a government being held ransom by, let me put it plainly, a TWIT who thinks he is the bee’s knees as regards politics; on past performance, will he show up for the sitting tomorrow or will he do a runner like last time?
And by the way, we now also have “Speakers Emeriti”.
Could it be that the ATP (remember them ?) and its owner/driver/members were siphoning off amd underdeclaring fares so as to increase the amount of subsidies they received from the taxpayer?
Listen to the Leader of the Opposition:
He thinks Sigismundo is pronounced with a hard “g”.
Is this a new habit, showing off your drink for pictures?
I’ve come across plenty of pictures like that on Facebook.
I’ve suspected it for quite some time, but now I think I know.
His’ mukk of Earl Grey’ is nothing else than a pint of Guinness.
This actually happened to me, when an Irish friend was visiting me and I asked him what he would like to drink, and his answer was “a cup of coffee, please”.
What he meant was a Giunness.
He later said “That’s the way we do it, back home, just to mix up the Missus with her counting”.
Ever heard of Irish coffee?
We are on the verge of absolute chaos in our planetary side of the woods, yet some are having a whale of a time getting up to mischief. May the Tooth Fairy grant them their desires .
Heavy-drinking man. What is so wrong with drinking mugs full of Earl Grey?
Once, on an assignment in Oman, my gentle and jolly guide told me to tell him if I wanted “green coffee”. That was the code for whisky.
It’s the over 40s on Facebook, who think and convince themselves they’re still 20, drinking and partying like there’s no tomorrow.
“We’re electioneering.”
– Thom Yorke
Top o’ the evening! Waiting for that crucial vote in parliament ;) Jitters!!!! Lol! Trying to relax with my ipod. Alphaville – Forever young :)))))))))
Baxxter, next major invention from Apple: i-pussy, a relaxation gadget.
Try throwing in some Botox with Alphaville.