Here’s another one who’s out to lunch

Published: November 5, 2011 at 11:34pm

So I said to him, I said, how dare you let that bitch Lou Bondi say that about me, and do you know what she said? She said that I'm paranoid and maybe I should get that anti-anxiety prescription checked out again and I told her why doesn't she go and look in the mirror, fat slag like her who does she think she is, and then she said....

After a long day of maintenance (thank you very much, chaps) we’re back on line. Though I’m tempted to do a Joseph Muscat and claim that I was hacked – you know, Michael Frendo might have nothing better to do this week – the facts are rather more mundane.

We needed a day to make some changes, and as luck would have it, that day happened to fall on the morrow of the Big Parliamentary Vote. No, not the one in Greece. The one that’s all about Franco Debono and his blinking buses.

So let’s try and catch up, shall we?

What follows is not a spoof, though it is tempting to believe it, if for no other reason than that the Napoleons and Caesars are queued up on the roundabout and one has concerns that they shall soon have to stand in the street, where they might be knocked down by a bus.

This is a faithful rendering of the letter John Dalli sent to the Broadcasting Authority chairman, on paper which is splendidly headed:

JOHN DALLI, 2461 Portomaso PTM01, San Giljan, Malta

And he signed it (whip out the laurel wreaths and togas and find yourselves a fresh roundabout to declaim on):

John Dalli
Cittadin Malti

You know, just in case the chairman thinks it’s John Dalli the Prisoner of Zenda writing in, or maybe even John Dalli the EU Commissioner.

I don’t know, but I think it’s a bit late for a mid-life crisis, don’t you?

Please bear in mind that this is a European Commissioner we’re talking about here, even if he does sign off as Cittadin Malti (copy of passport enclosed just in case we’ve forgotten who he is), and that while Europe is on the brink of combustion, he appears to be far more taken up with what Lou Bondi said or didn’t say about him on television.

Because what do you know, we’re not allowed to discuss EU Commissioners and their meddling or their frequent appearances on Super One. Tsk tsk.


Mr. Anthony Tabone,
Awtorita Tax-Xandir
7, Mile End Road,
Hamrun HMR 1719

cc. Mr. Pierre Cassar – Chief Executive Officer


Fil-programm tieghu tal-bierah, Lou Bondi raga’ ghazel li jqabbez ismi, barra minn kull kuntest, filkaz tad-dibatittu li qieghed isir fil Parlament dalghodu billi jinsinwa li jien b’xi mod jista’ jkolli x’naqsam mal-pozizjoni li qieghed jiehu l-Onor. Franco Debono.

Irrid naghmilha cara li b’ebda mod jien ma ghandi x’naqsam ma din il-bicca, la direttament u lanqas indirettament.

Jiena qieghed nogezzjona b’mod qawwi ghall-fatt li intom tal-Awtorita, li suppost tissorveljaw lindipendenza tax-Xandir, specjalment ix-Xandir Pubbliku, thallu persuna bhal Lou Bondi juza hin prime time biex imexxi l-agendi tieghu, jippromwovi, jew jipprova jkisser lil min jaghzel hu, kif jaghzel hu u meta jaghzel hu.

Din tal-bierah kienet holqa ohra fil-kullana ta misinformazjoni u kummenti ntizi biex inaqqasli giehi mal-Poplu Malti u li issa, skond ma jien infurmat, ilu jaghmel fil-blogs tieghu.

Nistenna li tiehdu l-passi mehtiega biex dan il-persuna inkorreggibli u li jahseb li ma jista’ ghalih hadd, ma jibqax juza x-Xandir Publiku ghall-interessi tieghu bi ksur flagranti tal-ligi.

John Dalli
Cittadin Malti
4 ta’ Novembru 2011

15 Comments Comment

  1. Galian says:

    Did John Dalli really make those shocking spelling mistakes?

    [Daphne – I told you that this is a faitful rendering. I copied and pasted directly from a PDF of his actual letter.]

  2. Antoine Vella says:

    Has John Dalli been eating those genetically-modified potatoes he authorised to be grown in Europe?

    They’re not supposed to affect judgement but one never knows.

  3. Martin says:

    Erm … I suppose the fact that he is 100% right makes no difference?

    [Daphne – Labour logic: opinion = fact = opinion.. Go back to school, Martin. His opinion isn’t even BASED on facts, still less is a fact itself. Nor is yours, for that matter. ]

  4. ciccio2011 says:

    Daphne, but let’s be fair, did you really expect him to sign as “EU Commissioner” and print the letter on his Tripoli address?

  5. cittadin Malti says:

    Tghid dawk tal-Awtorita tax-Xandir, li jissorveljaw lindipendenza tax-Xandir, u li suppost ma jhallux il-ksur flagranti tal-ligi, jissorveljawh il-programm Inkontri ta’ Joe Grima?

  6. Anthony Briffa says:

    ‘Din tal-bierah kienet holqa ohra fil-kullana ta misinformazjoni u kummenti ntizi biex inaqqasli giehi mal-Poplu Malti u li issa, skond ma jien infurmat, ilu jaghmel fil-blogs tieghu’.

    I think that John Dalli is living a misconception here.

    The Maltese people have put him in a niche of his own since they started observing his close friendship with Super One and its Joe Grima and Malta Today with its Saviour Balzan, besides his comments about the prime minister and the government since he was sent to prison in Brussels.

  7. maryanne says:

    From Qormi to Portomaso to Brussels and he still calls himself a prisoner. Yes, he is a prisoner of his own bitterness.

    John Dalli, didn’t your parents ever teach you to count your blessings?

    Enjoy what you have and please let our children enjoy some serenity under a Nationalist government.

    They deserve to enjoy what many of us (and that’s including you) fought for.

  8. Hot Mama says:

    John Dalli is off his rocker.

    • The Rock says:

      Was it only me who thought that the Commissioner’s appearance on Inkontri with Joe Grima on One TV a week ago was like a live broadcast of a session at the psychiatrist?

      [Daphne – Not at all. I too got that psychiatrist and patient impression, especially because Dalli was doing his nervous short-sharp-loud-breathing thing.]

      • The Rock says:

        He was also moving his pen and paper around in an uncoordinated fashion all the time.

        Do you think he will be writing to the Blogs Authority asking them to take action against us because we think we can flagrantly breach the law in our interest, “u li hadd ma jistgha ghalina?”

  9. David Buttigieg says:

    Why couldn’t we have joined the EU 10 years earlier? I would have been on the first plane out and never looked back.

    What an arse!

  10. kev says:

    Your site went down and it took you quite a while to notice – and longer to fix it. You don’t have to go all Hyacinth on us to keep up appearances. Gejja bil-maintenance…

    [Daphne – Kevin, it is IMPOSSIBLE for me not to notice at once. In addition: 1. the server is not mine, but belongs to a hosting company, which is alerted immediately; 2. I don’t fix servers, but the company which owns them does; 3. this is not a ‘server fixing problem’ but was a software problem compounded by the fact that this site has been getting the sort of huge traffic that wasn’t planned for because nobody thought that a blog would see that kind of heat (and no, not even me); 4. we required an entire day to transfer the vast amount of data accumulated over three and a half years to another system and make the required adjustments. What you should be saying is that…..this is a blog and yet…Now go back to sleep..]

    • kev says:

      Oooh, touchy!

      [Daphne – No, Kevin, just laying out the facts for the seriously uninformed. Next conspiracy theory…]

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