Gladiator Gadget

Published: November 9, 2011 at 1:22am

Anglu could always grow a tuks and wear this suitably shaped garment on his head

Encouraged by his Facebook friends, with whom he chatted live throughout his Great Leader’s speech in parliament tonight, Anglu Farrugia went into battle with LouBondi (one word) armed with viciously spiked hair and little else.

He was so hopelessly ill-equipped that one wanted to weep for him (as if).

“Dawk imbaghad narawhom, Lou.”

“Dawk imbaghad nfassluhom, Lou.”

“Imbaghad tara kif naslu, fil-mument opportun.”

“Issa tara.”

“Off dee rekorts”

“We arr missink dee point”

Verament tal-biki.

It’s a damned shame, because he arrived on set clearly all revved up by his Facebook friends, and then fizzled out like a damp squib.

His Facebook friends didn’t seem to realise that this was just a talk show and not armed mortal combat in an arena, possibly with the involvement of a couple of wild animals.

Here they are, egging him on:

Dennis Bonello
aqlalu mela ta :) terhilux

Joseph Scerri
Bla dubbju ghal-fuq PBS il-lejla. Ma tantx ser tohrog gharaq il-lejla Dott. Go for him

Joe Pizzuto
go go go Dr Farrugia and stand your ground,qazzuna issa,hu u liehor.good luck

Patrick Grech
staqsieh DR Anglu farrugia kif ma jridx jaghmel konfront ma JPO

Brian Azzopardi
prosset anglu ejja ha nisimiawk itih xebba kliem kif jixraqlu lou bondi

Anglu Farrugia
Grazzi lil kullhadd minn qalbi

All this going on, I must point out, while the Great Leader was bringing down the house down with his earthquake of a speech, and his Deputy Great Leader, sitting beside him, was busy Facebooking his ‘frands’.

Tal-Mickey Mouse.

19 Comments Comment

  1. pat says:

    Is it possible li kwazi kulhadd jikteb “prosit” hazin?
    Any more versions?

    • Vanni says:

      That word is, as far as I am concerned, the most hatefull word in the Maltese language. Whenever I see (or hear) it, I want to throttle the the sad git who can’t be bothered to think of a suitable word or phrase to show his appreciation.

      Coming a close second is that revolting ‘hi’. Third is ‘aw’……..

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Prose-it Pat.

  2. Min Weber says:

    Deffni hi, nizzzell id-dmugh ma’ haddeja il-lejla b’dan id-dahK kollhu – ma jistghax ikun li nibqghu sejrin hekk, ta.

    Pero’, prossett … int id-dissett tal-internett …

  3. Min Weber says:

    Daphne, allura dwar din l-imbecillagni ma tghidilniex??

    Lolita Pusung
    thank you for welcoming me as a friend,do you know ,that i was once a politician too back home in the PHILIPPINES…. but now resides here in Canada w/ my 4 sons w/ families ,since their dad passed away 5 yrs.ago! I just know alittle of politics, in my own little way ,i can share!
    Sunday at 2:33pm ·
    Anglu Farrugia That is interesting. So good night then
    21 hours ago.
    Lolita Pusung welcome! happy morning!
    21 hours ago.

    [Daphne – I’m going to uploaded the whole exchange.]

  4. Gahan says:

    Smajt lil Joseph.

    iwa qghadt nisimghu!

    Beda jiftahar bil-“Predecessuri Taghna” minflokk ma semma lil Mintoff b’ismu jew qal “il-mexxejja laburisti ta’ qabli”.

    Hallat il-biegha u ipprova jhawwad l-imhuh.

    Ried per ezempju ,jiehu il-prosit il-Labour tas-success tal-Port Hieles.

    Veru li Mintoff bena il-breakwater (bit-trakkijiet tal-konkos jidhlu minn xatba u johorgu minn ohra mimlijin) imma ta’ rghib u ras iebsa li kien ghamel Centru tat-Trasbord fejn il-vapuri bil-fors kellhom ihallsu t-taxxa.

    Gew xi ghoxrin vapur f’sena .

    Ghas-sur Joseph kollox xorta ; centru tat-trasbord u port hieles mhux xorta?

    L-ghasafar tac-comb li jtiru; veru li kienu jtiru imma donnu kullhadd nesa li konna nhallsu mitejn lira biex nitilghu sa l-Ingilterra.

    Nigu ghal-pannelli solari, is-Sur Joseph minghalih li kien ghadu gurnalist mas-Super One ibellghalna r-ross bil-labbra.

    Qal li il-Prim Ministru qal li gholla d-dawl biex in-nies tixtri l-pannelli solari ,ghawweg id-diskors a la Super One wahda w sew.Il-Prim Ministru qal li hadd m’hu cuc li se jinstalla pannelli solari meta d-dawl ikun issusidjat u irhis.

    In-nies dahlet biex tixtri u tinstala l-pannelli solari ghax jaqblilha bis-sussidju ta’ tlett elef ewro fuq kull sett ta’ pannelli.

    Ghandi zewg guvnotti, wiehed minnhom qalli li ghandu x’jistudja u l-iehor kien fuq Skype u FB,bil-kwiet kollu gabuli par earphones dahhlu il-plug fir-radju u qaluli biex nisimghu wahdi.

    Wara li spicca kollox qaluli “Taf li Berlusconi se jirrizenja?”

    Waqt li kont qed nisma’ ‘l Anglu jitkellem , nebbahni xi haga.

    Haqqna tbezbiza, sinjura Daphne:”Kif ma ntqal xejn minn l-ebda artikolista jew kummentatur fuq is-sentenza li tghat il-Qort Ewropeja dan l-ahhar fuq il-hlas doppju ta’ VAT fuq iz-zewg karozzi tas-Sur Joseph u ta’ dawk il-hafna cwiec ohrajn li marru fil-kju il-Mile End jirregistraw isimhom biex jifthu kawza kontra l-gvern , biex meta jitla’ Joseph jaghtihom it-Taxxa tar-Registrazzjoni li hallsu lura bl-imghax b’kollox”.

    Fejn hu l-MEP Louis Grech?

    X’wahda tnejku bihom, Anglu u Toni, it-taks fors ta’ avukati primi Laburisti.

    Gurnata fil-kju ghax-xemx ghal-lasta.

  5. Brian*14 says:

    Yes, pat – one more..prost?

  6. Silverbug says:

    well, one was right at least – ma tantx hareg gharaq jekk mhux tat-tip lli jigi mill-misthija.

  7. Johnny Kexx says:

    Yes it’s possible li ta’ GaddafiPL jiktbu prosit hazin.. Minn nies ta’ dak il-livell baxx kollox tistenna.

  8. Antoine Vella says:

    Anglu Farrugia’s worst moment was probably when asked about energy production and electricity bills. They have “A Plan”, he said, which of course he knew all about.

    Pressed to tell us what this was he mentioned John Dalli so it suddenly became “Dalli’s Plan”.

    How did the PL know what this plan was? Did Dalli contact them about it?

    No, Dalli hadn’t told anyone from the PL but they knew what his plan was anyway.

    How? He tried to bluster his way out of this by blurting nonsense (“somebody went to see the PM”) but it was obviously all fluff.

    My impression is that Bondi wasn’t even trying to trap Farrugia, but only pressing him politely for answers. Perhaps it was the fault of all those Facebook admirers but Farrugia looked supremely over-confident and stumbled on this issue.

    The truth came out that Dalli has no cunning plan and neither has the PL.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Antoine, I believe that in yesterday’s Bondi+, the key moment was when Anglu Farrugia, in my view, revealed that Joseph Muscat’s reference to a clear plan on how to reduce water and electricity tariffs was, in fact, John Dalli’s plan.

      I think this was a strategic revelation, and I could read Lou Bondi’s satisfaction in his face.

      John Dalli’s statement on Inkontri that the least he expected was that the government would do a feasibility study now takes a new meaning.

      Why is it that I think that someone has done a feasibility study, and that this is now in the hands of Joseph Muscat?

      Why is it that Labour gave airtime to John Dalli to argue in favour of his plan?

      I think that if the government really does not intend to go ahead with the plan, the government should disclose the whole plan and why it is not feasible. But maybe “at the right time.”

  9. Jelly Bean says:

    How Anglu wished he could turn back the clock and instead of a PBS studio he was back at the Police depot, with his moustache back on, bullying Lou Bondi around in one of the cells.

    On the outside he looked calm and composed but you could see the anger and hatred oozing out

    His eyes, most especially, gave the game away. Ma x’biza!

  10. Jelly Bean says:

    And now a speciAl dedication to our friend and hero.

    Vera prosit Ang :)

  11. Jozef says:

    Yesterday’s Bondi+ was totally unbalanced.

    The comparison between the two deputies proved unbearable.

    How can the Broadcasting Authority remedy such a situation?

  12. hopeful says:

    These illiterates do not even know the meaning of the word – let alone how to write it properly. But what do you expect? I wish I had the time and space to recount my experience, once in Gozo, during elections. unbelievable.

  13. Hmieg says:

    Forsi jista jselliflu wiehed minn dawk il-jockstraps, Manu Maltes.

  14. etimologo says:

    Prosit (or variations thereof such as “prost”) is used before a toast in place of “to your health” (i.e. for your benefit) in all European countries I know of except Malta.

    It is made up of two Latin words “pro” meaning “in favour of” or “beneficial to” and “sit” which is the subjunctive of the verb “esse” meaning “to be” (compare Italian “sia”, subjunctive of the verb “essere”).

    In my view, it should be avoided when one speaks Maltese and may be replaced by “nifrahlek”.

  15. Lomax says:

    When I read these posts, I think I am living in some parallel world.

    My knee-jerk reaction would be to say: bis-serjeta’?

    But then I think otherwise because when I’ve asked this question, I’ve always been answered with a resounding “yes”.

    Still, when I think that our future deputy PM will be this idiot..

    Daphne, the photograph caption is hilarious.

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