Is this how Labour’s policies get written?

Published: November 13, 2011 at 7:34pm

FZL's Tander/Alex Saliba - making progressive policy in a Qawra bar or garage with Chief Elve Aaron Farrugia

Do these people ever read what they write?

Here’s the head of Labour’s think-tank, Fondazzjoni Ideat, on Facebook:

Aaron Farrugia
Heading to Qawra to meet Forum Zghazagh Laburisti and young labour party activists. Progressive solutions to take our country forward.

Well, it’s nice to know that we might have some progressive solutions at last, even if they do come from a Saturday afternoon ‘let’s have a beer’ meeting in a Qawra garage.

And here’s the former Chief Elve again, boasting on Facebook about the Labour Party’s newly acquired ‘Equality Mark’ – which it must have been given for having a Sezzjoni Nisa, a Sezzjoni LGBT and for throwing a special-case party for Muslims.

Aaron Farrugia
Il-Partit Laburista ingħata l-Equality Mark Certification mill-Kummissjoni Nazzjonali għall-Promozzjoni tal-Ugwaljanza (NCPE).Din iċ-ċertifikat ifisser li l-PL bil-fatti qiegħed jimplimenta policies u prattiċi fuq il-post tax-xogħol li jiggarantixxu gender equality u miżuri family friendly mal-ħaddiema tiegħu. B’hekk, il-PL sar l-ewwel partit politiku f’ Malta li kiseb din il-marka.

13 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio2011 says:

    Jason Micallef posted this on his Facebook wall yesterday:

    “Din kienet sorpriza helwa mit-team ta’ Ilsien in-Nisa ftit tal-jiem ilu. Ihabbat il-bieb tal-ufficcju, niftah, u jkun Gary Neville! Persuna tal-genn li jhobb lil Malta daqs art twelidu. Sintendi u bhali wkoll lill-akbar u l-aqwa team fid-dinja….MAN UTD!”

    Not knowing what the Ilsien in-Nisa team was about, I found this after googling the term:

    I admit, I never watched that program.

    But I thought: would that have scored extra points in achieving the Equality Mark for Labour?

  2. 'Angus Black says:

    ‘Equality Mark Certificate’ u ‘Quality Mark Certificate’ mhux l-istess.

    Ghad irid jghaddi millenju iehor biex il-Labour Party javvicina dak l-istadju li jwasslu ghal ‘Quality Mark Certificate’..

    Wara kollox, tghid Joseph hawwel lill xi bazuzlu tieghu fuq il-bord ta l-NCPE ?

    U qabez lill Sabrina?

  3. anthony says:

    Now, this is very reassuring.

    They “might” be getting their progressive solutions from a group of tipsy elves in a Qawra garage.

    How progressive and how scary.

    I am sure we would all be much better off without their particular brand of progressive solutions.

    I would rather stay put.

  4. Grezz says:

    Saturday, November 12, 2011 ,
    by John C. Causebrook, Żebbuġ

    Pathetically uncultured audience

    I have been visiting Gozo regularly for the past 30 years. In 2005 I was pleased to be able to assist, as a theatre consultant, with the improvements to the Astra Theatre.

    I was then able to introduce Larry Kierkegaard to assist as one of the world’s greatest theatre acousticians – all our services being donated for free.

    My recent visit coincided with the Festival Mediterranea celebrating 7,000 years of culture on Gozo. I was anticipating attending Norma on October 29 knowing the love so many Maltese and Gozitans have for opera and international music.

    No doubt some of the audience were there to be seen at a social occasion and others were representing a number of generous patrons alongside the distinguished patronage of the President and many government and tourist departments.

    However, I was very concerned that the behaviour of the audience and the lack of respect shown for the artists manifested itself throughout the performance which was disturbed in so many ways.

    It certainly was one of the most pathetically uncultured audiences I have experienced in nearly 50 years of theatregoing.”

    • Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

      Frankly, this is one of the most pathetically uninformative letters I have experienced in about fifty years of reading. I’m not saying you’re wrong, simply that I can’t know one way or the other, because you give no facts.

  5. Bus Driver says:

    Defining people by category, then pigeonholing them, is not equality. True equality will only exist when all the pigeonholes are gone.

    Presumably the Equality Mark is based on the PL pigeonholes being of equal size.

  6. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    Note to Mr Saliba and Mr Farrugia: The PN is the ONLY political party to have an openly gay MP, and the first one at that and two female MPs. They do not stick them in a separate group and treat them like special cases.

    Mr Saliba, no matter how many people you manage to fool, I will never believe you or any of your friend Elves after you instantly became a fan of a rotten homophobic website.

    Bil-fatti my foot!

    • La Redoute says:

      ‘Mr’ Saliba is not just a fan of that rotten homophobic website. He was one of its active promoters until he got the fright of his life when threatened with police action.

      A law student who “didn’t know” that he was breaking the law.

      Of course, I’m not suggesting that he – along with Pia Micallef and sundry other elves – was actively involved in setting up and feeding trash into that website, but they certainly know who does.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Labour has given safe harbour to somebody who stands accused of trying to stir up homophobic revulsion against his own ex boyfriend, by circulating images of him having sex with men.

    • Edward Caruana Galizia says:

      Someone should tell him to lose that photo. He looks like an extra on Madonna’s “Vogue” music video.

  7. Lorna saliba says:

    Tander li jorqod mat-teddy bear?

  8. Jozef says:

    Is there anyone in that photo?

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