Semplici. Cara. Daqs il-kristall (u sintendi, ondirekort)
Oh, look!
Kurt Farrugia’s Cunning Plans Department, which appears to have replaced the Labour Party’s Policy-Making Department, has sent out an email about the budget, and (something you can’t see here), decorated it with blue logos for, so that we might think it’s official or comes from the Nationalist Party.
You know, if we were really stupid. And I’ll resist the barb that perhaps that’s because it’s aimed at people who vote Labour already because, obviously, it isn’t.
There is nothing to indicate that it comes from the Labour Party, unless you investigate the sender’s address closely and work out what means.
Malta’s Budget 2012 explained
The yearly budget exercise can get bogged down in confusing numbers and statistics that are probably of little relevance to you. And yet, budgeting for you and your family at home is an every day thing.
Every time you put your hand in your pocket to pay for groceries; each time you hand over €20 to keep your car going with fuel for a few days; or that dreaded day when you open your letterbox only to find your water and electricity bill waiting for you, the budget affects you.
You know you are paying through the nose. But what are you getting in return?
You want your pay to last. You expect decent roads and an efficient transport system in return for your taxes. You expect top class education for your children. You’ve paid your taxes for a free health service with no hidden charges, operations that improve the quality of your life within a reasonable timeframe, and medicines when you need them, not when they are in stock.
You didn’t pay your taxes to build a new parliament or a bridge to nowhere and you didn’t vote to increase under-performing ministers’ salaries by €500 per week.
This year, there’s no need to try to work out what they’re not telling you in the budget. explains the budget in a way that isn’t trying to hide the truth from you but explains it as it really is.
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One conclusion: These people and I are not living on the same planet, let alone in the same country.
They must have sent this out to a really big mailing list. I received it at work, without previously agreeing to receive such unsolicited mail.
I didn’t notice, before trashing it, whether there was an Unsubscribe option.
The PL obviously doesn’t know data protection laws concerning unsolicted email.
Mr Kurt Farrugia, is trying to deceive readers by using colour and formatting the new PL strategy?
This is quite unrelated to Malta’s budget but important just the same.
It would be a mistake to presume that with Gadaffi’s death his terrible legacy is over.
If Gadaffi and his wealthy sycophants still have a hold on British academic institutions, just imagine what influence his family has on Malta’s institutions, including certain political parties.
[Daphne – It’s a bit late to be talking of influence in the present.]
I don’t know what “No Problem” is trying to say by posting this link but having read the article without any idea who Karm Farrugia is, I found that what this man had to say to be totally objective and absolutely sensible without any political bias. A great article.
I received this email yesterday evening and what struck me first is that, like a Nigerian scam email, there was no indication of who is behind
Then on reading the text again I surmised that it must have come from the Dirty Tricks Department.
I am unable to stop laughing at that pic.
“The yearly budget exercise can get bogged down in confusing numbers and statistics that are probably of little relevance to you. ”
I miss those years when the budget was revelant to me. That was when Mintoff’s finance minister used to announce in his budget speech a 5 mils reduction in the price of canned tuna, which then, in actual fact, would double in price because it was scarce, and sold under the counter.
The person who wrote this, at least, can spell English words.
I received one of these emails and as you said one has to check thoroughly for the sender’s details. Luckily mine ended up as spam and I didn’t bother to read it.
When the PL have something NEW and of interest to say , PBS, will no doubt, give Joseph Muscat the extensive reporting he requires.
This really is becoming too much now.
What does the Labour Party expect? Maybe they’d like to have a hand in the budget preparations, too, with Il-Guy co-presenting it alongside the Finance Minister?
It’s really beyond pathetic.
Two very good initiatives: and
There is also an iphone etc app: Malta Budget
More on Anglu & Co.
I was trying to respond to the above but my vocabulary has dwindled to a good number of four letter combinations not worthy of this site.
So, I abstain.
Kurt had just a peep of the world beyond Malta and he wet his pants.
This morning he hastily protested with PBS.
As if that explanation doesn’t give it away.
Oh, ondirekort, the site is still ‘under construction’ and will be online in 20 minutes at the time of writing this comment. They’re probably busy writing all their proposals for a budget that will leave CHEJNG IN D POKIT.
This morning Kurt Farrugia protested over what he or rather the PL deem to be imbalance on PBS reporting of the Budget.
The budget is presented by the government,so where, may I ask, is the imbalance?
If only Labour would explain even one of their policies written by Karmenu Vella, then I would be happy if they were given hours of broadcasting time to explain them.
But then that’s wishful thinking. I have to wait until the election so they can then explain them in one minute so that no one understands.
Nice try Kurt! Now back to the coconuts.
Ma tafx tisthi mur stahba Daphne jew stenna ftit iehor u mur stahba mal Prim ministru tieghek u ta ftit li jpapuwa tajjeb