If the Labour Party gets its cut, all its party financing problems will be over
November 30, 2011 at 1:53pm
But it will probably end up in a shoot-out with John Dalli, and you don’t want to get yourself tangled up with somebody who’s got a brother like that.
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I am anxiously waiting for Evarist Bartolo’s comments.
Do a Google images search for ‘hamalla’ and Consuelo’s pic is the first up. I thought I’d share this with you. It made me smile.
Mr. Anastasi must be pleased.
The plant in Stockholm, was NOT built by Sargas, it is an existing coal fired power plant, reconverted to attenuate emissions. Sargas developed a system where CO2 emitted from the plant is captured.
Sweden, being the fourth polluter worldwide per capita, if carbon counting were applied as per protocol, continues to invest in these technologies promoted by its Vattenfall exploiting the carbon credit system.
Vattenfall also has major interests in Denmark, where presumably our CO2 is proposed to be exported.
It is imperative to make a distinction between CCS, (where S stands for sequestration), as a series of solutions to remove CO2 from combustion exhaust, including chemical processing of CO2 to stable carbonates using Magnesium and Calcium, and that which is being proposed by Sargas.
This is what we should be discussing.
If Labour want to continue risking this country’s decision making by distorting facts and playing to these venture capitalists’ version of CCS, whose interest is to capture the CO2 to sell it to oil producers for enhanced oil recovery, (hence their S for storage) then they’d better state clearly what the agenda is.
In other words, if it is about CO2, we should have a say in what it is used for when sequestered.
The risk here is that following Kyoto, constraints on carbon offsetting will be made harsher, and that anything termed CCS, but which indirectly contributes to fossil fuel production, will be considered in its entirety. ie, CO2 produced by resulting fossil fuel will offset CO2 captured and pumped to produce it.
What’s happening is that this term has been hijacked by fossil fuel producers, doing what environmentalists call a greenwash.
Which constraints, by the way, are being revised in Durban this week.
This CCS thing leaves us a resource hungry economy. Our objective should be to depend more on renewable energies.
Waste to energy is part of our solution. Wasteserve already bale carton boxes, paper and wood for this purpose.
Incinerate and scrub the fly ash. According to Sargas their plant will produce TWO shiploads of fly ash per week.Can Joseph make a press conference with TWO SHIPS at his background instead of two 20 ft containers?
One News speaks of ‘fossil fuel’ to avoid the dreaded word “FAHAM” (coal)
Ciccio, what is the calorific value of “l-ghadam taz-zebbug”,(olive pits)?
Because if it has a high calorific value I would start buying whole olives and store the olive pits in jars.That would be a good investment . No?
Charlon Albert Town Gouder might know the calorific value of olive pits, because he said on Super One that Sargas gave “precise details” of their proposals.
Well said. You are right in saying that Malta should have a say in what the sequestered CO2 is used for.
In a comment I made some days ago I also questioned why Malta should be subsidising Denmark’s CCS program without first exploring the possibility of developing our own program.
As usual with the PL they are running with the hares and hunting with the hounds :
“Sargas se johloq impjiegi godda ghal-Maltin””Sargas will create new jobs for Maltese workers” “L-impjant se jimbena il-Koreja” “the plant will be built in Korea”.
In other words Sargas will employ ten people in Malta in an office for four years costing €1.3m and an average of two hundred Koreans (they work and average of 45 hours per week : one Saturday on the other Saturday off) working for the same amount of years costing roughly some €24 million in wages to build and ship the plant.
Why have we all forgotten about Joe Sammut and Gaddhafi’s son’s accounts. Are we going to get any answers any time soon?
Is he pretending that things in Libya are still the same?
The pressure has to be maintained relentlessly both on the PL and on Dalli.
The Sargas project will go through because the money is too attractive for both.
However, in the end, Dalli will make his buck and live happily ever after.
On the other hand the PL government will implode sometime around 2016 as a result of this scam. Having frittered away close to one billion euros we will, by then, be completely bankrupt.
I was betting on 2015. Now it will be a year later but better late than never.
I look forward to the project going ahead with concomitant persistent opposition to it.
Sargas is going to be Malta’s next “salvatur”.
In 2017 the PN and Malta will have to start from scratch.
Thirty years after they both had to start from scratch.
We have done it once. We will do it again.
God willing.
“We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall fight on the Sargas barges; we shall never surrender,”
“u ohra Koreana li ser tibni l-impjant u twasslu Malta…”
– Charlon Albert Town Gouder, 1:30 in the video.
Did Labour order a Sargas power station already?