A Facebook exchange between Alan Deidun and Luciano Busuttil
Alan Deidun
and on another note, it does your dignity as a MP little good to post comments on facebook such as ‘raqditli saqajja’, etc whilst your are attending a Parliamentary session – only shows that you really do not deserve the honoraria increase
Luciano Busuttil
alan. 1. meta ha tikber u ma tibqghax taqra blogs miktuba b mibgheda uwhdura minn min irid ixerred il mibgheda? mhux saqajja biss raqditli bil budget speech imma bil kliem vojt u fieragh tieghu tonio raqqadni. jekk jien ma haqqnix zieda ghax ghamilt kumment ciniku kemm haqqhom iz zieda il ministri li nqabdu jorqdu fil parlament? 2. il budget tal bulubif u tonn taz zejt assikuraw xoghol u lm400 milkun surplus fil kaxxa ta malta. ahjar toqghod kwiet ghax taqta figura ahjar.
Alan Deidun
jien ma qrajtx il blogs li qieghed tirreferi ghalihom int imma qrajt il facebook post tieghek – missek tisthi tirriduci lilhel innifesk ghal addolexenti fuq facebookwaqt li suppost qieghed fil-Parlament tirraprezenta lil min ivvotalhek – u dan wara l-gaffe li ghamilt fuq il protest tal kunsill Lokali ta Rahal Gdid fuq l Arriva fejn lanqas kontu kapaci tikkalkulaw numru sew – jekk trid tisma l-hdura, isma ftit l-One jew aqra dawk il-blogs kollha bla isem li jkun hemm fuq maltastar u maltatoday
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Sibuli ponta ha nifqa rasii maghha. With his reply Luciano showed that he is the first one to read this blog.
Kemm hu vojt u unprofessional bhal bqija tal-membri tal-PL.
Jen mhux naqbel u bin-nervi hafna mal-PN li fi kliem il-Prim qed jizloq fin-niexef. These guys do not deserve election to government by mere default.
come on deidun :)
I remember this one calling me a pseudo artist just because I disagreed with him on some comments he made. While I have no illusions about my artistic work, I would have appreciated it had the conversation not degenerated into name calling on his side.
Ah yes, and he did the ultimate thing. He unfriended me on Facebook.
Oh no! Tragedy
The pot and the kettle – I remember a certain theatrical director insulting me personally because I thought “Blasted” was a load of shite (still do) and because – in certain cases – I agree with censorship. But it’s OK – I forgive him.
Not to mention the lies about “il budget tal bulubif u tonn taz zejt assikuraw xoghol u lm400 milkun surplus fil kaxxa ta malta.”
We never had as much unemployment and shitty jobs as we had in those years, both in %age terms and absolute numbers….
as to the ‘surplus’ is he referring to the FC reserves sitting there to back our unconcvertible currency and doing SFA except providing mintoff with another opportunity to screw something else up after he ‘retired’ in 1984?
closet stalinists re-writing history, every single bloody one of them………..
Not just unemployment but also under-employment.
The more things change, the more they stay the same – Evarist Bartolo about the Labour Party.
[Daphne – I can’t bear the way that quotation is always attributed to Evarist Bartolo. He lifted it straight out of Il Gattopardo. It is, in fact, one of the most famous lines from that novel: “Unless we ourselves take a hand now, they’ll foist a republic on us. If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.” ]
It’s not Bartlu, but neither is it Lampedusa. It’s a quote from the French (Karr) a century earlier than Il Gattopardo.
[Daphne – You’re right. I actually remember writing about this some time back on this very blog.]
Another “Il Gattopardo” quote:
“And, between ourselves, I doubt very strongly whether this new Kingdom has very many gifts for us in its luggage.”
It’s “Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose” – with the appropriate accents in the right place, of course.
I believe the quote in il Gattopardo is “If things are to remain as they are, things will have to change” but could be wrong, it’s been ages since I read it.
[Daphne – Il Gattopardo is written in Italian, so anything else is just a translation.]
Taghhom iridu jaghtuh lill PN. Lucjan kien bilkemm twieled meta il-Prim kien jitmaghna bulubif u tonn taz-zejt – u b-imqieta u mhux kemm konna rridu. Konna nistennew ‘il-vapur tac-Cina jidhol qabel ma konna nifthu landa bulubif jew tonn taz-zejt, ghidlu lill- Lucjan
Ma jistax ikun li raqad meta il-Prim Ministru kisser lill Joseph u il-51 proposta jew ahjar holma ta Joseph li sparixxiet kif induna li hafna ‘proposti’ tieghu kienu diga implimentati mill-gvern u l-kumplament ghadu ma jafx kif se jsib il-flus biex iwettaqhom.
Lucjan anqas kont kunsillier tajjeb u daqshekk iehor se tibbrilla mal kumplament ta l-iskaduti shabek tal-PL.
Fat load of good that surplus did, anyway. What’s the point of having one if it compromises basic rights and freedoms? It’s the state equivalent of stuffing your mattress with cash, while living on stale bread and water and refusing to repair a leaking roof – not that the Labour Party and its bazuzli ever did anything of the sort.
Luciano, il budget tat-ton taz-zejt u l-bulubif, assikuraw, hekk imsejjah xoghol ta’ dirghajn il-maltin, korp tal-pijuniri, izra u rabbi etc. Veru wkoll li hallew lm 400 fil-kaxxa imma.. t-telefon tiftakru fl-istess zmien bl-operator; tiftakar ukoll li min kellu linja diretta (ftit) kienu jkunu jakkumpanjawhom xi 4 persuni ohra f’daqqa fl-istess telefonata? Eh u ma setax ikollok facebook ta, ghax il-computer, skont l-ex leader tieghek Mintoff kien xi haga ta’ barra minn hawn.
Tiftakar meta l-ilma kien bir-razzjon ukoll: xi jumejn iva u hamsa le, u f’dawk il-jumejn allahares kont toqghod ‘il fuq mit-tieni jew tielet sular? Tiftakar ukoll in-nuqqas ta’ dawl? Tiftakar ukoll li TV black and white biss kellna ufficjalment (Ghax ghal tal-kulur kont trid thallas extra lil xi hadd?)
Infakkrek ukoll l-airport li kellna, it-toroq li qatt ma jissewwew, il-kontrolli fuq kemm tohrog flus minn malta meta trid issiefer (mhux izjed minn Lm 500 f’kollox: u l-hafna karti li wiehed ried jimla mis-Central Bank). X’inkomplu: eh kwalita wahda biss ta’ ikel. Luciano, kemm kienu jidhku bina l-isqallin meta konna mmorru hemm: sa kemm jitlaq l-Ghawdex mil-port kienu jibqghu jajtu bic-cikkulata u l-ghagin: u meta tasal malta, mhux it-terminal tal-port li hemm bhalissa ta, imma f’dik il-bicca kamra li kien hemm il-birgu, kont issib lil tad-dwana biex jiehdu sehemhom ukoll barra d-dazju.
Ftakar Luciano, jew kont ghadek zghir biex tiftakar dan kollu? Jekk fil-kaz staqsi u tghallem.
Missieri kien jghidli, ‘Qatt targumenta mal-bahnan, ghax bahnan kien u bahnan jibqa u int tiehu battikata ghalxejn’.
The very words I live by.
Good on you, Alan Deidun. The MPs need to be held accountable for their crass behaviour.
Luciano Busuttil is fast establishing a reputation as a complete idiot.
He earned that reputation a long time ago.
“il budget tal bulubif u tonn taz zejt assikuraw xoghol u lm400 milkun surplus fil kaxxa ta malta.”
jew ahjar ‘Gvern sinjur u poplu fqir’.
U lanqas li kieku kellek il-flus, ghax tant ma kien haw’ aghzla ta’ xejn li kien ikollok issiefer biex tixtri xi haga sura.
Konna pajjiz li tisthajlu qieghed fil ‘Communist Block’.
Bilhaqq Luciano, meta sirt avukat ma nahsibx li kellek bzonn il-parrinu, jew inkella kellek taghzel xi kors iehor minhabba li kien hemm in-numru maghluq hux? Anzi, probabilment, kont tigbor ukoll il-flus li kull xahar kull student universitarju jigbor min kemm ilu jiggverna partit nazzjonalista.
Kieku kellu jaghmel ezami tal-Malti Luciano Busuttil niddubita jghaddix.
[Daphne – He must have an A-level in Maltese, because he’s a lawyer.]
Forsi Joseph baghat e-mail lill examiner?
It’s ironic that this was posted here.
A few days back, I had a rather heated exchange with Marlene Mizzi on Facebook over her dear Joseph’s failed proposal re: the reduction of W & E tariffs.
I think I destroyed each one of her arguments, I’m 22 years old. I’m not even an economist, or anywhere near as close to her ‘position’ as head of the Labour Business Forum. I’m simply a law student.
Such was the magnitude of her idiocy that she failed to control herself and by the end of the exchange she lapsed into the downright vulgar, something which she accused me of being despite the fact that I was merely being argumentative and critical.
[Daphne – Send her a Burberry check umbrella and ask for her forgiveness. You never know when you might need a toy from the Early Learning Centre, hand-delivered by a magistrate’s chauffeur.]
She was so embarrassed that before long she deleted her comments. If only I had taken a screenshot of what she wrote.
I had to remove Luciano from my list of Facebook friends since some of.his acolytes were stooping to preciptous lows, especially in terms of vulgarity. Run a search.on.his Facebook and you will get my drift.
How on earth are we supposed to move forward with these kind of people in parliament – who think it is appropriate to use Facebook during a parliamentary session and completely disrespect the nation they represent ?
Baxxter’s Zewg Proposti Ghal Malta Ahjar:
1. Nipprojbixxu l-Facebook ghall-membri tal-parlament.
2. Nipprojbixxu l-leggings ghan-nisa hoxnin.
Go baxxter go!