Marco Cremona should stick to hydrology – or whatever it is he does

Published: December 2, 2011 at 12:00am

Here’s another tiresome independent and unbiased poseur.

Marco Cremona (on Facebook)
How can somebody expect that the party in opposition comes up with the same quality of proposals as the party in government, when the latter has the power of incumbency? That is, government can appoint consultants at the taxpayers’ expense, and the party in government takes the credit!

Hallina, Marco.

Please stop talking rot, and just do the honest thing and walk out of your political closet. How can the Opposition come up with proposals, indeed.

For a start, they don’t even have to pay their consultants because judging by the way they talk, they’ve got at least 50 economists on board their ship of fools.

And why don’t you do the decent thing and offer them some pro bono consultancy, if you’re so great?

X’antipatija ta’ nies.

“The Labour Party doesn’t have policies because it doesn’t have money to pay for them.” Pppfffff. Xi stupidagni. Stick to water, Marco. And climbing mountains, or whatever the latest thing it is you’ve done to show off your hipness.

Maaaa, kemm ma baqalix pacenzja.

41 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    Another one aspiring for a corner in the Fondazzjoni Idejat skip.

  2. Il-Ħmar says:

    Daphne, there’s life outside boxes. Just thought you’d like to know.

    [Daphne – Interestingly, that’s what I’m doing here: letting people like Marco Cremona know. So far, he’s the biggest cliche and not aware of it. His Facebook comment on the birth of his baby: “We are almost back to pre-children levels of water and electricity consumption. I’ve managed to curb the mother-in-law’s initial bout of enthusiasm.” For what – washing the baby and its things? Miskina Mrs Cremona, married to the typically controlling environmental domestic tyrant. He’ll soon have her washing the sheets by hand and God help her if she so much as dreams of a dishwashing machine.]

  3. The chemist says:

    Min imaqdar irid jixtri. F’dan il-kaz ibiegh.

  4. A.Attard says:

    His latest crusade is against agriculture, because it uses too much water he says. Green on the outside and red on the inside.

  5. Joe Micallef says:

    To Marco.

    So from what you’re saying we should only expect policies after Labour are elected to government, following which they can affrord to hire consultants.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Labour found the money to pay for the new logo consultants.

      And they seem to have found the consultants to advise them to force the Sargas plant on the country.

      Can’t they find the money for policy making?

  6. John Schembri says:

    “How can somebody expect that the party in opposition comes up with the same quality of proposals as the party in government ?”

    I think Marco is right but people don’t expect a deeply researched idea from someone who doesn’t have the tools to check the consequences if that idea is implemented.

    This does not mean that deeply researched ideas won’t fall in Joseph’s lap.

    The problem is Joseph’s ability to differentiate between good ideas and shady ones which the government rejects, like the Sargas white elephant which the Labour Party is evidently supporting.I hope Marco opposes this Sargas project.

    If Marco is a PL supporter than I can conclude that our water has been contaminated with some chemical which affects the way we reason things out.

    Last time I heard him on RTK (29/11/2011) he was a guest together with Astrid Vella on “Bizzejjed ghal kullhadd”. He did not sound political, he was the usual environmentalist ‘grumbling’ as that the authorities are not doing enough:

    [Daphne – Marco is extremely politically motivated in an ‘against the world’ rather than ‘pro-Labour’ way. He’s got a massive superiority complex and like his friend Jeffrey has the mindset of a narcissist. Unlike you, John, I keep track of what people write, even on the comments-boards.

    Collect them all together, and you get a very interesting picture. Even his friend Jeffrey wasn’t aware of the way Marco Cremona really thinks and what he says and writes in public. Also, people tend to think they are individual and independent-minded and unusual, but everybody is really just a type.

    You have to work out which type a person is, and then you’ll notice that everything they do and say and the way they think falls into a pattern. Check out his Facebook profile photo to see what I mean: he’s wearing a Hare Krishna orange shirt (sigh) and is holding a black baby in some third world village while other chldren crowd at his legs (double sigh). I might have found this fascinating at 20, but I certainly don’t now – unless the other person is 20, that is. My generation was teeming with people like Marco Cremona – we must have been on the cusp of something or other. Hence AD, the product of that generation. Most grew up and moved on, but some got stuck there. Hence Malta Today. They don’t impress me at all – too many memories of totalitarians banging on about how people’s behaviour should be controlled. They are the diametric opposite of liberal.]

    People like him like to push their consultancy work, by saying that “this should be done” when we know that the government is paving the road for precisely that thing.

    The Msida and Birkirkara rain water problem comes to mind; we know that the government is trying to get EU funding for an underground gigantic reservoir to store this storm water.Injecting water in the water table has been done for quite a long time now and a lot of WSC boreholes have been stopped.

  7. Jozef says:

    Engineers should not reinforce misconceptions.

    Honestly, this is not on.

  8. Derek Fenech says:

    Although there are some interesting posts on your blog, the rant is becoming too obvious now. Anything which remotely criticizes this government becomes Facebook stalking and witch hunting material. Thank God there is a new breed of bloggers who write posts that this blog is now lacking. Pity.

    [Daphne – Oh Derek, I see what you write on the internet, too. Totally elvish and one big yawn. Go back to brainstorming with The Modernisers.]

    • Derek fenech says:

      It would be interesting to see what gets categorised under elvish and one big yawn, Surely I don’t aspire to be a blogger, my skills are different ones. As for The Modernisers, I am actually not part of that crowd and again do not aspire to be part of but the ranting on both sides is becoming too annoying.

      [Daphne – It’s so annoying that you’re all over the internet, commenting with the worst of them. If it annoys you that much, don’t bother getting involved. I hate sports, but I don’t go on sports channels to argue about how boring it is.]

      • Derek fenech says:

        Ehm…I think you might have got the wrong Derek Fenech because I am all over the internet but for matters which are of an design, illustration and artistic nature. I think you must have stalked the wrong person.

        [Daphne – No, I’m not mistaken at all. The only reason your name caught my eye is because, unusually, you share it with the father of one of my dearest friends. I wouldn’t have noticed it otherwise. The internet is thick with nutters.]

      • Derek Fenech says:

        You are welcome to post any links that might be of the ‘elvish’ nature you are screaming about. The only ‘elvish’ doing which might be associated with me were picture books I illustrate. Do you want me to send you one? Your problem is that you take every criticism, even the slightest one, as an attack to the government which is not always the case. You should start taking matters with a pinch of salt.

        [Daphne – No, I don’t Derek. I just can’t stand weaselly people, that’s all. Good luck with the picture books.]

  9. Antoine Vella says:

    Marco Cremona does have some concrete proposals, mainly that of water and electricity bills to reflect the real cost of the utilities, at least of water. I’ve heard him advocating this on radio, on more than one occasion.

    This is obviously the opposite of what Joseph Muscat “promises” so Cremona is not mentioning it so much nowadays.

    He also suggested that instead of three sewage treatment plants we should have built a larger (but unspecified) number and distributed them all over the countryside, to cut down the cost of transporting sewage and treated water.

  10. Stefano Cremona says:

    Dear Ms. Caruana Galizia,
    You have stated that you keep track of people and then collect everything together.
    Well this time most of the things you wrote are wrong so i suggest you go back to the drawing board and start all over again.
    Am sure you will get a different picture.
    Stefano Cremona

    [Daphne – I don’t keep track of people and collect everything together, Stefano. But when I need to research a politician or other public person, I do so. That’s elementary. Never take things at face value.]

    • Stefano Cremona says:

      I must have read your comment to Mr. John Schembri wrong then. Thought that is what you meant.
      I think I know Marco very well and i am sorry, most of what you wrote is wrong.
      However you are free to write whatever you think best but just wanted to put the record straight.

  11. El Pibe says:

    Marco Cremona has been very critical of the PL and its lack of policy direction, Daphne. Read all his comments and you will see. He is talking about a certain of level of detail that is needed in proposals, which from stats and figures given by the government are often not easy to do.

    Marco is someone who has done a lot towards helping raise awareness on many issues here in Malta and unlike others, he has given proposals and worked towards helping solve those problems e.g. water scarcity.

    [Daphne – Indeed he is. You must read things differently then. To me, that looks very much like justification of the Labour Party’s lack of policies.]

    • El Pibe says:

      Seeing that you have access to his Facebook wall, I’d suggest you scroll through it when you have time and you’ll see that he has criticised many a PL statement or proposal (or lack of one).

      [Daphne – I have criticised many a PN policy and action, but it doesn’t make me Labour. And no, I don’t have access to his wall.]

      • El Pibe says:

        Well who passes on his updates to you maybe forgot about those other statements of his.

        [Daphne – Surely there’s nothing to stop you sending them in yourself.]

  12. el bandido guapo says:

    “Marco is extremely politically motivated in an ‘against the world’ …. way. ”

    Yes, especially the “better off” world, which he blames for all our ills. Rather envious personality, if you ask me.

    Read his typical anti-swimming pool diatribes.

    Nice to read that I’m not the only one who has spotted his personality problems, when in the past I got put down for daring to mention them.

    [Daphne – Oh I don’t know what sort of age you are, but people like Marco Cremona are ‘my people’, though I never knew him in particular. When I was in my early 20s, you couldn’t move in a room without running up against 20 of them. Some of them are still desperately clinging on to their notions – yawn. Their identifying characteristic? Very late marriage – as though they are making the ultimate sacrifice and giving in – and, an even bigger sacrifice, allowing their spouse to have a child. And that child is generally intolerable. Some years ago, when friends brought a couple of brown bread and no sweets carrot juice people like this to lunch with their ghastly toddler, they irritated me so much that I got rid of them by spraying the room volubly with PifPaf ‘because of the flies’. I knew they’d react like I’d dropped the Hiroshima bomb.]

    For all his degrees, he is a far from scientific person, making wild (very wild) assumptions and touting them as statements of fact with nothing more than erroneous hunches to back them up.

    For that, he can never be taken seriously, because this behaviour is the very antithesis of science.

    Very amply proven by the fact that all his (again) anti-pool pronouncements are based on no substance at all – i.e. pools are very, very far from being any statstically significant or even measurable threat to our water resources, very simple calculations by persons without any degrees at all will put paid to that theory.

    But “tal-flus” “jahlu l-ilma fil pools” so it must be a bad thing, mainly because of the “tal-flus” bit one presumes.

    Poor show, Marco.

    • mc says:

      I too noted his personality problems.

      Incidentally, recently there was a news story on television (I forgot which station) about Marco Cremona and his wife adopting two children from Africa.

      I can understand that the adoption of children is a joyous occasion to be shared with family and friends. But did they have to tell all Malta and Gozo about it? What’s the big idea?

      [Daphne – I suppose I shouldn’t say this, but I can’t help myself. Marco Cremona is of the type (I know others) who will not have his own children on the grounds that the world is over-populated already, but who will then adopt because they’ve been born already and he wasn’t responsible for adding to population growth. But the adoption itself become an ‘environmental/social conscience’ act, hence the need to advertise it.]

      Life has taught me one important lesson: if you know someone who loves to be seen and heard, run from him like he were the plague. Another such specimen is Franco Debono.

    • Grezz says:

      It’s Marco’s second marriage. The first bit the dust, not that it’s any of our business, even though he has a Kardashian attitude to his private life.

  13. Daniel says:

    Dear Ms. Caruana Galizia,
    I sincerely admire your ability to find problems/defects in decisions/people, however I do not agree with your methodology of just criticizing decisions/people. I would suggest that you adopt a new philosophy which is summarized in the following quote :
    “Don’t find fault, find a remedy” Henry Ford. I believe that if you would adopt this approach you would be of great use to the engineering and scientific community.


  14. Matthew T says:

    So in simpler words, what he is saying is: “The Nationalists have better proposals”.

    [Daphne – No, what he is saying is: Vote for the underdog regardless. It’s a mindset.]

  15. ciccio2011 says:

    Daphne, Marco Cremona should stick to his plant which converts sewer into drinking water, given that he does not have the power to change water into whisky.
    Maybe Joseph Muscat should consider lowering the water tariffs using the “Marco Cremona plan” in the same way he plans to reduce electricity tariffs using the “John Dalli plan.”

  16. Ian says:

    DCG vs Marco Cremona now? Is there anyone you won’t pick a fight with?

    [Daphne – Oh, am I picking a fight? Is that how he sees it? Hmmmm.]

  17. mc says:

    What motivates Marco Cremona is one thing and one thing alone – to generate more income for his consultancy work.

    Let’s take the environment for example. Deep down he does not give a toss about the environment – he speaks about the environment to make himself visible in the media, being controversial at times, in the hope that he will generate more work. A typical hypocrite.

    I think it is the same with this comment on policy formulation of the PL. He wants to be noticed by the PL so that, if PL wins the elections, he will be awarded consultancy work.

    Since he considers himself God’s gift to humanity, he will undoubtedly expect to be paid prohibitive fees. So, PL beware.

    • Farrugia says:

      I agree with mc. Many of Marco Cremona’s proposals are either unworkable (ie. they do not have a scienctific basis, because Marco is not a scientist) or unsustainable.

      His proposals may well result in more pollution of our aquifer till it becomes useless. When that happens Malta will end up relying on sewage treatment, which happens to be his area of proficiency (or let’s say his field of consultancy).

    • mc says:

      Was it Marco Cremona who claimed that all water resources in the water table will finish within 15 years? This was yet another claim unsubstantiated by proper scientific analysis.

      People like Marco Cremona will do and say anything to attract attention.

  18. davidg says:

    Daphne, thanks for bringing up this subject up as I think that Marco is trying to sell himself to Labour or to a future Labour government.

    I hate to see all the publicity on the media he gets about his mini projects, which are simply a water filtration and treatment plant, no rocket science here, but he manages to impress the uninformed.

    The biggest water consumers are not households but manufacturing plants and hotels.The latter already treat water up to the possible limit.

  19. The rainmaker says:

    Why isn’t Marco Cremona writing about the abundance of rain water that fell earlier this week and showing some relief?

    • el bandido guapo says:

      Maybe, like last year, he is claiming that “90%” or whatever the figure he plucked out of a hat was, ended up in the sea.

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