Ahem. Pause. Drum roll. Fondazzjoni IDEAT are having a FRINDGE meeting with The Modernisers in January
So I’d just been reading this absurd Facebook exchange between Labour’s think-tank chief and an admirer:
Keith Abela
Another Milestone reached tomorrow. Congratulations on your graduation. Kompli hekk…wahda kull sena :)
Aaron Farrugia likes this.
Aaron Farrugia
Thanks Keith. It will be my 4th
Then I opened my in-box and found that somebody had sent me a snip of something else from the Chief Elve’s Facebook wall. I was in fits.
Aaron Farrugia
Fondazzjoni IDEAT will be organising a frindge meeting at the January 2012 Labour Party Conference. This event will take place on Saturday 21st January 2012. Stay tuned for more information
Four degrees and he can’t spell ‘fringe’? What sort of university are we running here?
Stay tuned for more information – to Facebook?
Labour’s think-tank has a FRINGE meeting at the Labour Party conference? Why isn’t it incorporated into the mainstream? Oh, I see, because ideas and policies are a fringe business there.
Bambin, aghtini pacenzja.
Not only does he have four degrees while being only partially literate, but he TEACHES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MALTA. Good going, folks. As they say, garbage in, garbage out.
The pruzuntuz uploaded this photograph on Facebook with the caption: Giving a lecture at the University of Malta on the financial crisis and the labour market.
Ah, so he noticed there’s a financial crisis. No wonder he’s been stuffed into a frindge meeting.
And here are the people in whose hands our collective destiny lies. Labour’s chief think-tank elve uploaded this picture on Facebook and captioned it ‘The Modernisers’.
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Odd looking university lecture room. Didn’t look like that in my time.
It doesn’t look like the university to me.
[Daphne – It’s Salvino Busuttil’s former office at the Foundation for International Studies in Valletta.]
It must be the office of the Rector.
[Daphne – No, apparently it’s Salvino Busuttil’s old office at the Foundation for International Studies in Valletta.]
Possibbli ghadu jezisti Salvinu Busuttil, dak li kien kollox fil-FIS?
U dan ic-carlatan ta’ Aaron Farrugia x’kien qed jaghmel hemmhekk?
U x’lectures jista’ jaghti lil dawk iz-zghazagh?
Mela veru li l-Universita’ taghna marret il-bahar biex cwiec bhal dawn jaghtu lectures lil min huwa daqshom fl-eta’?
U x’irid jghallimmhom – kif jivvutaw ghal Joseph?
Alla aghtini Int il-pacenzja ghax daqt nisplodi.
Veru l-Universita’ saret bhal qrati taghna…. KORROTTA.
The photo on the left is surely some kind of ‘lecture’ regarding PL “policy”. The guy at the back of the picture is the president of the ‘Progressive’ movement called MOVE (Godfrey Galea), while the girl in front of him is his girlfriend.
Needless to say, they’re both staunch Laburisti.
And both go barefoot. In his case, bare-kneed too.
Alas, and so the darkness spreads!
With Mr Farrugia’s lecture, there’s not going to be much ‘moving’.
Imbierka is-Sapjenza t’Alla, kemm huma eruditi dawn it-tfal.
What today’s students lack in erudition is amply compensated by shameless arrogance and this is not limited to PL-supporting ones either, I’m afraid.
I happen to see the work of quite a number of graduates and the lack of linguistic competence is appalling, never mind the absence of logic in what many of them write.
I think the politically motivated pampering of Malta’s university students has done nothing to inculcate a real love of learning in them. Furthermore, a culture where mediocrity is mistaken for excellence and meritocracy is sacrificed to cronyism is the best guarantee that substandard performance will remain this country’s hallmark.
Il-magazine ta’ fuq il-mejda ma tantx jidher li hu textbook akademiku.
A quick search on the University of Malta website does not bring up any Aaron Farrugia. Another one posing as a lecturer when in fact he might be deivering a talk during some very small event.
From the look of the room, curtains and the silver in the background, this is for sure not the main campus, though it might be either the Gozo “campus” or the Old University building in Valletta.
Not only does Aaron Farrugia teach at university but they’ve given him a special lecture room with parquet, curtains and a big linfa.
Isn’t that room with the parquet and big linfa the office near the Aula Magna at the old university building in Valletta? It used to be occupied by that man who ran the foundation for international studies. I can’t remember his name but he was short and unattractive. Oh yes, Salvino Busuttil.
Aaron Farrugia does not appear anywhere in the university’s staff list. The room in the photo can’t be a university lecture room (parquet, curtains and linfa!). Just another idiot who thinks he is an intellectual just because he crammed and passed his exams.
It is just ridiculous that you are judging a person for just a misprint. Storm in a teacup. …
Graziela, the problem is that Labour’s has a chronic history of misprints. Remember their 2008 electoral programme?
You are missing the point. The misspelling is symptomatic of the whole behaviour and attitude of these people. The photos complete the picture.
I suggest that if you want confirmation of the language skills [including spelling] of our current crop of graduates, you should read the comments on timesofmalta.com comments board starting with the report of a graduate taking a swing at a bobby and up to the arraignment today of one who assaulted a faculty dean. Lots of good examples and that is without the actual logic of some of them.
Four degrees, one every year. . . what degrees are these?
The Modernisers can’t even agree on a dress code for their group photo, let alone agree on policy.