I know it’s unusual, but this video has left me speechless
December 2, 2011 at 3:49pm
Joe Grima ta’ Inkontri: “Il-poplu Malti jixirqilhom trattament li fih il-kulur politiku ma jidhol imkien”.
Alex Saliba of FZL: “Id-demokrazija taht in-nazzjonalisti… Haga wahda biss nghid… l-intimidazzjonijiet u l-vendikazjonijiet politici dejjem gghaluni nikkonvinci ruhi kemm ninsab fuq in-naha tajba ta l-istorja ta’ pajjizna. Grazzi lil dawk kollha li b’ghemilhom irnexxielhom jaghtuni aktar sahha sabiex inkompli nahdem u nimmilita fi hdan il-Partit Laburista”
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Ara veru bla zejt f’wicchom dan-nies.
I couldn’t put it any better than this:
The Labour party and its supporters daily criticise the government. Sometimes the reasons why and the facts upon which they are doing so is right, other times it’s not.
What is constant is the daily echoes of such criticism. However, if a Maltese blogger feels he has the right to criticise the Labour Party, it is scandalous, and he must be either an idiot, naive, or being pushed to do so by the Nationalist Party.
Nothing could be further from the truth. We live in a nation that tolerates criticism, and if you refuse to accept that, that is your sad problem.
Disgusting and unbelievable.
On the other hand, what do you expect from a party that can’t pronounce the name of their new star: “EnGearErr”.
Ma jisthux !
It was Goebbels (Hitler’s propaganda minister) who preached that if you decide to lie, do so in a big way, because the bigger the lie, the more likely it is for the lie to be believed.
That advice is certainly being put into practice by the Labour Party.
Sorry to be an anorak Dr. Saliba, but have a look here:
Specially this part:
But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success.
Actually from “War Propaganda”, in volume 1, chapter 6 of Mein Kampf (1925), by Adolf Hitler
(multiple variations) If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. // If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. // If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it. // If you repeat a lie long enough, it becomes truth. // If you repeat a lie many times, people are bound to start believing it. no reliable source; probably misquotations of the Big Lie idea
You may find the original here:
(Page 202 to save you hunting for it)
Aber alle Genialität der Aufmachung der Propaganda wird zu keinem Erfolg führen, wenn nicht ein fundamentaler Grundsatz immer gleich scharf berücksichtigt wird. Sie hat sich auf wenig zu beschränken und dieses ewig zu wiederholen. Die Beharrlichkeit ist hier wie bei so vielem auf der Welt die erste und wichtigste Voraussetzung zum Erfolg.
This is a logical fallacy – ‘reductio ad hitlerum’ (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_Hitlerum ) .No further comment is needed.
Bravu Tander
Irbaht Catch (regghet tfaccat – incidentalment)
what a shame
Are they really serious? What a load of f**king w**kers..
OK, so if we shut up, then what?
If they’re not up to it, it’s not our fault.
I know of a person who was transferred when Eddie became prime minister in 1987, from the ministry of social services to the office of the prime minister, but surely it wasn’t because he was a Labour supporter. This video is a typical Joe Grima production.
During Commissioner Pullicino’s time many policemen were punished with a transfer,or placed in hot areas to get into trouble, or get fed up and leave the corps.
What on earth do you expect them to say?
The history of the PL in government is so abhorrent that they have no option but to lie compulsively about it and about that of the PN in power.
Promulgating the true recent political history of this country would be tantamount to political suicide for the PL.
Sadly these young guns feel no need to question the validity of carrying those years into Joseph’s PL. It seems Joe Grima has become the official historian and party philosopher.
I don’t know what’s worse, the indolence or the scheming, what’s plausible is the crisis in ideas due the contradictory factions being formed. They won’t last long when the answers become inevitable.
It did not even cross that silly cow’s mind that being able to transmit and produce that trash is democracy at its best. We had to do it from Sicily and even then the socialists like Joe Grima tried to close it down. If ever this trash gets back in power i pity the rest of us.
They want to try and re-write the history books, their vision of the past is distorted through hate……and their vision for the future is blinded by their greed for power.
This video is sad and makes you want to throw up.
Stalinist rewriting of history and recent events.
If we hadn’t lived through it we might be tempted to have doubts.
But we lived through it and we know it for sure.
How can they keep denying facts?
Perhaps Alex Saliba believes what his parents told him, because in reality he’s never known anything but a Nationalist government, peace and prosperity.
Could it be that it is precisely because of knowing solely a Nationalist government that he comments in the way he does?
‘Il-poplu Malti jixirqilhom trattament li fih il-kulur politiku ma jidhol imkien.’
Imma jekk tkun ministru Socjalista tista taghti damdima lil xi impjegat ta l-Awtorita tax-Xandir ta’ kulur politku oppost, bhalma kien ghamel Joe Grima fi zmienu.
Ara min kellu jerga jigi jippontifika fuq id demokrazija. Imissek tisthi, Grima.
Il-q***a milli jkollha ttik
Il-biza KIBER.
Jaqlaghha fuq RASU.
Imbecilli! Tubi!
Lanqas il-Malti ma jafu.
about to puke…..
They are really disgusting. Twisting history the other way round. These people never change – heaven help us should there be a change in government.
Dawn in-nies f’liema dinja qeghdin jghixu?
How does Joe Grima describe the video above, if not one of political violence against all that is Nationalist?
On his radio station One Live, Joe Grima used to say “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”
The video is nothing but a taste of things to come under Labour.
Unbelievable and almost hilarious.
Either these people are living in some sort of parallel universe or they really have no clue what happened between 1971 and 1987.
It’s a public relations disaster for Labour. Imagine those who suffered between 1971 and 1987 watching this video. They must be exploding with rage and frustration.
Did you hear the presenter’s last phrase? “Meta ha jasal dak iz-zmien meta individwu jkun jista jghid dak li jahseb pubblikament minghajr ebda biza li jaqlaha fuq wiccu u meta pajjizna ha jsir verament demoktratiku fejn kull individwu jkun rispettat ghal dak li hu”.
My reply to this is: Dak iz-zmien wasal fl-1987 u ilu minn dakinhar li hadd ma jaqlaha fuq wiccu ghal-hsiebijitu. Haga li fi zmien il-labour zgur ma kienitx tezizti zgur.
INCREDIBLE ! This is the Labour Party, which owns television and radio broadcasting channels, websites and print media, and yet they conclude by asking:
‘When are democracy and freedom of speech going to be the order of the day in Malta?’
And this in front of their adversary’s front door.
Typical Labour: they draw an imaginary scene which they wish were reality, and then keep harking on about it until THEY believe it.
Was it Mintoff who said that if you repeat a lie often enough, most people will start believing it ?
One lie which was started by the PL and is being repeated by all and sundry, is that the people are fed up of Gonzi because the Nationalists have been there for twenty-five years.
PN won the 1987 election and the 1992 election then the MLP won the No VAT1996 election and called an election after twenty two months, the people were so fed up after that Alfred Sant blip which cost Malta a lot,that Fenech Adami had a re-sounding victory with a four seat majority.
In 2004 we had the EU referendum won by the Pro EU and right after it another election won by the PN under Fenech Adami who handed the premiership to Lawrence Gonzi who again won the PN another election in 2008.
Gonzi is Malta’s only prime minister who worked under the EU ‘scrutiny’ . He’s been our prime minister for the last seven years and the PN has been in power for the last twelve years.. Alfred Sant was not a nationalist prime minister even though Dom Mintoff voted against him.
So cut the PN’s rule by half and say twelve years. To be fair we vote for five year legislatures ,Labour had the chance to win the last election but lost it to GonziPN three years ago.
We should stop accepting this dodgy statement that the PN has been in government for the last 25 years. Really and truly we should consider each legislature on its own. This is yet another way how PL degrade the choice made by the electors.
Lovely, this is Labour.
And Mintoffjani Laburisti iffisati believe this propaganda.
Jien nithassarhom lil Laburisti genwini u li veru jhobbu lill partit ghax il-Partit Laburista qieghed jistmom ta’ nies morda bid-dementia u mandomx il-kapacita li jahsbu b’mohhom.
Ghal min veru irrid jkun jaf il-verita ta’ minn xiex ghadiet Malta fiz-zmien il-Labour ghandu jaqra il ktieb LIBERTA MHEDDA li huwa ibbazat fuq xhieda bil-gurament fil-qrati.
In another similar feature on last week’s Inkontri, it was stated as fact that Gonzi broke his promise and that health services are no longer free for everyone.
The mind boggles. Who does Grima think he is fooling?
Does anyone (even PL diehards, I dare say) believe anything he says anymore?
Why is it that they have no sense of irony?
Here’s Labour pampalun Joe Grima putting out the message that Malta’s suffocating under political oppression and discrimination, and he does that on a TV station privately owned by an opposition political party.
And then there’s Alex Elve Saliba, using internet access in an uncensored environment to openly, publicly and without retribution, claim he is living in a country suppressed by government intolerance and vindictiveness,
Do these people have no sense of irony?
Imagine a PN journalist during the MLP years in government reporting against the MLP in front of the Macina.
She doesn’t even understand the stupidity of what she’s saying with the PN headquarters in the background. They have really lost it and are finding themselves between a rock and a hard place.
The most notable “transfer” of a policeman as soon as Dr Eddie Fenech Adami became Prime Minister was the transfer of C.of P. Lawrence Pullicino from his office in the Police General Headquarters in Floriana to the Corrective Facility at Corradino – and he was not even transferred as a constable on prison warder duties but actually as a prison inmate! What a disgrace!
I’m not at all surprised. There are plenty of delusional people who simply believe their own reality despite the truth staring them in the face.
I voted for the first time in this last general election and voted MLP (family brainwashing) but deep down was so happy on this day..
@3:00 they say that fl-universita bdiet tidhol it-tendenza li jigi penalizzat kull min juri simpatija mal-Partit Nazzjonalista
Has Charlon Gouder been crying foul because he failed twice?
But seriously, they’re broadcasting these warped twisted version of events NOW on the party station.
Can anyone imagine what they’ll be doing once they’re controlling state television? I’m already imagining Miriam Dalli as head of news or the first ever female CEO (kemm ahna progressivi).
After 1987, it was not fear of reprisals but the wieght of shame which lead many “Laburisti” (read “opportunisti”) to drop the mantras of the great leader. This video is proof that the old guard have been re-installed and are back in business within the MLP, oops, sorry, the PL.
Joe Grima the Opportunist first Class. Has he already forgotten the charity he received from the Nationalist Party when he was on his uppers and they gave him a show on NET?
It is so sad that there are people out there who are going to believe this word for word. Shame on PL.
a must watch :
L-Incidenti f’Tal Barrani – http://youtu.be/QwZM75Yyd-Q
Sparatura fuq il-Kazin ta’ Hal Tarxien : http://youtu.be/gnj8USpWxWM
Il-Qtil ta’ Raymond Caruana : http://youtu.be/_Kql78whmBE
Well they did not say that most of those transfers post 1987 were necessary to correct the grave injustices done pre 1987 by the Labour government, including the 8,000 or so people put on the public sector payroll in 1986 and the first months of 1987.
il-veru trid tkun mignun biex tmur tghid li wara l-elezzjoni tal-1987 inghataw transfers vendikattivi.
X’jippretendu, li thalli pulizija kriminali jmexxu l-iskwadra tal-SMU jew tad-DIK?
Jew fl-ghases tal-Pulizija fejn wara li l-kummissarju kien gie arrestat xorta baqghu jghidulu SIR?
Sir lil Kriminal?
Inghataw dak li kien haqqhom, u bil-ligi mhux bil-vendikkazzjoni.
Hekk jitlob il-haqq u mela jwerzqu bl-ingustizzji.
Nahseb il-Laburisti mhux jibzghu jghidu li huma Laburisti ghax jaqilawa fuq wicchom imma iktar ghax jisthu mil-mexxeja u mil-passat (forsi anke il-prezent) tagghom. Ftit wara election ’96 kulhadd proud li Labour sakemm wasal budget ’97 u regaw dahlu f’qoxritom ghax indunaw li ghadom lura wisq biex imexxu.