Labour has scored a Great Victory at last: “disfatta ohra ghall-EssDeeEmm” (bl-Ingliz, eh, bhal one, two, tree, forr)

Published: December 4, 2011 at 1:03pm

17 Comments Comment

  1. Michelle Pirotta says:

    would like to read your thoughts on the President of Malta (unless I have missed them).

    Once again I’m surprised at reading the comments board of ToM to see that Dr Abela – whom I respect fully – is being described “the best president ever” in various ways.
    Now, I really appreciate all that’s he’s done in way of charity – that is perfect ….but is being able to collect funds for charity the thermometer for ‘excellence’ in Presidencies nowadays?

  2. ciccio2011 says:

    Would there have been a “disfatta” for the ESSS-DIIII-HEMMM if the Gian Frangisk Abela Junior College students had read what Joseph Muscat’s new candidate for the general elections, Economics Professor Edward Scicluna, wrote in a 2005 FOI paper about the Government 2005-2010 Pre-Budget document on the subject of tertiary education stipends?

    This basically means that when those students set their foot in the University of Malta in 2013 after many sacrifices, the new 67 years young Minister of Finance, University of Malta Professor Edward Scicluna, will tell them that they can have their University education only if they pay for it through a personal loan. (Same as Labour did in 2006-2008 under Alfred Sant – well, who knows who advised Sant then?)

    “2. Tertiary education student allowances
    Unlike the Dutch disease, this clearly unsustainable scheme has no precedent in other countries. As with any unsustainable programme, even though the problem could be foreseen way back in the early 90s, time tends to exacerbate the problem and bring it into sharp focus.13 Malta has reached that stage now. While proportionately (as percent of GDP or percent of Government expenditure) it devotes its average share to education, more than half that amount is given to students as allowance, with little or no strings attached. It can be shown that if it is considered as a social programme than it happens to be a very regressive one. It is a very unproductive use of scarce resources, since it tends to divert them away from high yield investment, as with education proper, into conspicuous consumption (cars, mobiles and entertainment). Since tertiary education has been shown to give high returns to its recipients there is no reason why the person involved should not share in their personal investment by getting a soft loan.”

  3. Reporter says:

    Prosit hej! Isa! Bravi! M’hawnx ghalihom!

    Ic-cucata hi li kif l-eletturi jimmaturaw, tal-Labour jibdew jitilfu… x’kull wahda wkoll!

    • JC PULSE Student! says:

      hemm differenza kbira bejn l 85% li ivvutaw JC u it-13% li jivvutaw Uni…. 13% turi li fl-Uni din l-elezzjoni ftit jaghtu kassa l-istudenti.

  4. Dee says:


    “Marco Cremona ;, the PM shot it down for reasons other than it can burn coal. It is clear that the PM cannot admit to having a proposal/option that may be better to the messed-up BWSC power station. I am still insulted at how Enemalta/government tried to sell us the BWSC option by telling us that it better than the 50 year old Marsa power station. They really think the population is downright stupid!
    Thursday at 10:49 · Like ” )

  5. Il-Partit ta' Sargas says:

    Il-Partit ta’ Sargas ma wriniex bicca video wiehed, jew ritratt wiehed, tal-power stations ta’ Sargas li hemm f’hafna pajjizi moderni fl-Ewropa jew fid-dinja.

    Il-Partit ta’ Sargas ahjar jghidilna x’interess ghandu f’Sargas, li hija kumpanija privata.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      The Labour Party and Sargas have claimed that Stockholm was awarded the Green Capital of Europe 2010 Award thanks to the Sargas Carbon Dioxide technology.

      I’ve been through the website below, which is about Stockholm, the Green Capital of Europe 2010, and have checked some of the “related documents” at the bottom of the webpage, particularly the following informative documents:

      1. The City of Stockholm’s Climate Initiatives; and

      2. About Stockholm European Green Capital 2010

      I found absolutely no reference to Sargas, or to biomass technology, or to carbon dioxide capture and sequestration.

      But more importantly, it is stated more than once in those documents that the City of Stockholm’s aim to be fossil fuel-free by 2050. I don’t see how the Sargas plants – which must run on fossil fuels because otherwise how will they capture carbon dioxide – will fit into that strategy.

      Who do they think they are fooling?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Ciccio, my dear boy, Malta may aim to be fossil-fuel free, but it will never be fossil-free. Edward Scicluna, Alex Sceberras Trigona, Karmenu Vella…

      • Dee says:

        In the meantime, Marco Cremona does not know if he is coming or going re Sargas judging by comments he made on Facebook.

      • Patrik says:

        Sargas had nothing to do with the Stockholm based plant (Värtan). They are simply using that as a reference for the technology. Although the plant does not use the emission capture system at all, they are simply referring to the plant as being the type of plant that could be “accessorised” with the emission capture technology.

        I know very little about Sargas as a company. Even going through the search engines of a couple of Sweden’s biggest newspapers show up nothing.

        As far as I can see, the technology haven’t been tested. If it is half as good as they portray it to be it’s still interesting technology and Malta could benefit from being part of trials, but to hail these as a sure way of fixing Malta’s energy problems – as the PL are trying to do – seems highly dishonest.

  6. Carmel Said says:

    Why is this even reported in the news?

  7. anthony says:

    Mario Monti’s press conference this evening is a veritable eye opener on who should really be running economic policy in the eurozone countries.

    I followed the whole (long) proceedings on the Corriere website.

    A few genuine tears were shed by Elsa Fornero (her English is the best ever spoken, and written, by an Italian) but on the whole the money minister’s performance was impeccable.

    The delivery of each and every one of them was masterclass.

    Who needs politicians?

  8. lulu says:

    jien nistaqsi min veru qed jibza ghall-ambjent forsi meta l-power station tibda tahdem bil-heavy fuel oil ? imbaghad iriduna nisseparaw l-iskart nafu x’ahna nghamlu jew ?

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