Jose Herrera isn’t arrogant

Published: December 5, 2011 at 2:55pm

Sliema was jam-packed with the starving masses yesterday afternoon.

I can vouch for that, because the only place we found to park was a roof-level slot in the multi-storey car-park.

Not so Jose Herrera, future minister of justice, who parked his car – registration plate LLD 007 – on the pavement at the bottom of Amery Street, just across from what Sliema natives call il-Kabana at Fond Ghadir.

You know, right there in the most conspicuous position possible.

And no, I didn’t take this photograph. Somebody emailed it to me. I recognise the place because that’s where I grew up.

Jose Herrera is not arrogant. He just does as he pleases. After all, he IS Consuelo’s brother, and she’s got enough brass neck to keep a foundry going.

When he’s minister for justice, he’ll park his car in the middle of the road and we’ll all just have to drive around him.

61 Comments Comment

    • Dee says:

      An air-conditioning technician got thrown in the slammer for much less years ago.

    • kev says:

      A clear case of magisterial arrogance. That’s what most insecure magistrates do when they feel they’re losing control (or dignity, if they think they have any): they respond by abusing their powers.

      Lahqilna iehor, issa, tarax… darba ohra ghidlu jbuslek idek, sur magistrat…

  1. Jozef says:

    Doesn’t he drive a white one as well?

  2. Dee says:

    Joe Debono Grech was known to do exactly the same in Birkirkara roads in his heyday.
    That’s New Labour for you.

  3. San Ditu says:

    Jaqaw nehhewlu ir-Reserved Parking kaxxa minn Triq Gorg Borg Olivier, kantuniera il-boghod minn fejn ir-ritratt?

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    LLD007, eh? He’s right there with the Byon Joes and the Clayton Pauls of this long-suffering island.

  5. Dee says:

    The Herreras are not arrogant. They are just better than the rest of us.

  6. A. Charles says:

    LLD 007? What a f******g double w**ker.

  7. Neil Dent says:

    LLD? Seriously? I need to take a lie down. Wake me up AFTER the elections please.

    • Not Tonight says:

      I can’t see the logic of that. That’s when the nightmare is likely to start. I want to savour every last bit of sanity now and then hibernate for 5 years, starting just after the election.

  8. S Borg says:

    Herrera. Jose Herrera. Licence to drive… and park, wherever.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Joseph’s afterthought proposal number 51 (this is his exact words):

      “51. Ma nħallux is-sistema tal-wardens tibqa’ racket issussidjat miċ-ċittadini, iżda jkun hemm sistema ta’ law enforcement serja, effiċjenti, trasparenti u accountable.”

      Joseph, will Jose Herrera be in charge to enforce that?

  9. ciccio2011 says:

    When he becomes Minister of Justice, his number plate will read Grand Master 007.

  10. Ray Camilleri says:

    It’s ‘gabbana’… what exactly is a ‘kabana’?

    [Daphne – It’s kabana, unless you are also the sort of person to say gabinett. From the Spanish, cabana (as in Copa Cabana), meaning small wooden hut. You might believe Wikipedia if you don’t believe me:
    Don’t say you never learn anything new from this blog.]

    • John Schembri says:

      If you’re referring to the “Kiosk” we say “Il-Gabbana”.
      I couldn’t have found a better ,precisely what you were referring to


      There’s also a Face Book page.

      [Daphne – In Sliema we call kiosks kiosks. Gabbana is the equivalent of blekbort. Ca-ba-na/ca-bin. Maybe they use a double B in Sicily or Italy. I wouldn’t know. Sliema kids find it hard to pronounce the double b sound and actually make a pronounced effort to do so, which is telling. It’s the same word as cabin.]

      • JOSEF says:

        GABBANA jghidulha DONKEYYYYY!!!!!!!!

        [Daphne – Forsi l-hamalli bhalek, ras, imma certament mhux jiena. Dak bhal meta int tixtri il-pastizzi tal-irkotta, u jien nixtrihom bir-rikotta, u bhal meta int tibla l-pirmli u jien meta ikolli ugieh ta’ ras niehu pilloli..]

      • Oliver Friggieri says:


    • john says:

      There’s someone who sells sweets from a shack in Bugibba.

      It’s called Dolce Gabbana.

    • Min Weber says:

      On the other hand, it might be a corruption of “cabana” – the “k” becoming a “g” and the “b” Sicilianated into a double b … hence, gabbana.

      • WhoamI? says:

        cabana = cabin = kabina
        (A shelter on a beach or at a swimming pool used as a bathhouse)

        quisco = kiosk = gabbana
        (A small structure, often open on one or more sides, used as a newsstand or booth)

        so no, gabbana is not the same as cabana.

        ricotta – irkotta debate.

        [Daphne – I despair.]

    • Ray Camilleri says:

      Kif tghid u tikteb ‘gabbana’ ma tghallimtx zgur :P … so what, yes it is a corruption like thousands of words in italian are a ‘corruption’ of latin, like english words come from all over the place: greek, anglo-saxon, germanic and what not… languages are ‘corrupt’ versions of other languages. Gabbana is gabbana, it has beeen ‘corrupted’ and adopted into the language ages ago. Oh and by the way, ‘kiosk’ is used all over Malta, it is not the preserve of Sliema…

      [Daphne – I know it is. The point I made, which is different to yours, is that words are corrupted in different ways according to the social group of the speakers. Eventually, perhaps after a couple of hundred years, one wins out. But right now with Maltese, we’re still in the process of, so the socio-linguistic distinctions are still very evident. People round where I lived always said il-kah-bah-nah. It was only when the area became more mixed that the local teenagers began saying ‘GaBBana’, and some of them, I recall, actually had trouble pronouncing the double B because it doesn’t come naturally.]

      • Iz-Zanzi says:

        Actually Ray it is the reserve of Sliema in a sense because , Sliema did have two notorious Kiosk’s for one reason or another – The dearly missed Magic Kiosk toy shop, (which has ironically become a Poundshop , that’s curruption mate ) and the Magic Kiosk restaurant ( Twas redecorated with a bomb once) . Sure there’s Kiosk all over the Island but not many with a story .

        [Daphne – That was MAGIC SHOP not Magic Kiosk toy shop.]

    • Iz-Zanzi says:

      Yeah , yeah alright she’s correct on this one , it’s Kabana my Dad’s from Sliema and it’s always been referred to as Il -Kabana .

      Hey Daph while we are on it follow this link . Heaven knows who the refference in italics is referring to .

      [Daphne – Thank you for backing me up on this against people who think the word is irkotta and the other word is gabbana. As for that Urban Dictionary reference, it is clearly written by somebody ridden with lanzit and who doesn’t know that tal-pepe refers specifically to people born and bred in Stella Maris Parish, Sliema. And we definitely don’t speak that way. Those are the wannabes.]

      • Iz-Zanzi says:

        Your thanking me. that’s a change , your usually ticking me off .

        Yes correct -It’s Ricotta not irkotta becasue we are corrupting the Itallian word recotto. But surley that’s a unique think about the Maltese language , it’s ability to bastardise English or in this case Itallian.

        God , we are even good at bastarsing food !

        Why even , Jamie Oliver ( celebrity British cook ) in his Soho restaurant serves Timpana (bastardised Lasagna) .

        So all in all we are pretty good at being bastards I think .

    • Peppi iehor says:

      Should “cabana” be written with a tilde?

  11. anthony says:

    When he is minister for justice he will not have a parking problem.

    There won’t be many people driving around in their cars then.

    • 'Angus Black says:

      He will carry a portable sign which reads ‘Reserved Parking for Minister’.

      All he has to do is place the sign in front of his car.

      If an over-zealous warden tickets the car, he can always appear in Consuelo’s court room and get a suspended fine, after a court expert is appointed by the Magistrate. Plenty to chose from those who regularly attend her ‘parties’.

  12. Richard Borg says:

    [Daphne – Maltastar! You can NOT be serious. What sort of person are you, anyway? What’s your problem, your agenda? Out with it.]

    • Responder says:

      Daphne, I think Richard Borg was trying to make a point that Austin Gatt is as arrogant as Herrera. Nothing more and nothing less. Your reaction to Richard’s post would suggest that you are the one with the agenda and therefore the one with the probem. For all of Maltastar’s foibles – the photo speaks facts – nothing more…

      [Daphne – Track Richard Borg’s comments. You, at least, are blatantly transparent in your problems with me, Raphael Dingli. The tragedy of miniature men: some of them never get over it. Others couldn’t care less, and are utterly lovely.]

      • Richard Borg says:

        Miniature men?

        [Daphne – I am referring to Raphael Dingli (Responder) who hoevers somewhere around my knees. I have no idea who you are or what your problems are. I certainly know his, though.]

    • Richard Borg says:

      Why would you think I have a problem? You uploaded a picture of Jose Herrera’s car, I directed you to a picture of Austin Gatt’s car.

      I’m sorry I did not press right-click and squirrel it away into a folder on my desktop and instead directed you to maltastar’s website, you know how us chavs are.

  13. Stanley J A Clews says:

    The last time I parked there I got a ticket – and I live there.

  14. Francis Saliba MD says:

    If “007” meant “licensed to kill” surely it would include licensed to do whatever else one likes to do!

    If this is happening during the GonziPN days may I ask what lies in store when Joseph Muscat heads a “gvern immexxi minnu?”

  15. John Schembri says:

    Parking fil-kantuniera u fuq il-bankina double yellow line.

  16. John Anon says:

    Do you want to bet that he’ll say he wasn’t the one driving it ?

  17. roundabout says:

    Don’t worry one and a half years’ time he won’t need to park anywhere, he’ll have his own chaffeur my dear!

    • N.L. says:

      Irrid jitla l-ewwel “roundabout”. Mela ghadek ma smajtx li se johrog tabib popolari mal-PL fuq l-ewwel distrett.

  18. Jane says:

    Too much hate girl! Daqs d’hawn nies jipparkjaw u jsuqu bl-addoc, anzi ghar!!!…. lilhu rajt? Uwejaaa grow up

  19. Suzie says:

    I once saw him parked in a “disabled” spot in St Thomas Bay. And not, he was not with any member of his family, but with an able-bodied acquaintance.

  20. Casual Observer says:

    You’re hilarious! Keep it coming

  21. Dee says:

    Is it true that he is partial to Prinjolata?

  22. Not Tonight says:

    Times of, quoting Dr. Herrera. “The fact that I went into the yard shows I have respect for the regulations.” Oh really ? And later… “saying he had many defects but lying was not one.” Yes, right.

  23. Stacey says:

    It must be in the genes.

    He might have confused his cigarette with a lollypop.

    Going back to his car, should be not be fined? The photo should be proof enough of the contravention.

  24. oldtimer says:

    Re bastardized words : How about “GIGGIFOGU”? coming straight out of giuoco di fuoco

  25. toni says:

    he should no have parked there………but usualy you get a ten euro or something ticket…. not a crime ….. so what ? lynch him ……….. wow …… i heard of people fidling milions of euros ……. building were not supposed to ….. and tens of abnormalities ………. but we sleep and stare ……… but if you park illigaly ………your fuc,,,,,,,,,,.. in the land of the thai …….. its the same …….. you can break every rule and even go away with murder { if you can afford it } but you must have a document to drive { any thing can do … as long as you have a pic } and wear a crush helmet ……….

  26. Ray says:

    I know Dr Herrera and if one person is not arrogant it is him.
    Who has nothing better to do than to snap photos of peoples cars in various situations.
    If it comes to that than half of Sliema are guilty of the same crime.
    What about all the Reserved parking for old biddies who never pressed a pedal in their lives but whose ‘connections’ ensure that their neices/nephews have reserved parking zones. That is arrogance!
    There is no parking to be had due to the bank, supermarkets, shops and hotel employees who use up most of the parking space, so much so that people have become housebound and cannot use their car.
    Resident parking is a must and commercial establishments should be provided with parking space for their employees.
    I also know Daphne and she couldn’t have grown up on that corner surely, she had a decent house and a lovely family in Milner Street.
    What started about bad parking, convened to peckers and gabbannas, irkotta – what next gebjna?
    Happy New Year to All.

  27. Eps Malta says:

    @daphne You might have noticed that there are no NO Parking signs and no double yellow lines… so why all this BS.?

    [Daphne – You don’t need a No Parking sign or a double yellow line to tell you that you shouldn’t park on the pavement, still less on a street corner. It’s taken as read.]

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