What Labour’s chief elVE has been reading lately
December 12, 2011 at 12:37am
Aaron Farrugia has felt the need to upload on Facebook the covers of those books he’s read most recently (ahem).
They are:
Peter Mandelson’s The Third Man
Tony Blair’s A Journey
Nicolas Sarkozy’s Testimony
David Plouffe’s The Audacity to Win
Drew Westen’s The Political Brain – The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation
How bloody dull, predictable and obvious.
Is it absolutely necessary to be one-dimensional when you’re a Labour politician who’s risen from the gutter, via the glories of a BComm certificate, to preeminence as the head of the Opposition’s think-tank?
Even their book choices are cut-and-pasted.
Well, I suppose I should be thankful he at least pretends to read.
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Nothing from Sensiela Kotba Soċjalisti?
That’s just what I was thinking. What, no Partnerxipp l-Ahjar Ghazla?
Buy him one for Christmas http://www.sierra-books.com/pages/siadart.asp?pid=3549
Aha! Here we have a ‘speed reader’. Those who utilize a number of methods which attempt to increase the rates of reading without reducing comprehension or retention.
Think this retard flunked the credentials. But well within Labour limits.
Can he actually read?
Of course! He read the titles.
I suppose he’s tongue in cheek. This is a most charming caricature of a politician.
Yes, and on his days off he reads David Baldacci.
He’s given the game away, all one has to do now, is to check Joseph’s speeches. He did say he admired Tony Blair.
Politics by numbers.
Politics by cut and paste. Any intelligent phrase in Joseph’s speeches must be traceable to Mandy or Bliar.
Joseph pasted and the PM cut up all 51 hallucinations.
Back to Karmenu’s drawing board.
Dwardu, please keep out unless Karmenu writes the exact opposite of what you propose so he will not have to reverse your suggestions after you have second thoughts.
Why would this ELVE be reading Mandelson and Bliar in 2011?
They are now history. Their incompetent New Labour governments brought Britain to the economic mess it is in now.
And what are YOU reading, eh, Ciccio?
Baxxter, I read Daphne’s blog.
Now that’s a Comment of the Year, if ever I saw one.
Thank you, Baxxter.
Two of the most popular ones this season:
Krismiss Fader
You’re on the wrong thread, Seggy.
Wasn’t Seggy referring to the latest best-sellers?
Ah well a step up from the Beano I suppose. But then again, who needs Beano, when we have Joseph as the Menace.
Oh, so that’s why they wear striped jumpers for downtime.
ZERO is back!
No “The Audacity of Hope”, then?
The Great Leader’s posturing on the podium during that meeting ta’ kuragg (2009 – that’s how long they’ve been banging on about utility bills) and that cringe-making letter he sent to Barack Obama were wasted on the Elves.
My my, he must be a fast reader or with plenty of time on his side. did he say how long it took him to read all these books.
It’s funny how you said he was dull. I thought so too. I thought he was trying to impress us all though I have to admit, I thought to myself: what a boring young man.
Can you imagine going out with somebody on a date and he only speaks about Blair and so on?
Il-kotba ta’ Gahan ma’ qrahomx?
U s-sensiela ta’ Harry Potter kif ma jsemmijihiex?