Joseph has told us to expect thrilling surprises
December 13, 2011 at 11:17pm
Joseph has just given us an encouraging speech during the ongoing chavtastic maratona on Super One.
We are to expect surprises. No, not policies. There won’t be many of those because Karmenu Vella is busy furthering his business interests in Orange Travel Russia, the Orange Travel Group and Betfair, among others.
No, we are going to get some exciting surprises in the Labour candidates list. Joseph has just described them as a selection of:
nies godda fjamanti
nies teknici
nies li ghandhom esperjenza
nies li qatt ma kienu fil-politika
Conveniently, he’s omitted to mention the:
nies baby-boomers (now in their 60s)
nies Brontosawri
nies mohhom biex jahtfu fejn jistghu
nies bla mohh
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U nies li baqghu li ma nbidlux minkejja li d-dinja inbdidlet, waqa’ l-Hajt ta’ Berlin, spicca l-Komunizmu, spicca l-habib taghna Gaddafi izda huma ghadhom hemm….applaws lil Alex Sceberras Trigona, Joe Debono Grech, Karmenu Vella, Leo Brincat, Alfred Sant, Marie Louise Coleiro u skuzawni jekk insejt lil xi hadd barra.
Did he forget:
“Nies li jaqdu biss lil tal-Labour”
“Nies li jaghmlu vendikazzjonijiet politici”
“Nies li messhom qatt ma kienu fil-politika”
“Nies li jwaqqghu il-Partit Laburista u l-Pajjiz ghac-cajt”
But then, these would not surprise us.
Herrera had his bit in Today’s Times . He said that all those involved in Labour politics “of the past” have disappeared. What about Sceberras Trigona, Joe Grima, Karmenu Vella, Joe Debono Grech, George Vella? – He also seemed to forget the KMB boast that the people involved in the Curia attack, were the “Aristocracy of the Workers” – come off it, Herrera –
With the Labour Party’s track record and with remnants of the Labour ministers of the 70s and 80s still in prominent positions within the Party, REAL fear does exist especially since the LP never once, did it find it necessary to apologize for the violence and death, the arson and invasion of private residences, the misappropriation of private homes, the corruption of former ministers, the rape of two banks, leaving depositors holding the empty bag the denial of basic human rights and the condoning of the Party’s own thugs.
When fear is real, when the present language of the Party is off tune, then I would use some other word other than ‘scaremongering’.
Trying to hide the past under a heap of lies and inaccurate statements will definitely not erase the scars because those who “felt sorry” that The Times building was not burnt to the ground, are still within the folds of the Labour Party.
what about START? dawk brontosawri wkoll??
[Daphne – Oh, you mean those plagiarisers and junior ekonomisti who are Labour only because their grandfathers burned down The Times, sacked the law courts and spoke with chains? Forgive me for not being that impressed.]
nies godda fjamanti
nies teknici
nies li ghandhom esperjenza
nies li qatt ma kienu fil-politika
On all counts, what than, is he doing around?
Jekk Joseph behsiebu jaghmel dawn il-kundizzjonijiet:
Anglu, mhux tekniku, (ondirekort).
Karmenu, ilu minn dejjem fil-politika, (ditto).
Joseph, bla esperjenza, (jixtieq).
George, deputat mexxej second hand, (bidu gdid).
Marlene, ghandha esperjenza, imma hazina, (JPO).
Jose’, jixtieq qatt ma’ kien fil-politika, (forsi jkun jista’ jcempel).
Edward, jisthajlu gdid fjamant, (kien wara l-purtiera).
Silvio, bhal Anglu, mhux tekniku (avolja diga’ ppreparat, mhux hafna tgerfix).
Joe Debono Grech, kien hu l-esperjenza (min ma jiftakrux?)
Leo, meta qatt kien fil-politika? (dak zgur mhux tekniku)
Kabinett dortu, kif se jaghmel?
So Joseph’s next speech will contain a surprise. Like an Easter egg. Somebody should tell him it’s Christmas not Eastertide.
I think I know what the surprise will be: he’s going to make a concrete policy proposal.
Maybe Manuel Mallia will be one of the surprises.
Hekk ghidlu lil Jose’….lanqas isuq ma’ jkun jista’.