Oh look! They’ve made a film about Franco Debono

Published: January 8, 2012 at 12:29am

15 Comments Comment

  1. Anthony Farrugia says:

    The hate campaign against Franco Debono won’t work. That is what the party is pushing I know that but it is not the converted we must preach to!

    The average floating voter is sick and tired of the authoritarian way both the party and the country are being administered.

    It is not with the likes of the farce the party organised for tomorrow in Marsaxlokk that we can regroup and face another general election and you are the first person who deep down knows that.

    After all no one knows what he was promised behind closed doors and if you do then let us know.

    [Daphne – If the doors were closed, then I wouldn’t know, Anthony.]

    • Anthony Farrugia says:

      Exactly. So we are also ‘speculating’ then.

      Don’t get me wrong, I dislike the man, I think he is ambitious in the wrong manner. Ambition is good but not when it is destructive. And he is extremely vain; the guy simply loves himself and must have a room full of mirrors and Vote for Franco posters.

      Then again we cannot blame it all on Franco and pretend he is the real issue in the party.

      The truth is there is a bunch of incompetent ministers who sit on their bottom.

      Give me Austin Gatt any day (at least he speaks his mind and tackles issues openly) but there are some others who have been absolutely hopeless and yet Lawrence Gonzi confirmed them and ‘promoted’ them yesterday proving to the disgruntled that he was strong with one (Franco Debono) and extremely weak with a bunch of incompetent ministers on the other hand.

      • Etienne Calleja says:

        Those who were promoted yesterday weren’t ministers. How and who exactly are those sitting on their bottom and/or incompetent?

        Then tell us how they are/were incompetent, and what you would have done in their stead.

      • silvio says:

        I agree with all you say (apart from the part on Austin Gatt).

        What I hate most is when they bring his mother in all this.

        What they are trying to do is make life for Franco so difficult that he will have no other choice but to give up and be quiet.

        I don’t think they know Franco well enough. He is not a person who gives up so quickly and the more mud that is thrown at him the more he will retaliate.

        I suggest that you will have time to go and watch him in court in one of his cases.

        [Daphne – Actually I have read his character very well, Silvio. His mother is part of the story, a part which cannot be ignored largely because she has played a central role in creating him, enabling his behaviour, appearing with him on television, and acting as the go-between between him and the various appeasement envoys sent to his home. Men like Franco do not come out of nowhere. Cherchez la femme. She hasn’t even left the emotional space for him to form a union with another woman, though I am seriously beginning to doubt his interest in women at all. Quite frankly, there we might have another source of psychological difficulty, in repressed sexuality.]

      • maryanne says:

        “others who have been absolutely hopeless and yet Lawrence Gonzi confirmed them and ‘promoted’ them yesterday”

        Would you describe Mario DeMarco as hopeless?

  2. U Le! says:

    Apparently Franco revealed his school report to show us that in the historically important 1987 he was hard at work at St Aloysius College preparing for his future.

    In 1987 I was hard at work after getting into university since I did not make it when I finished sixth form at that same school in 1982 because of the many man-made obstacles.

    But my marks by far surpassed his.

    He was lucky to live his teens in a normal civilized state whilst I and my contemporaries had to look 360 degrees for daily hazards (to put it mildly). 40 year old virgin my foot. 40 year old spoilt selfish brat more likely.

    Today I have two teenagers, one at medical school and the other about to do her A levels and I would appreciate some peace and quiet without any Franco tantrums.

  3. Teo says:

    There is no need for any campaigns to be launched, Debono is bringing it all upon himself. He is an arrogant, irresponsible,selfish megalomaniac who thinks the world revolves around him.

    There he was tonight being egged on by Norman Hamilton, the miracle worker who fills planes and cruiseliners with people, while GonziPN is starving us all to death.

    They even had the gall to try and make comparisons with the 80s and and the state of broadcasting then and now – obviously, while they were live on the Labour Party’s very own TV station.

  4. P Shaw says:

    If I were the mother or father of Franco’s ‘girlfriend’, I would have a serious chat with her for her own good.

    She does not have a good future with this mental case, and she will always remain the outsider in the Debono family.

    She will live in the shadow of his overwhelming mother, she will be constantly compared to her, and presumably she will never be up to his mama’s standards.

    [Daphne – I think there are more serious issues. She will never have a proper sexual relationship and then after 20 years of that, he’ll come out of his increasingly transparent closet and have a very public affair with an exotic African designer. I have seen it happen to others and I will not be in the least bit surprised. This is a massive case of sublimation if I have ever seen one.]

    If she does not have any self-respect, her parents are responsible to push her to seriously think about her future. She will spend her life competing with this situation in the videos below, and it is clear who will be the odd-one-out.



  5. Frankly, my dear says:

    Screw him. Let Dr 73%-in-Maths sit as an independent: other governments have ruled quite effectively with a minority position in the Westminster model of parliamentary democracy. Stephen Harper did it for 999 days in Canada, and after that he was re-elected with a massive majority.

    True, minority governments typically do nothing controversial, but there’s nothing like the threat of an imminent election to encourage a focus on good governance. They may occasionally compromise with the other party, but they will essentially remain true to their principles because an election could be called any day.

    His Lordship, Dr Debono has played all his cards: he gave the priedka tal-Milied when he was too short to see over the edge of the lectern. He gave the reply address following the President’s speech at the opening of Parliament when he was the youngest MP (yes, we know it is customary, but let him feel special about it). He bellyached ad nauseum about buses and the Ministry of Justice, and now they’re basically fixed. His Form II mid-term marks shone brightly before the cameras for all the world to see and, presumably, they were his best. How many more rabbits can he pull out of his hat?

    When Dr Form II C is faced with the first opportunity to bring the government down on a serious vote of confidence (perhaps something of vital importance to the nation, like a budgetary bill, rather than some nonsense about buses) let him take a long, hard look into that gilded mirror in his mother’s front hallway, and decide whether this is the day he wants to fall on his own sword and hop on that plane to Italy.

  6. oldtimer says:

    Debono should be kicked out of the Nationalist Party – Muscat will certainly find some space in his skip for this bighead.

    • Angus Black says:

      Muscat will never have Debono, even in his skip of useless dorks.

      Debono is his competitor and will do the same within the Labour Party, given a chance.

      The part of being kicked out of the NP, I agree 100% and since it appears that an early election is on the horizon, the sooner he is kicked out the better for our sanity.

      Debono’s sanity is another matter altogether.

  7. George Cutajar says:


  8. Pawlu BORG says:


  9. Gordon says:

    Daphne – you are a true villain and it is people like you who do most harm to the party you represent.

    [Daphne – Yes, I know. I’m part of Franco’s xibka tal-hazen, apparently.]

  10. xer says:

    mela kul min ghandu din l eta bil fors irid ikun mizzeweg jew kemm intom injoranti. mela sew ghamel bhali gharus dejjem u zwieg qatt …pero rispett lejn il partner taghna dejjem nuru ftakar li ic curkett ma jzomm il hadt u xejn ta jekk ikollu jitlaq dak li jkun jitlaq bic curkett u mhux ta

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