
Published: January 8, 2012 at 8:53pm

9 Comments Comment

  1. Iz-Zanzi says:

    One way or another it all over baby !


  2. BC says:

    Il-bicca fejn ma jatix garanzija li it tnehhija tal-onorarja hija biss sal-elezzjoni ma jgibx Daphne dan il video. Fejn stqarr quddiem Malta kollha li t-tnehhija tal-onorarja ma kienet xejn ghajr parti mill-loghba politika.

    [Daphne – It’s not my video. I found it on Youtube. Upload the other bit yourself if you like. I watched it and he said nothing of the sort. You’re not at all sharp.]

  3. Ian says:

    This is when Gonzi is at his best. Brilliant.

  4. Catsrbest says:

    This is what I admire most in Dr Gonzi – his serenity and calmness in situations that are overly troubled. It truly amazes me.

    He simply is, in my opinion, a remarkable leader and if he loses the next election in such a troubled time, I am certain that the Maltese will regret it immensely.

    Almost all economies – large and small – are shrinking while our economy is growing, and this state of affairs cannot be by chance but only because at the helm Malta really has ‘a safe pair of hands’.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Careful. Be very careful. The figure (something like 2.8% GDP growth for 2012) is based on god knows which projections, but it left the world of finance scratching its bald or neatly-coiffured head. It seems fantastically optimistic.

      And you’re wrong about “almost all economies” shrinking. European economies (then again, not all) certainly are, but what about Kev’s beloved BRICs?

      Finally, what good is it for the economy on a tiny overcrowded rock to be growing if that of its neighbours is shrinking? Sooner or later, jobs will run out (they already have) and the Maltese will have to look for jobs abroad (some already are). Then they’ll find an average of 20% unemployment and they’re still screwed. My point is that the future is not bright, and Gonzi’s safe pair of hands can do nothing to change that.

    • Gino says:

      Catsrbest, you should have a look at the government annual review.

      Our economy is not shrinking as other countries’ are such as Greece, but it’s not growing neither.

      I don’t know what led to you such conclusions but having a look not just just at GDP but most importantly the GDP per capita and considering the other factors such as the labour force and the kind of labour force, will surely change your view.

      I am not underestimating Gonzi’s serenity and peace of mind but I believe is one which portrays only the image, in times where the political instability seems yet to be started.

  5. Taks Fors says:

    Just heard on the BBC that the IMF has declared Hungary’s currency as ‘junk’.

    I shudder to think what ours would have been had Malta been run by the economy profs from Naxxar and the dear leader Joseph.

    Can you imagine us floating on our much-loved Malta Lira in all this financial turmoil?

    And I shudder even more when I think that in most probability, it will be them governing this nation in a few weeks’ time to steer us through the coming troubled times.

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