I couldn’t agree more

Published: January 8, 2012 at 9:46pm

Franco Debono has uploaded this photograph on Facebook to prove that he's a team-player and does not need a psychiatrist kontra kif qalet dik il-blogger li hija parti mix-xibka tal-hazen.

From the leading article in The Sunday Times today:

Lawrence Gonzi has suffered him for many months. Too many months according to most observers who have watched the Prime Minister humiliate himself in the process and alienate others to accommodate Dr Debono.

At the first sight of trouble, Dr Gonzi took the backbencher, quite needlessly, with him to a UN summit in New York in the manner one would embrace a misbehaving child.

The Prime Minister then dreamt up the equally unnecessary role of parliamentary assistant for a number of errant backbenchers, and gave Dr Debono pride of place in the Office of the Prime Minister.

15 Comments Comment

  1. coolmama says:

    [Daphne – Comment deleted. Message to ‘dery’: some months ago I banned you from posting comments here because of your creepy stalking. I gave you half a chance and let you back in, and here you are again, doing the same thing. Please take your problems to a psychiatrist and while you’re at it, take your friend Franco along with you.]

  2. ciccio says:

    Is he thinking that if he brings down the Gonzi government, he would have beaten his eternal arch rival Joseph Muscat to it?

    • tinnat says:

      It would be useful for someone who was at school with Franco and Joseph to confirm or dispel the myth that they indeed were rivals in class. If this were confirmed, it would leave no doubt about Franco’s Macchiavellian mind.

  3. Francuzzu miu says:

    Are we sure there is no prisoner in Brussels behind all this?

    We all remember Lou Bondi asking once, asking twice, a question along those lines to Paul Borg Olivier on Bondi+ at the time of the motion against Austin Gatt.

  4. Philip says:

    I thought this was a good letter to Dr. Debono from a constituent.


  5. Teamplayer says:

    Is his role in the team that of scoring auto-goals and granting penalties to the opponents?

  6. Not Tonight says:

    Is it a coincidence that he is slap bang in the middle of the photo? I find that the most ‘pruzuntuzi’ people always place themselves as close to the middle as possible in group photos. Vera melha!

  7. Victor Scerri says:

    Franco thinks that he can take us for a ride. How come he resigned from the party a couple of months ago and then made a request to convene the executive committee to discuss the ‘no confidence’ vote in Austin Gatt. Later he also attended and addressed the PN General Council.

    • John Schembri says:

      My thoughts exactly.

      Once I resigned from a seventy day employment and during the one week notice period my ex-boss/bully uttered the usual “I will fire you” threat I used to hear nearly every day; my prompt reply was “You cannot kill a person who’s already dead”.

  8. Antoine Vella says:

    The idea that he might need help has evidently struck a chord with Franco Debono. He keeps bringing up embarrassing and totally irrlevant “proof” that he’s not insane.

    Well, it’s not unheard for sane people to suffer mental breakdowns and Franco Debono himself has told us that he has suffered mentally and was unwell because of the stress.

    His most recent actions clearly show that he is not acting rationally. His tantrum has completely destroyed his chances of ever achieving his dream and was the most counter-productive move he could make.

    In trying to bring down Gonzi he brought down himself – I wonder if it has sunk in yet but he has personally made sure that Joseph Muscat will certainly outdo him and he can do nothing to avoid it.

  9. Footballer says:

    Your caption under the photo refers to the Honourable gentleman as a team-player. I suggest you refer to him as a football player. A team-player always plays for the team whilst some footballers score auto-goals on purpose so their team loses.

  10. jae says:

    Malta on CNN right now (Sunday at 22.50)

  11. delta says:

    What if labour voted in favour of the government in an eventual confidence vote?

    That would leave Franco Debono all by himself with no other choice but to resign his seat. It might also earn Labour some votes for their will to keep stability by not calling an early election (as well as more time for them to actually finish off their electoral programme)

  12. john says:

    A team-player eh? Just imagine this nut in a cabinet meeting.

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