Oh dear God in heaven: ‘Aaron Farrugia jinħatar segretarju tal-manifest elettorali Laburista’
L-Orizzont has a top news item today. Translated, it means that Karmenu Vella is not delivering, Joseph Muscat is panicking (especially now that his jerk classmate is threatening to bring the date forward) and so Labour has appointed its former Chief Elve to help him out.
That’s right, dear readers. Our future is being mapped out by Mintoff’s Brontosaurus in between his ventures with the Orange Travel Group, Charlie Mangion and Betfair, and by somebody who called himself Elve Aaron in his days of organising, with Elve Nakita, orchestrated letters to The Times of Malta (“I am a housewife living in Sliema but this time I will not be voting PN because of corruption and the clique”).
Aaron Farrugia jinħatar segretarju tal-manifest elettorali Laburista
Aaron Farrugia mistenni jinħatar bħala segretarju tal-Manifest Elettorali tal-Partit Laburista għall-elezzjoni li ġejja. l-orizzont jista’ jikkonferma li din il-ħatra se titħabbar fil-Konferenza Ġenerali Annwali tal-Partit Laburista li se tibda titlaqqa’ din il-ġimgħa.
F’din il-kariga Aaron Farrugia se jkun qiegħed jassisti lill-Perit Karmenu Vella fl-iffinalizzar tal-istess manifest elettorali. Fil-fatt Karmenu Vella, li huwa wkoll il-kelliem tal-PL għall-Finanzi, kien inħatar mill-Mexxej Laburista Joseph Muscat biex ikun hu li jikkordina dan il-manifest.
F’dan il-mument delikat Muscat għażel lil Farrugia biex jingħaqad fit-tim ta’ Vella li issa li għandu l-bażi tal-pjani Laburisti mħejjija jrid jibda jiffinalizza u jirfina d-dokument finali li bih il-Partit Laburista se jmur quddiem l-elettorat.
Bħalissa Farrugia jokkupa l-kariga ta’ chairperson tal-Fondazzjoni IDEAT, it-think tank progressiv tal-Partit Laburista. Jirriżulta li biex Farrugia jiffoka għal kollox fuq ix-xogħol il-ġdid fdat lilu se jkun qiegħed jirriżenja mill-kariga ta’ chairperson, għalkemm mistenni jibqa’ jkollu sehem f’aspetti important tal-ħidma tal-IDEAT.
Farrugia, li għandu 32 sena, huwa gradwat fl-ekonomija, l-Unjoni Ewropea u l-liġi u fil-passat serva wkoll bħala President tal-Forum Żgħażagħ Laburista u bħalissa huwa membru tal-Amministrazzjoni tal-Partit Laburista u ilu snin iservi wkoll fuq l-eżekuttiv nazzjonali tal-istess partit.
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’ Vella li issa li għandu l-bażi tal-pjani Laburisti mħejjija jrid jibda jiffinalizza u jirfina d-dokument finali”
Sa fejn naf jien fuq il-bazi tibni u mhux tiffinalizza u tirfina.
“Gradwat fl-Unjoni Ewropea”.
My head has just exploded.
Shouldn’t that be “it-tink tank”?
it-tink tEnk.
I thought that only persons and organisations had secretaries. How can you be secretary to a manifesto?
This is the same lot that signed a ‘patt mal-poplu’. Why are you surprised?
Shades of Faust?
I think you mean elf not elve?
elve (lv)
An extremely dim, short-lived, expanding disk of reddish light found above thunderstorms and believed to be created by electromagnetic pulses from intense lightning.
Of course…god forbid anyone else (Maltastar) makes a spelling mistake.
[Daphne – You’re obviously not a regular reader. Elve is what they called themselves. I kind of know, yes, that the singular is elf.]
Actually, an extremely dim, short-lived, expanding disk of reddish light found above thunderstorms, etc. is an even better description of the grotto inhabitants.
Go back to sleep, Dominic.
‘huwa gradwat fl-ekonomija, l-Unjoni Ewropea u l-liġi’
What course is this exactly?
Can we see Aaron Farrugia’s Form II mid-year report, please?
I clearly remember the Kappillan telling me “Braaaavu” after I recited the Kredu without any hitch in preparation to my First Holy Communion. Being much younger than when Debono got his Form IIC certicate, does this qualify me to become a Minister?
This is interesting:
Huwa gradwat fl-ekonomija, l-Unjoni Ewropea u l-liġi
Aaron must have quite a few letters after his name.
Can one actually be ‘gradwat fl-Unjoni Ewropeja’ ?
Jekk tiggradwa f’ Malta, mhux f’l-Unjoni Ewropea tkun iggradwajt?
If Fanco joins Labour, will it mean that Aaron loses his claim to the Ministeru tas-Sawt or Jose’ his claim to the Justice Ministry?
Or could it mean that Joseph Muscat loses his claim to be a Prime Minister?
“A few minutes later Aaron Farrugia, who seems to be the leader of the group in the Labour Youth organisation, sent another collective e-mail in which he made fun of Daphne: “Daphne illum mikkina inkazzata ghax ahna niktbu fil-gazzetti. Ghandha ragun mikkina ghax hi biss ghandha dritt divin tikteb… jekk jista jkun fuq il-parrokki”.
Mr Farrugia then issued a series of orders to various members of the group telling them what work they had to do. For all the cloak and dagger atmospherics, the duties he set them seem quite humdrum and low key.
Mr Farrugia also decided to call each member of the group ‘elve’: “Memo to elves in Sant’s grotto… Elve Alex… and Elve Josef… start working with Malcolm on the next wine party. Elve Andre, Elve Therese and Elve Bjorn A start working on IUSY events in Malta. Elve Daniel together with Elve Nikita and Elve Therese work on the renewable energy conference….”
Signing as Elve Aar, he ended: “Keep it up elves: Proud to be elves on Labour’s side …”.
But I am not worrying in the least because this fellow Aaron Farrugia is a ‘gradwat fl-ekonomija’.
Our future is in good hands – a perit turned businessman ‘fit-turizmu’ and a ‘gradwat fl-ekonomija’.
And by the way I was about to forget that the dear leader also says that he is a guru ‘fl-ekonomija’. So why worry, Franco Debono is going to leave us in good hands before he emigrates to Italy.