Luciano Busuttil is keeping his chubby fingers crossed
January 15, 2012 at 9:21pm
Luciano Busuttil displays amazing insight on his Facebook wall:
sakemm ma tixtruhx jew tbezzghuh Franco se jivvota kontra l-gvern.
In a bit of a hurry to get your own cabinet position off the back of Franco’s failure to get one, aren’t you, Luciano?
Every time I go to Valletta I see Luciano Busuttil walking up and down Republic Street, getting squarer and squarer in his cheap coat, and looking ever more dull-witted, with or without John Bundy in one of his many tacky suits, and I think to myself how they’re waiting for some kind of deus ex machina like Franco to rescue them from their monotonous life lived with no imagination.
Jerseylicious, but without the nails, hair, tiger Spandex and make-up.
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Luciano , bhal John Bundy jaghti impressjoni tajba hafna, dejjem sakemm izomm halqu maghluq u subajh il-boghod mil keyboard.
I think he must be one of the dullest of our parlamentarians.
Any sharp ones? Gotta catch up.
The only sharp one is in Brussels. And I’m not talking about Edward Scicluna.
It’s a close call with Silvio Parnis and Anglu. PL’s got talent.
Luciano is a thoroughbred politician.
Malta’s answer,more than a century late, to Britain’s David Lloyd George.
Luciano getting his ‘own cabinet position off the back of Franco’?
Mela kemm se jkun kbir il-cabinet ta’ Joey? Biex Lucjanu jkollu cans, il-kabinett irid jghodd madwar tletin.
Ftit hemm kretini aktar li tista tpoggihom wara Luciano.