Some more ‘personal attacks’ on Franco Debono (you knew I wouldn’t let you down)
January 16, 2012 at 1:08am
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To me it is obvious. Franco will vote with Labour and give Muscat a quick victory. The PM will go the president as the constitution dictates but Dr.Abela will ask the PM to continue governing as in 2008 the will of the people should be respected not nullified.
I think we will stay like this for a while until the next shoe falls.
Interesting prospect. It is not in Malta’s best interest to have an election now. The President should know this even if Franco Debono and Labour chose to ignore it.
[Daphne – The president’s son is a Labour candidate and his wife is a Labour Party official.]
And most of his staff and nominees on committees are either Labour candidates or supporters. Mhux ghalek dawn ma jitghallmu qatt.
The will of the people is expressed in a general election in which the people elect representatives.
These representatitves act in the house of representatives according to their conscience.
One of these representatives is chosen to be prime minister because, at the beginning of the legislature he would command the confidence of the majority of the people’s representatives.
When, for whatever reason, this person loses this confidence, the president has to see that the constitution is followed, that is, either another person is found who would command a majority in the house, or else a new house of representatives would have to be elected.
Franco Debono voting against Dr Gonzi would mean that Dr Gonzi would have lost the confidence of the majority in the House. For the House not to be dissolved, another person would need to be found who would command a majority.
[Daphne – Anglu Farrugia’s motion is not of no confidence in the prime minister but of no confidence in the government. Therefore your argument starts from the wrong premise and is irrelevant. With a vote of no confidence in THE GOVERNMENT, as opposed to the PRIME MINISTER, the government goes, not just the prime minister.]
Failing this, it would mean that the government cannot govern, and therefore would have lost its mandate, whatever the result of the previous election.
This is nothing so dramatic as it is being made out to be by the PN media. In Europe it happens all the time.
In Malta itself it happened often during the 50s, happened in 1998 and is happening now. There is nothing “unstable” in this.
In a modern, Westerm, democratic state, what should be stable is the democratic process, not the government.
[Daphne – As a dyed-in-the-wool Laburist, Albert, you just don’t get it. The instability people fear is not the instability of an election, but the instability caused by the proven incompetence of Labour governments. Once bitten, etc etc. It is not the election that puts us off, but the at this point, the inevitable consequences. Unfortunately, there are too many people like you in Malta, who cannot distinguish between good, bad, competent and incompetent. Then they go and foist their choices on the rest of us, because they outnumber us and every bloody election is a battle to ensure that the lunatics don’t take over the asylum. Just imagine, Albert, if there were more of you than there were of us in 2003. Where would we be now?]
By declaring time and again that “the country is on the brink of being ruined” just because we are going to have an election is sending a signal that democracy in Malta is weak and fragile.
[Daphne – I repeat. It’s not about the election. It’s about the reality of having Joseph Muscat – a person whose entire work experience is setting up Maltastar, reporting for Super One, and four years as an MEP – running the country as Europe cracks around us and we risk falling into the gaps.]
Elections are considered to be the most normal, effortless process in a strong democracy. The USA is in electoral mode continuously: the presidential race starts halfway during the presidential term of 2 years, but then, every 2 years, come elections for House of Representatives and the Senate. Noone says however that the USA is in a constant state of turmoil just because the people are called to give their say.
Of course Franco Debono will vote with the Opposition. He’s expecting the President to then say “Franco, ghandna daqxejn ta’ problema. Tidhol inti Prim jekk joghbok?”
Except that Debono’s going to get the shock of his life.
O dear me, come on!! do you see that far?
I do agree on your last line, on and on and on ……..
Just a remote (2%) supposition which many people are overlooking. What if the the Labour MPs who have been side-lined like the Msida Dr Vassallo who according to Joseph had to “suffer the consequences for voting against divorce”, or the ex-minister from Rabat Mr Farrugia who was in favour of a better pay for the ministers, or Ms Mary Louise Coleiro Preca who has already been ostracized by her party because she stood her ground on divorce, vote against their party’s parliamentary highjacking motion?
And what if JPO, Robert Arrigo, Jesmond Mugliette and Jean-Pierre Farrugia do the same on the PN side?
That would surely set off the fireworks in the House, wouldn’t it?
Jekk Franco verament irid il-gid lil-kostitwenti tieghu billi jdahhal ir-riformi fil-qrati u fil-kostituzzjoni, tigi waheda li Franco ma jivvutax favur li jaqa’ l-gvern.
Li jien kont flok Gonzi kont nisfida lil Franco biex jivvota ma min qieghed jinqeda bieh u li wara se jarmieh.
Jekk Franco jivvota kontra ikun ittradixxa ix-xewqat tal-kostitwenti tieghu, jien ma ridtx gvern bl-iskossi minhabba l-ebusija tar-ras ta’ deputat li jrid li jsir kollox kif irid hu, jien dejjem ridt wiehed li jahdem lejalment mal-prim ministru li nkun xtaqt li jmexxi lil-pajjizi ghal-hames snin.
There is no way a self respecting party like the Nationalist Party will go to the polls with these surveys.
I think the scenario will be as follows. Lawrence Gonzi resigns and Simon Busuttil will be co-opted to parliament instead of someone else who will give up his his seat, all for the benefit of the country and not to lick Debono’s arse.
Debono will forever remain labelled as a troublemaker and his political aspirations will be extinguished in 2013.
[Daphne – Aren’t you forgetting a crucial factor in this imagined scenario? Franco Debono will still be in parliament. The prime minister’s resignation will not change anything. There have been four years of appeasement and he has merely raised the stakes at every stage. If the prime minister resigns tomorrow, there will be a blackmail attempt about something else by next week.]
Ftit mistoqsijiet lil Franco Debono (bil-Malti halli jifhimni zgur).
Tista’ ghal darba tkun sincier u tghidilna x’hemm jew minn hemm wara din l-istorja kollha?
Int mhux qed tahraq qalbek ghad-demokrazija.
Id-demokrazija iggielidna ghaliha anke bid-demm fi zmenijiet ohra. U min hadem ghal dan il-ghan m’ghamilx bhalek u qal irrid xi haga lura, xi premju, ghax jien tajjeb u ilni nahdem fil-partit.
Ghadek kemm tlajt l-ewwel darba fil-parlament u malajr kibritlek rasek.
Jekk m’ghogbitekx it-tmexxija ta’ Lawrence Gonzi missek hdimt kontrih minn gol-partit.
U dan jghodd ukoll ghal dawk il-hafna backbenchers li xebghu jeqirduu ghal xi prigunieri li hemm barra minn Malta.
Ma kellkom l-ebda dritt ghall-ghanijiet taghkom titfghu il-problema fuq il-pajjiz.
Tista’ tghidli x’kien se jigri kieku hallejt il-legislatura tispicca fi zmien sena? Ghalhekk hafna qeghdin isaqsu x’hemm warajha din.
Ghandek responsabilta’ kbira minn xhix se tghaddi lill pajjiz.
Jekk veru hija kwistjoni ta’ karattru u ambizzjoni ghandek dnub doppju. Il-familji Maltin kienu jezercitaw id-demokrazija meta tigi elezzjoni f’waqtha.
Jekk iridu ma jtellghux lill-PN u lill Lawrence Gonzi fil-gvern.
Imma kieku ma kienx ghalik u xi erbgha bhalek ma kellniex sitwazzjonijiet straordinarji li jitolbu elezzjoni bikrija.
U din li bilfors trid ir-rizenji ta’ min, skond int, ghamel zbalji gravi, ma tirrendix. In-nies taf taghzel lill min ittella’ bhal ma qacctet jew tefghet hafna lura lil certu membri parlamentari li kienu dejquha. Dik id-demokrazija u ma kellnix bzonn lilek taghmilha tal-vittma.
Is-sistema ghandha s-safeguards minnha nnifisha stess.
Intom il-parlamentari tahsbu li n-nies jinteresshom minn dak li jkun ghaddej internament gol-partiti.
Xejn minn dan. Tinteressahom il-kwalita’ tal-hajja u dik jiddeciduha b-elezzjoni f’waqtha.Tahseb li l-Labour m’ghandux dizgwid bejn ‘il-qodma u l-godda’?
Jekk ma tkunx sincier issa, jghaddi z-zmien u l–verita’ tohrog zgur. Dejjem hekk kien u mhux se tivvinta r-rota int.
I am in a quandary. I have been reading The Times since I was a boy in the late 1950s, but am thinking of dumping its printed edition and continue suffering heartburn reading its (till now) free edition on line.
I think The Times should do a Sun and declare its support for Labour in the coming election whether being held this year or next year.
It has been edging towards Labour since after the 2008 election with a covert “hint hint, nudge nudge” campaign involving prominence given to certain news items over others, front page headlines and layout, reports bylined by Kurt Sansone, Christian Peregin amongst others, the rabid anti – Arriva campaign and, last but not definitely least, the moderation or lack thereof of comments on with incomprehensible, insulting anti PN/pro PL posts being uploaded in real time while other critical comments do not see the light of day.
The Times should declare editorially where it stands and publish rules of engagement for comments on its site.
If I’m not mistaken, Malta takes over the presidency of the EU in 2017, which means that if an election is called now, there will be another before then.
Could it be that (1) the PL is not too keen on an early election because this could deprive them of the privelege and (2) Franco Debono is happy to lose this election for the PN in the hope that he will stir up a revolution, take over as party leader and lead the PN to victory in 2017 and therefore presidency at the EU?
This would be a greater achievement for Franco than Joseph being a mere Prime Minister, and he would have got the ‘one up’ on his classroom rival which he clearly so desperately craves. Far fetched, or is it?
I still think that the only way out of this impasse is to have somebody replace Gonzi as P.M.
I had suggested that it could have been E.Fenech Adami,but now it looks that it might be D.Simon Busuttil who will be co-opted instead of Gonzi.
[Daphne – Why, because Franco Debono said so? Come off it. You don’t give in to people like that. Imagine the consequences.]
Franco Debono isn’t annoyed at Lawrence Gonzi. He’s annoyed at not being in the driving seat himself.
If Simon Busuttil, or any one else for that matter, were to replace Gonzi the only difference it would make is that Dr Debono would be threatening that someone else instead of Gonzi. No matter what they give him he will just want more and more and more. ‘Izid id-doza’ as he himself said.
The clips show that Dr Franco Debono is his own worst enemy.
“Debono views PM’s appeal as belated and hollow.”
Ar’hemm, hej. Zut.
Ghandi qalbi f’halqi
Is this a preemptive way of blaming an electoral defeat on Daphne?
In about two months’ time Dr Franco Debono will undoubtly be all cosy and content because he would have gotten rid of Carm Mifsud Bonnici and instead he would have Anglu Farrugia as minister of justice.
Don’t be too sure about Anglu Farrugia being Minister of Justice. There’s the cockfight with Jose’ Herrera to get through first.
Failed politician and Ghaxaq lawyer Franco Debono will be selling tickets.
Herrera will be minister of Justice and Farrugia will be minister of il-Pulizija. Split responsibilities and Franco lives happily ever after.
Franco’s got the castle (Hallelu Yah) and the princess (who shall not be named) but he won’t live happily ever after because he’s a prick, not a prince.
Politics aside, Franco Debono is a spoilt egocentric narcissist with a very offputting look in his eyes. Who can ever trust anything like that?