I got an email from Joseph!

Published: January 17, 2012 at 12:31am

Joseph he been spamming my friends. Now he spam me, too, you know!

Joseph has a nice picture, a nice one like of GonziPN in last election.

Kurt the Coconut he has no imagination.

He think ‘it work for Gonzi, maybe it work for Joseph too’.

Kurt the Coconut he think if we see blue background, smart strapline and blue necktie, we think ‘this PN’.

Kurt the Coconut he think all PN stupid, like Marisa.

Worse, he not know importance of talking to audience in audience’s own vernacular. Thinks enough to translate to Globish.

He not know that people like Daphne they read this and think ‘who dis prick’?


Dear Friend

The last few days have been characterised by a burst of political speculation across our country, and throughout all our media. I wanted to ensure you are correctly informed of my perspective on the current situation, and what responsible action I intend to take to address this speculation and instability.

Why does this matter? The Prime Minister has lost control of the situation. Worse he is off the case, even going to Tunisia and Qatar at this crucially sensitive time.

It seems unbelievable, but at the very time when Malta needs a strong, united government and an effective voice in Europe, we have an unstable government.

A weak government means a weak economy and that affects every one of us, through higher living costs, fewer jobs, prevailing uncertainty and falling behind when we could be pushing ahead.

That is why what has happened over the past couple of weeks is not about playing politics. It is about people’s lives. We did not choose this fight, but we will not ignore or run away from it either.

Today I ask you to join me in calling for this government to step aside. It is time for new leadership, a fresh and innovative economic policy and a renewed commitment to forge and create the future our families deserve.

Together, we can rebuild our economy and revitalise our schools, hospitals and roads. We can unleash our country’s true potential and make our country a fairer, more prosperous place for us all.

This cause cannot be successful without your support. Do join me and support this vote of no confidence in Parliament next week. Let us have this vote so that the people – NOT the politicians – the PEOPLE, can exercise their right to choose the strong government we need without delay.

Thank you for your support,

Joseph Muscat

33 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    It is nothing more then an English translation of what is-sur Mawwel has been pontificating of late to the party faithful on ONE Radio .

  2. Paul Bonnici says:

    He’s got hair in this picture.

  3. Grezz says:

    I’m jealous, because he didn’t send me one.

  4. ciccio says:

    “This cause cannot be successful without your support. Do join me and support this vote of no confidence in Parliament next week. Let us have this vote so that the people – NOT the politicians – the PEOPLE, can exercise their right to choose the strong government we need without delay.”

    What exactly is he suggesting that you should do, Daphne?

    Is there a televote? Something like 12 points to Franco Debono? Or is there an SMS competition (with apologies to Orange) at 1 euro per SMS, like the one for the party logo?

  5. It-torca tal-Labour says:

    Where is the party logo?

    Ara Mer, dan ukoll hiereg man-Nazzjonalisti.

  6. Frans says:

    The even removed the party emblem. Poor chaps, for trying too hard to hide who they are/were. A sign of a lack of confidence in their identity.

  7. Riff Raff says:

    Kitarrist biezel, top student


  8. P Shaw says:

    Diga sar il-kap tal-Maltin! Dalwaqt jibda jindirizza lin-nazzjon ta’ kuljum wara l-ahbarijiet.

    Imbaghad narawx it-Times ikolliex il-kuragg tpoggi ir-ritratt ta’ Kim il Sung.

  9. Qahbu says:

    And why have they done away with the party flag with the Godfrey Grima new logo?

  10. BCC says:

    At this rate, why not hold a press conference in front of the Stamperija?

  11. edward clemmer says:

    For the PL, governance = image projection and word-magic, i.e., its only marketing.

    Plans, policies – who needs them, when you can engage “belief” and “wishful thinking@? Who needs rationality and reality?

    Like the cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz standing in the field of red poppies, we are to repeat a hundred times, “I do believe…I do, I do, I do believe…I do believe.”

    And then Joseph will become our Wizard of Malta, “Halleluia, Brothers and Sisters.” Behold, Labour salvation is at hand!

    For those who still may be rational, the emotive reaction can only be, “The PL are dispicable….how soon can I vote PN for the sake of the nation?”

  12. Lorna saliba says:

    I do think that Joseph was forced to call the no confidence vote and did so under immense pressure from his inner circles in their crave for power.

    Labour is not prepared for a snap election and the swing in the polls will only encourage disgruntled nationalists to go out and vote PN again.

    Complaining is one thing, as the Maltese always do but entrusting a future five years in the hands of people who do not know where to begin, is another.

    Joseph Muscat is facing threats in opposition and the people around him are capitalizing on a crisis situation which the PN is facing through an inexperienced backbencher who thinks he is more capable than others.

    This is a real tragedy and while Mintoff did more of the same in 1998 motivated by an acute personal resentment towards Alfred Sant, he had nothing to lose except to be recorded in History as the man who built labour and destroyed it.

    Mintoff was st the end of this career while FD is at the beginning and he also had five decades of political clout to back him. If only our politicians can realize that they are there to serve not dictate and that their ego is less important than the welfare of this country. we can move on with our lives.

  13. Lomax says:

    Unleash…revitalise … rebuild our roads, schools, hospitals…

    So basically the PL will (allegedly) carry on the work of the present government. And to date we haven’t heard a shred of evidence that they are capable of doing it.

    • BCC says:

      Well, maybe they will at least finish their projects. Just to mention a few:

      1. SmartCity
      2. e-ID Card
      3. Arriva
      4. AirMalta
      5. Personal monument CityGate
      6. Power Station


  14. GIno says:

    Can’t you all notice the sense of sarcasm….blue background and stabilitta on the forefront….what the Nationalists have been trying to provide and yet they failed. hmmm oh well you vote PN and you’ll do it again, why innovation why. Marketing at its best but one day you’ll all realise, just as much as you realised the purpose behind Franco’s billboard…..I hope so at least.

    [Daphne – Sarcasm and subtlety and messages that have to be worked out don’t work on the audience, Gino. The Franco billboard worked because its sole audience was Franco. Everybody else was flummoxed.]

  15. Mister says:

    Wait…. they made a ‘competition’ to design a new logo, and they already forgot about it?

    If this is their English for an email mailshot, we’ve got plenty of entertaining reading material coming up in their electoral manifesto. Is it ready yet?

    No excuses accepted this time. The dog can’t eat your homework. You must be using a computer by now. Or are these ‘computer machines’ stealing our jobs still?

  16. pamaplun says:

    Did you watch Inkontri yesterday? Sounded like an exorcism, against the evil of “personal attacks”. Even Peppi joined in , and if I heard right, Francis ZD actually mentioned the name of the one whose name cannot be mentioned. Unless it’s all part of a plan, it’s starting to get worrying.

    [Daphne – Don’t talk rubbish. The last person on earth to say anything against me would be Francis Zammit Dimech. Yes, I watched it. Francis Zammit Dimech actually said the opposite: that people like Wenzu had better see the beam in their own eye. And Joe Azzopardi said the same thing. The trouble with hodor like Wenzu Mintoff is that they can deal it, but they can’t take it. I’m the major RECIPIENT of personal attacks. I deal in jokes and mockery. They deal in hdura and velenu, and they don’t understand the distinction – which is entirely unsurprising, given how humourless people like Wenzu and Saviour are.]

  17. Jozef says:

    How does one revitalise roads? Surely not when rebuilding an economy.

  18. Hot Mama says:

    Jien ma rcevejthiex! Kif ha norqod u niekol?

  19. m010 says:

    Din li joqghod jibghatli ‘Dear Friend’ ma niflahiex.

    Bhallikieku nistghu qatt nkunu hbieb.

    Biex imbaghad meta jitla’ fil-gvern jaghlaqli halqi ghax probabbli anke l-ligijiet tal-libel ibiddel li ma jmurx nghidu xi haga kontra l-‘Gvern’ tieghu.

    Ahjar jibda jiffirma your ‘Dear Leader’, ghax l’hemm inkunu qed nersqu bi tmexxija Progressiva, Socjalista, Laburista u ma nafx x’iktar isejjhu lilhom infushom.

  20. cikku l-poplu says:

    Nehhew il-bandiera tal-PL u l-logo tal-PL pero insew innehu l-bandiera ta’ l-EWROPA ghax fuq kollox dawn ghamlu gwerra kontra l-Ewropa.

    Meta nara l-bandiera tal-EU wara Joseph din tfakkarni fil-PN u fil-gid li ghamel min meta dhalna fl-EU u fl-istess hin tfakkarni fil-faccolizmu u l-ipokrezzija tal-PL u l-inkonsistenza ta’ dan il-partit li dejjem mexa kif jaqbillu ghal voti u mhux fuq dak li jemmen.

  21. Johannes says:

    I am sick and tired of reading how PN need to be kicked out of government because they’ve been there for over 25 years.

    Now anyone can be forgiven for wishing to blot out the 20 months of misery under Sant, but the years between 1996 and 1998 did exist, no matter how much one tries do erase them from the collective conscious. PN have been in government for 13 years, and not 25.

    But this repetition of 25 years serves another purpose; that of justifying the need for change. And this is Labour followers’ next weak argument. They keep insisting that change is necessary. No it isn’t. Change is necessary when it is a change for the better. I don’t see Manchester United changing their manager just because he’s been there since time immemorial, and if he hadn’t died prematurely, I’m more than certain that Steve Jobs would still be the big man at Apple.

    The sad, yet natural, phenomenon that people think change for its own sake is something good, is usually a knee jerk reaction into thinking that the new guy has something better to offer and that we’re sick of the old and tested.

    In times of international economic turmoil we can do so much worse than having a mature, responsible and experienced leader that Gonzi is.

  22. fran says:

    Doesn’t the prick know that we have all of the things he is proposing already – we’re not waiting for him. We’ve been there, done that and want to stay that way.

  23. Mike says:

    Unsolicited emails are bad marketing.

    I received the email also and it’s just a repeat of a lot of buzzwords and nothing more.

    [Daphne – They even sent one to Francis Zammit Dimech, and he produced it on television last night. Honestly.]

    • Richard Borg says:

      I wouldn’t have thought you watch Inkontri….

      [Daphne – I have just put up a post which specifies the rules of commenting here, and one of those rules is a ban on rows of dots. One full-stop, like one exclamation mark, is sufficient. The additional three dots do not signify anything more than one full-stop does. I watch anything and everything that is relevant to my job as a political commentator. I do not watch talk shows on a regular basis, but when they are relevant to my interests, I do. Otherwise, I watch shows like Jersyelicious, Hoarders and Eastenders, and will watch Mad Men when the new series begins.]

      • P Shaw says:

        There is a new show called Mob Wives which is filmed in New Jersey. The producers of this show should create a Maltese version.

      • Richard Borg says:

        I apologise for the row of dots Ms Caruana Galizia. You should watch ‘an idiot abroad’ it stars ricky gervais and karl pilkington. Im sure you’ll like it.

        [Daphne – First, too much punctuation. Now, not enough. You’re missing a comma, a full-stop, several capital letters and one inverted comma.]

  24. Anna Cutajar says:

    I have a sneaking suspicion that should the no confidence vote be miraculously defeated, Joseph Muscat is going to keep insisting that the government is weak and not fit to govern.

    That is why he is clamouring for support in his email.

    I think that the PL will instigate people to take to the streets to put pressure on Dr. Gonzi to call an early election anyway.

  25. Sarah says:

    Yes both my husband and I received this email from our future PM – and then they accuse the PN of falling short of data protection rules. We never gave Joseph & Co our email addresses.

  26. Seggy says:

    When I read this, I was jealous that Joseph hadn’t thought of sending me an email, too. I wanted to see it for myself.

    So I checked my email again. And then I found it.

    He sent me one! But my email account is quite clever. It was in fact in the right place, with all the other unsolicited emails, penile-growth formula adverts and requests to send money to Nigerian bank accounts.

    I am sincerely impressed that PL is using blue as a backdrop to everything.

    I’m even surprised that Joseph Muscat is using a light blue tie, which is better than the rainbow stripes he used to favour.

    Someone once told me that true Laburisti will only wear blue when hell freezes over.

    Perhaps this is indeed another sign of the coming apocalypse.

  27. xmun says:

    A leader who is afraid to show his party’s colours and emblem is anything but a leader.

    The message that gets through that photo is that if you want a stable government, then you have to vote for Partit Nazzjonalista.

    The email is signed by Joseph himself.

    So is that his style of writing in English? Didn’t he learn anything during his time as an MEP? Oh I forgot, his best friend was Martin Schultz.

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