A new girl for Franco
January 16, 2012 at 8:17pm
A friend who is currently travelling in the United States has sent me this photograph of a potential mate for Franco Debono.
Forsi jirnexxilha ddeffes ruha fil-Villa Hallelul Yah f’Marsaxlokk u taqilghu minn mal-mami f’Hal Ghaxaq.
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You’re sick.
Jekk jirnexxielha mhux villa biss ghandha fejn iddeffes ruha imma anke “yacht”.
Anyway, she won’t be the first and only one to be invited on his boat.
I don’t know what kind of vessel he owns but the one who was so proud of this invitation referred to it as yacht.
[Daphne – Ma tantx naghmlu t-tip.]
Int bis-serjeta daphne? Ara sewwa jgidlu li imtektka ta….manikomju hi……
Missek tisthi, I just read the article on page 5 of todays l-Orizzont!
Pfffffff !
[Daphne – You can read? My, congratulations.]
Re:You can read? … you have balls girl! Well done ;) Keep them coming!
Actually I wonder how you can write.
[Daphne – Lucky with the genes, a decent education and plenty of books and magazines at home while I was growing up.]
I listened to the live stream of parliament’s house committee meeting earlier this evenign.
I must say that Dr Mifsud Bonnici was caught off-guard a number of times; he hesitated too much; he made a couple of u-turns and the ‘average’ listener reached some conclusions:
1) the PN has not yet convinced Franco not to topple government;
2) the PN is playing for time;
3) government doesn’t want to put an end to the instability but wants the PN to win the next election.
I am Nationalist and will vote Nationalist. But I think this whole thing is getting a bit too much.
My relatives own a business and for the past three weeks things have been going down-hill. I was hoping Gonzi would be the lion as he was in the past and call Franco’s bluff and not drag his feet, hoping to get him back on board.
[Daphne – You’re targeting the wrong person. The problem is Franco. If HE resigns, that’s the end of it. An early election won’t be better for business than what we have now. It will be worse.]
Franco will not resign. Unless he is offered something in return, which would reflect badly on those offering it.
The polls show it’s not impossible for PN to win again. The number of ‘undecided’ is double the gap between both parties. It is doable. But this procrastination could actually be costing the PN precious votes.
Has this one been reading Jesmond Mugliette’s comments on facebook by any chance? It’s amazing. Mur gibhom jghixu il-USA dawn, kemm ihawwdu!
J. Scicluna
Today, 21:43
While you’re at it…why not ask for the total cost of the police service rendered in Wardija as well?
“Ustja, kemm hi haga tajba din. Sabiha din. Nahseb naghmilha. Nahseb ingennen lil Lawrence Gonzi biex jaghmilha. U jekk ma jaghmilhiex, nakkuzah li qed jikser il-bazi fundamentali tad-demokrazija, nirtiralu l-appogg ghall-gvern, u ngieghlu jmur ghand il-President u jsejjah elezzjoni.
Ingieghlu jerfgha r-responsabbilta taht id-demokrazija. Ghax ghandi ragun fid-demokrazija. Din haga fundamentali ghad-demokrazija. Id-demokrazija ma tiksibhiex darba u tmur torqod.
Ghax jien tghidx kemm batejt minkejja id-demokrazija. U fl-iskola kont top student nonostante id-demokrazija. U hemm bzonn ta’ ligi fuq il-finanzjament tal-partiti biex tissahhah id-demokrazija.
Ghax id-demokrazija hija iktar importanti mill-ekonomija u l-krizi finanzjarja. Hemm bzonn li ssir separazzjoni bejn il-magistrat inkwirenti u l-magistrat gudikanti ghat-tishih tad-demokrazija. U jien gibt tal-avukat waqt l-interrogazzjoni ghax din demokrazija. Anke fuq l-insib, kelli pjan ghad-demokrazija. U llum jien vittma ta’ sistema politika hazina fid-demokrazija…”
From Times online;
Was the Opposition right to move a vote of no confidence in the current climate?
Yes 52%
No 44%
Don’t know 2%
Total number of votes: 4600
52 + 44 + 2 = 98%
Where has the remaining 2% gone?
Don’t know.
Bored to death by Jeffrie, Jesmint and El Capon.
Daphne I’m sorry imma qed taqa fir-redikolagni!
[Daphne – John, m’hemmx ghalfejn thares. Hemm hafna blogs serji. Hawnhekk taht gvern Nazzjonalista qeghdin u ghandek the blog of your choice.]
I’m of the opinion that Franco Debono will vote in favour of the government. His options are the following:
1. Resign
2. Abstain
3. Vote Against
4. Vote in Favour
It is only the last option that will give him the attention and importance that he craves, in that HE could have forced and election but HE did not. Obviously there will be a number of reasons why HE voted as such and these will include:
A. The good for the country
B. The good for HIS Nationalist supporters
C. And that he found it hard to assist Labour by his actions
D. That the government has drawn up a list of actions that will be implemented as HE suggested
I might be wrong – it’s 1 out of 4 options – yet I have a strong feeling that HE is heading that way. If it’s the case, just see the amount of time he will be allocated during the no-confidence debate.
Anything extra beyond a standard MP’s allocation is a clear indication of this.
I just admire your patience in reading and answering the idiots who migrate to this website, after the party that is Facebook.
It seems that they have migrated en masse. They smell blood, and are currently salivating.
Lino Spiteri’s article today was a piece of crap. He is not detached from the current crisis, and seems to doing his best to help his Qormi buddy, who is currently suffering in Brussels.
Does he form part of the Xibka?
He has been on the anti-Gonzi bandwagon for quite some time now. His emotional anti-Gonzi state of mind seems to have blurred his judgement, so much that he had the audicity to claim that Franco Debono has no personal interest.
Whatever happens, I just hope that Gonzi does not appease Debono one more time.
That would be truly a desperate act of weakness. In a few weeks’ time, there would be new demands.
Maybe Lino Spiteri hadn’t seen this.
Maybe Lino Spiteri hadn’t seen this:
This is silly American humour at its best.