Kemm hawn irgiel strambi mas-saqajn, jahasra: Malta – Isle of Crackpots

Published: January 20, 2012 at 1:18am

How exactly did this man manage to find himself a second wife – and more to the point, just how desperate must she have been? How bad could it have been on that shelf, for heaven’s sake, that living with this nutter is better.

Il-vera kaz li kif jghid il-Malti, kull parti tal-hanzir jinbiegh.

And he STILL can’t bring himself to call me by my name. Poor sod.

18 Comments Comment

  1. Whoami? says:

    It’s actually “il-baqra tinbiegh kollha”

    [Daphne – I know, but I felt it doesn’t have the right ring about it and that this is far more effective.]

    • WhoamI? says:

      Then I realised you might have wanted it to resonate in a different way, as in ‘what a pig’.

    • ldts hop yur wif isnt a bitch

      [Daphne – This is a man called Raphael Stafrace. Find him on Facebook. We found out because he’s giving out his mobile number on the internet under both names.]

      • Guza says:

        I just did so. Actually, both he and Saviour Balzan look like angry perverts.

      • Matt B says:

        On Raphael Stafrace’s Facebook page: “About Raphael – ijli nahdem ma trelleborg malta al dawn l ahhar 38 sena.nipproducu oil seals u korruzjoni”

        Producer of corruption. Interesting.

      • WhoamI? says:

        Effie/Raphael, I think Daphne made it clear that you can post a comment in either Maltese and English, but preferably in English.

        Can you therefore translate your letters-splash into a language someone can understand?

  2. Phreud says:

    Watch his eyes guys. The man needs help.

    Dammit, we are surrounded.

  3. kristofer says:

    Paranoid twat….(this guy really needs help )

  4. ciccio says:

    Dan ukoll qed jipprova jzid id-doza?

  5. u int kif sibt ragel mara bla sura u kolok adam u bla zejzit.vera sewa at il hanzir jinbih kolu ax bix ingbart int jingabar kulhdad

    [Daphne – Mank kont ghadni kollha ghadam, jahasra. Ghadek bil-vizjoni ta’ 15-il sena ilu, Sur Stafrace. Jaqaw m’ghandekx oil seals x’tahgmel illum ghand it-Trelleborg?]

    • WhoamI? says:

      ‘Oil seals u korruzzjoni’ qal, Daphne.

      How does one manufacture “korruzzjoni” though? You’ve got to be someone who’s inpired by Alfred Sant to be able to say something like that.

    • TinaB says:

      effie, biex tghajjar lil xi hadd bla sura trid l-ewwel tkun sabih int. U taf tikteb, tal-anqas bil-Malti.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Il-fishnets tal-mibgheda.

    [Daphne – That’s right: a xibka ta’ hazen is actually a net of evil. A web of evil would be, I suppose, an ghanqbuta tal-hazen. Doesn’t quite have the right ring about it, though, does it.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      I was actually thinking aloud, imagining a line of rather racy lingerie targeted at our young-at-heart, 50-going-on-20, virgin-white jet-setters. But do carry on, don’t mind me.

  7. FP says:

    “Jekk il-PM ma jaqbilx, iwaqqfahom u għandu dritt iwaqqafhom.”

    “U jekk mingħalihom se jbeżżgħu lili milli nkompli nitkellem għandhom żball kbir.”

    Bravu Salv. Għandek argument bażwi akbar milli bażwa li kien jgħajjat biha Mintoff.

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