How Yana Mintoff and her father starve with the poor
The Times, Friday, March 2, 2007
Former Prime Minister Dom Mintoff has complained to the European Court of Human Rights that the Lm360,000 compensation awarded to him for the de facto expropriation of his home at Delimara was “a long way from any form of appropriate recognition of the violations suffered”.
Mr Mintoff and his two daughters Anna McKenna and Yana Joan Mintoff Bland filed an application in the Strasbourg court against the government.
In their application they recalled that, in 1987, the need was felt to build a new power station and the government selected and expropriated a site in Delimara that was less than 15 feet away from Mr Mintoff’s property. Mr Mintoff objected to the proposed power station and also proposed a number of alternative locations but to no avail.
When the power plant started operating, in 1992, the pollution emitted made it impossible for Mr Mintoff and his family to continue living in their property and so they moved to another residence in Tarxien.
The abandonment of the Delimara property made it vulnerable to break-ins and Mr Mintoff had to find a place where to store the furniture held there, according to the application.
Mr Mintoff took his case to court and, in a judgement handed down in April 1996, the Constitutional Court ruled that the Mintoff family had suffered and continued to suffer from a violation of their rights. The court sent the case to the First Hall of the Civil Court (in its constitutional jurisdiction) to liquidate the damages and give the parties time to reach an amicable solution.
But no solution was reached and, in August 2004, the First Hall liquidated the damages at Lm360,000. The judgement was based on the following criteria: the intrinsic value of the property based on a valuation of the property in 1992 before the power station was built; the fact that the government had evaluated the property at Lm220,000 in 1997; the property was to remain in the possession of the Mintoffs.
In July 2006, the Constitutional Court (an appellate court) confirmed the award of the First Hall but ordered that the legal costs for the liquidation of compensation should be shared by all parties.
Meanwhile, while the constitutional proceedings were ongoing, the water and electricity supply to Mr Mintoff’s Tarxien residence was cut. This was because he refused to pay a bill, of just over Lm800, claiming he was owed Lm360,000 by the government. When the supply was restored, because the bills were paid by a third party, the water was supplied too suddenly and the pipes burst because of the water pressure.
“It thus resulted that Mr Mintoff’s only alternate residence to which he had moved in consequence of the impossibility of using his Delimara residence came to be rendered uninhabitable,” the application said.
Last month, Mr Mintoff and his two daughters took their case to the European Court of Human Rights claiming that the Maltese Constitutional Court failed to provide a remedy equivalent to the violation as established by the same court.
They noted that the Constitutional Court had established that they had suffered a breach of their fundamental rights by the de facto expropriation of property. But, on awarding compensation, the court had ignored a number of crucial aspects.
To start with, they claimed, there was “the sheer indignity” suffered by Mr Mintoff who, apart from having an enormous influence in the development of the Maltese Republic, was a 90-year-old man who suffered from a number of illnesses.
“The actions of the public authorities have effectively hounded out this man from his chosen resting place of residence, (L-Gharix, in Delimara) which had been built specifically close to the sea where he would indulge in swimming daily, to a house in one of the more populated areas of Malta,” the Mintoffs claimed.
The Times, August 4, 2007
The European Court of Human Rights has dismissed a complaint by former Prime Minister Dom Mintoff and his daughters against Malta.
Mr Mintoff and his daughters – Anna Mckenna and Yana Mintoff Bland – sued Malta on the basis that their fundamental human rights had been violated.
Sometimes, you have to go to the European Court of Human Rights to see justice served.
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The sentence of the ECHR against Mintoff can be summarised as “Malta l-Ewwel u Qabel Kollox.”
Oh, so living amongst us plebs would have caused him great distress.
This is unbelievable, coming from the same man who expropriated private property from so many people all those years before, and who are still languishing in court to this very day trying to seek compensation for what he did to them.
Toni Abela,jiextiq jmut dalodu fuq TVAM.
Proset ta kull ma tikteb u tghid. Nammirak immens ghax ftit niltaqa ma’ nies li jahsbuha u jaraw l-affarijiet bhalma narhom jien.
Hekk ghallinqas nikkonferma li miniex mignun.
Daphne, qed ninsew punt importanti immens f’ din is-saga kolla: il-Presidenza tal-Unjoni Ewropeja.
Jekk dak il-haga jkun prim ministru ta’ Malta fiz-zmien li gej, jkun ukoll president tal-Unjoni Ewropeja ukoll. Dak l-ultimate goal tieghu nahseb jien, biex tkun tista tarah id-dinja kollha, u tghid ara kemm hu zghir u bravu jahasra.
Nahseb li din il-haga irridu naghtu importanza ghax in-nies ma tantx jafu biha. X’ ironija hux, bniedem li kien kontra l-Ewropa, President tal-Ewropa.
‘Mnalla hawn nies bhalek u bhal Nick Azzopardi u issa Paul Gatt, li titfaw id-dawl fuq dan it-tip ta’ nies li jekk fil-futur qrib ikunu fil-gvern,nahseb li jaghmlu massakkru mid-demokrazija u dak kollu li hdimna ghalih flimkien ghal dawn l-ahhar 25 years.
How the hell is Alfred Sant taking all this Mintoff, Mintoff, Mintoff?
If Debono’s erratic and incomprehensible behaviour result in early elections this March, it is not just his political career which will be over.
His legal office will suffer a serious setback because PN sympathizers will surely not want to make use of his services. As for Labour sympathizers, they have their own Jose Herrera and Manuel Mallia to go to. Those who are less politically inclined will have difficulty to trust someone who has betrayed the trust to the people who voted for him.
Bye, bye, Franco Debono.
These days there’s a festival for every type of food or drink.
An appropriate slogan for Labour’s general conference could have been Champagne SocialistFest.
Varist was short of commas when he wrote this;
Isn’t that Dom in drag?
During Mintoff’s reign a lot of people had their property requisitioned and the furniture thrown out or stored in metal huts. After taking the government to court for this violation, all they got was a few Malta Liri, after fighting a 20-year legal battle.
Mintoff should have deposited the million euros he fleeced off the Maltese and funded a university chair.
With that amount of money, the University of Malta could start a course with the title of the Mintoff Chair of Democratic Reform or the Chair of Early Prevention of Dictatorial Practices.
The two key moments in yesterday’s session of Labour’s conference were the speeches by Yana and by “Jiena.”
Franco Exposed: (follow the link)
Can their skip get any bigger?
Hi Daphne flash news, the highly educated Grace Borg has landed in Joseph’s skip.
Grace Borg will be contesting the election with PL. They need a bigger skip.
On Facebook, posted by a Malti tal-Amerka:
Joey Vella
Ghadni kemm rajt id-diskors ta Joseph Muscat, f’gheluq il-konferenza generali. Jekk Malta ma tivvotax lil dan il-mexxej fl-elezzjoni li jmiss, allura Malta hija ipokrita, Malta hija marida marda serja b’kankru li ma jfieqx. Dan huwa l-mexxej li se jkompli fejn halla Mintoff. Bejn Mintoff u Joseph hemm abiss ta misthija, hemm vojt ta gungla. Wasal iz-zmien, li l-gid li beda Mintoff jerga jkompli jirristawra ruhu b’dan il-mexxej li se jkun mexxej li jizboq u jgib fix-xejn tmexxijiet ta misthija nazzjonalisti. Kuragg Malta. Isma l-karba tieghek stess, tal-wegghat li ghandek. Tkunx supperv/a, ghax jekk tkun hekk, allura tkun supperv/a mieghek innifsek u ma uliedek. Isma l-pajjizek x-qed jitlob, dik il-bidla minn zmien ikrah li jikkompara ma zmien medjovali. Qum u ilbes libsa moderna. Nawgura li Joseph isib l-ghajnuna ta kull wiehed u wahda minnkom.
Besides her tricks about the language, Mizzzz Mintoff seems to have been coached about her dress code, too. No red criecer, and very visible Australian BLUE opal ear rings.
Meanwhile, in other news, it looks inevitable that on Thursday the cock will evolve into a turkey voting for Christmas.
He was so right:
Another star kendidejt:
They’re coming in “thick” and fast.
[Daphne – In her case, literally so.]!/photo.php?fbid=123464544441544&set=at.111403452314320.14492.100003339983909.1012169787&type=1&theater
Did she borrow Fr Dionysius’s gown for the PL conference?
The irony of it all – Dom Mintoff and his daughters suing for breach of their human rights.
This is the same person who requisitioned thousands of residences from their rightful owners. Incredible.
Issa zgur nirbhu il-Eurovision : Hierga Grace Borg mal-Labour!
Int Tahsibha bhali? Donnu Joseph Muscat irid jirbah b’kandidati ex-‘Nazzjonalisti’ mela is-suldati tal-Azzar fejnhom?
Tghid ghalhekk kollox fuq il-blue u l-ahmar ma ghadux jidher?
Irnexxilu jhawwadhom u qed jahsbu li hu JosephPN?
She looks exactly like her old man.
Completely out of context but I just heard this quote and it totally applies to you and the Labour Party.
“They were threatened by my intelligence and too stupid to know that’s why they hated me.”
— Sheldon Cooper in “The Big Bang Theory”
The chief chav and his minions “trickled out” of parliament whilst speeches where still being delivered:
“Health Minister Joe Cassar took the floor after the Opposition leader and MPs, who had started to gather in the Chamber at 6 p.m., started trickling out as he was addressing the House on the achievements made in the health sector.” ( )
I don’t think that Joseph Muscat has ever heard of the old saying that “manners maketh man”, let alone him knowing what it means..
Maltastar hastily updated the info on Wikipedia, related to Yana Mintoff, Note added paragraph below.
“Dr. Yana Mintoff address the Malta Labour Party Congress in 2012, in the wake of early elections for the country. the article[6]”
Ghaliex il-gvern ma fittiex il-Mintoff tal-art li ha minghand il-bdiewa tal-Bahrija biex ghamel korsa ghaz-zwiemel u bena villa bis-saqaf tal-konkos li jiflah jillandja helicopter fuqu?
‘Mnalla ma kienx hemm tar-Ramblers u Astrid Vella dak iz-zmien.
Wicc missierek, Yana, ruhi. Miskina hux, kemm kienet starved.
If King Charles II knew that one of his descendants would end up being Dom Mintoff’s daughter in Malta, he would have cut off his balls and become a trappist monk.