Parliament is marking the Holocaust as we speak. Anglu Farrugia has seized the day and risen to declaim against the ‘hate’ written in ‘blokks’ by She Who Cannot Be Named. It is like what the Nazis did to the Jews, he said.
Kemm hu injorant u gifa.
The Nazis suppressed free speech. This blog is the result of free speech.
It is people who think as Deputat Prim Anglu (prattikament) do who are the Nazis.
Anglu wants to silence all opposition, all criticism, and above everything else, all mockery – because he Wants To Be Taken Seriously.
Well, to hell with that, Anglu. You’re no longer wearing a police inspector’s uniform, these are no longer the Golden Years and you no longer have the power to abusively arrest and harass people for being in opposition to the wishes of the Labour Party.
And if, when you’re deputy prime minister, you so much as try to reintroduce the laws and tools of oppression and repression, I swear to God you’ll find me waiting. And the result will not be pretty.
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These are no longer the Golden Years, indeed.
However, I have it on good authority that members of il-Prattikament Kabinett are already exerting pressure on certain individuals and telling them that in a few months’ time things will be “differenti”.
So, these may not be the Golden Years but some people like Anglu Farrugia are aching for them to be so.
Funny, however, how those people who are decrying the demise of democracy under Gonzi are precisely the same people who would do anything to silence you or anybody who crosses them.
…. Bi ftit dmugh minghand kulhadd…
fil-gvern inkunu fi ftit gimghat…
U tibzax, ghal ftit gimghat se tkunu hemm ghax ohra bhall tan-96 gejja: gvern li jitla u jfalli ghax mohh fil-Labour hadd m’ ghandu.
I heard Anglu after Dr Carm Mifsud Bonnici delivered his erudite speech.
To put it mildly, I was shocked at the nonchalant way he delivered his speech on the Holocaust, and how he can never ‘rise to the occasion’.
He boasted that he went to Auchwitz with a parliamentary group, but it seems he did not learn anything from the visit.
I wish people would stop with these silly Holocaust comparisons.
And I am not saying that because I am German, but because all these comparisons belittle the actual atrocity and suffering brought about by the Nazis.
I just wish our politicians would stop quoting lines from clever books wot they’ve read, in abysmally-accented English and Italian.
You are quite right Mr Moser. I am shocked with the light hearted attitude taken by both the government and opposition speakers when speaking on the Holocaust. Their voices lacked conviction as they read from prepared scripts.
But this should not surprise us for there are people who would even use this human tragedy for political mileage. Nothing is considered holy or beyond rapproach in this blog, whether it is the crucified Christ jeered for being unable to ‘answer the phone’ or the Lord Buddha’s teachings branded as a juvenile fad. And all this to bring down Franco Debono.
A man or woman should not loose his/her soul for all the world, but for Franco?
[Daphne – LOSE. If a shirt is several sizes too big for you, then it’s LOOSE. I trust you can see a bit of irony in your expressing shock, to a German of all people, about the way the Maltese TALK about the Holocaust. For all you know, he’s the grandson of an SS concentration camp guard. ]
What is it with Labour and tears? Why is everyone crying? Is it the realisation that soon they will get what they were striving for?
But I rather think they are just crocodile tears.
Why does the Prattikament PrimMinistru tal-Underdogs hide behind the Prattikament Deput PrimMinistru tal-Underdogs to express Labour’s hate for free speech?
Come on Joseph, give us a speech against the “hejjjt blogggsss.” Maybe the PM will listen to you…
I can’t understand why all these clowns have taken to crying, though I would cry if I were in their shoes.
Just try and imagine being a prospective government without the faintest clue of what they are going to do.
How in God’s name did Anglu Farrugia manage a law degree?
They cry because they realize that they were so close, yet so far away.
Franco Debono is speaking now in Parliament.
Is this guy always sniffling? He must have hay fever.
Anglu Farrugia ma’ tantx hu qisu Lhudi taht in-Nazis, ghax kieku kien ikun ghadma w gilda.
Kemm jiflah ikun injorant, jahasra – trivialising such a horrendous era by comparing his situation (what situation?) to the holocaust.
Dear Daphne, please shut up, you are breaking the Nationalist Party to pieces.
[Daphne – Difficult, considering that I’m not a party member or party politician. And you’re a Laburist, anyway, Carmel, so why the concern?]
Hallih, jahasra, Daphne. Dak mahruq ghax Grace Borg tad-dwiefer sodi rrtirat il-kandidatura taghha, u Carmel ma jafx ghal min minn dawk ic-cwiec kolla ha jivvota.
Mhux ghal Joey iz-Zejza?
Someone in police uniform can still abusively arrest or harass people, with or without instruction from certain members of the judiciary who think they are the law. We need more people like you with courage to stand up and be counted.
Pls note that the uniform in the attached photo is when he was a superintendent, in the PN times & not inspector in the golden pl times….. just for clarification…… he was promoted!!!
These MLP clowns have taken to shedding crocodile tears imitating JPO’s performance when he met Alfred Sant in the run up for the last election.- hoping to achieve the same result.
JM qieghed jghid li l-Gvern m’ghandux maggioranza fil-parlament. Imma lanqas m’ghandu minoranza ghaliex kieku jaqa. Meta fuqxiex qieghed jipprova jippontifika JM.